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Wayland, MA

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Jul 29, 2008
LG...She was a beautiful person,..and in my minds eye, can see her humble and quiet delight that so many of her Forum Family honor her, and for her good will, by using her photos. Even those who did not meet her, in person, felt her compassion, intelligence, and strength of conviction of fair play. I miss do so many here.

Shallotte, NC

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Jul 30, 2008
Yes Lady Gray,

White lilies invoke the Archangel Gabriel who will give you the courage and strength to move forward from a stagnant situation. He is the bringer of Love, Bringer of New Opportunities, and Bringer of Good News. This Heavenly messenger will remove any blockages that you may have along your way. Bring home some White Lily Flowers to invoke Gabriel. You may hear horns honking. Then you know that Gabriel is around.


Given that you spent a lot of time with Silky your words mean a lot.

Where's Paris?????

“Honesty and justice for all”

Joined: Sep 22, 2007

Comments: 338

Manchester, NH

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Jul 30, 2008
Lady Gray wrote:
<quoted text>
Ohhhhh, I have downloaded 2 of Silky's photo's as screensavers in the past. One of them was the lillies. Her photographs are beautiful!
Where do I find her screensavers?
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Jul 30, 2008




Hi Whiston,
First off I want to point out it that Maura's
case is under investigation so that is why
you are getting the cold shoulder as you should in
many areas.
People step up to tell what they saw or heard only to have them turned on and attacked on
public forums,TV,newspapers, can you really
blame the area for going into to shut down?

Anne do you know if the Deputy was home that night? Have you been invited into their driveway
taken photos of what they could or couldn't see?
Or do you assume just from a drive by on Swiftwater Circl without
really put it to FACTS? So your assumation cause
Whiston here to start calling GSD taking time away
from current cases they are working on to have the Deputy tell Whiston it's a crimal investigation he can not speak to him and refer him to NHSP or better yet about the FIT who just
drop his home because it's under crimal investigation that should be ok right if people
just stop by his home to have him tell them it's a crimal investigation and to call NHSP.
Whiston there is a wealth of printed information by very realiable resources.
What kills me if you have LE who have put the FACTS out there who will have the PAPERWORK to back up their STATEMENTS in A COURT OF LAW and just because the FIT have not seen them they
The "official looking" car really was HPD's SUV
so the same ole song and dance from MMM is
playing out here.
Whiston you really are a good FACT FINDER keep on task as you have been!
What is you want on the car?
whiston wrote:
hi White Wash, and all .i agree it will take facts thats why i am digging,calling reading etc.i have contacted directly or left messages with family members that were all named in articles in the press and knew Maura from way back when. i have been ignored or told i know nothing.the people in the press however have at least responded.hopefully they can go back and check what the facts are and will let us know.i dont want to debate my method . my goal is to find out what happened to Maura Murray. take care philip

United States

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Jul 30, 2008





All of which is fine and dandy, White Wash, except for the most part, LE has NOT PUT THE FACTS OUT THERE. There have, indeed, been times when LE has put things out in the public that have been INCORRECT, MISLEADING, or OUTRIGHT LIES.

(yes, this is a fact. I am not a conspiracy theorist, nor am I untrusting, wary, or antagonistic towards police. This is just "what it is.")

Or do you not recall that Fred had to go to the Supreme Court to find out what's going on in the investigation to find his daughter--or, indeed, even if there still IS one?

United States

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Jul 30, 2008



White Wash wrote:
So your assumation cause
Whiston here to start calling GSD taking time away
from current cases they are working on<quoted text>
It is my fervent hope, as I'm certain it is Whiston's and Anne's to name but a few, that Maura's case IS A CURRENT CASE ON WHICH THEY ARE WORKING.

You make quite a few "assumations" yourself, none of which are correct or even helpful.
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Jul 30, 2008





And your LE bashing is so helpful!

I didn't realize that Anne and Whiston where paid LE assigned to work this case!

Yes FireCat those not paid and assigned like yourself are nothing more than interested like
the rest of us but we do bring FACTS to the forum!

You speak of such FACTS but where are your FACTS FireCat???
FireCat wrote:
<quoted text>
It is my fervent hope, as I'm certain it is Whiston's and Anne's to name but a few, that Maura's case IS A CURRENT CASE ON WHICH THEY ARE WORKING.
You make quite a few "assumations" yourself, none of which are correct or even helpful.
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Jul 30, 2008
Please call Grafton County Sheriff Dept and ask for someone assigned to Maura Murray's case you will get referred to the NHSP as GSD is not assigned to the case!
FireCat wrote:
<quoted text>
It is my fervent hope, as I'm certain it is Whiston's and Anne's to name but a few, that Maura's case IS A CURRENT CASE ON WHICH THEY ARE WORKING.
You make quite a few "assumations" yourself, none of which are correct or even helpful.
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Jul 30, 2008





When I was researching like Whiston I spoke to
a member of the Murray family who comfirmed
that they had a family friend who was with the MA FBI and while not assigned to the case they where
providing insight to the family!
One being they instructed Fred to go Lavoies and
retrieve the car since it had been released to Fred instead Fred requested it be crushed.
Am I the only person going WHAT?
FACT as has been comfirmed by Family FireCat!

Fred Murray's prior claims where what FireCat no calls from HPD! I will put newspaper after newspaper that was from! Last one on the Hanson Express claims and he "swears one call the next day at 3:26!
Now I ask all not paid and assigned interested parties this question
if HPD left one message and HPD states they left
several since the AG's office is involved what person would be so stupid to make that statement
Next FACT without the towing company there would BE NO CAR to fight over it would have been crushed! Lavoies owns that car. Now regardless
where it sat once Fred signed off and when this
turn to an investigation has little impact on
what was TAKEN during the SEARCH WARRANT search!

Now FireCat if you'd like to step up with YOUR FACTS let's GO BACK TO THE BEGINNING and go forward if not GET OFF MY BACK!
FireCat wrote:
All of which is fine and dandy, White Wash, except for the most part, LE has NOT PUT THE FACTS OUT THERE. There have, indeed, been times when LE has put things out in the public that have been INCORRECT, MISLEADING, or OUTRIGHT LIES.
(yes, this is a fact. I am not a conspiracy theorist, nor am I untrusting, wary, or antagonistic towards police. This is just "what it is.")
Or do you not recall that Fred had to go to the Supreme Court to find out what's going on in the investigation to find his daughter--or, indeed, even if there still IS one?
Jerry Fletcher

Austin, TX

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Jul 30, 2008





White Wash
Now FireCat if you'd like to step up with YOUR FACTS let's GO BACK TO THE BEGINNING and go forward if not GET OFF MY BACK!
White Wash, you need to get off the family's back. You think you are an expert due to your area associations with the public servants.
Yes, Fred gave the car to Lavoie's in the BEGINNING. He was distraught. Not realizing the import of the vehicle. When time went on and deceptions appeared, it was too late to retrieve the vehicle.
Remember the FACT given by HPD to the family in the BEGINNING is that she ran away or committed suicide. What does one's parent want with a vehicle when they are going under the premise of what LE has told them as FACT.
Jerry Fletcher

Austin, TX

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Jul 30, 2008





Sorry, this is going to be lonnnngggg.

White Wash wrote:
Hi Whiston,
First off I want to point out it that Maura's case is under investigation so that is why you are getting the cold shoulder as you should in many areas.
People step up to tell what they saw or heard only to have them turned on and attacked on public forums,TV,newspapers, can you really blame the area for going into to shut down?

Anne do you know if the Deputy was home that night? Have you been invited into their driveway taken photos of what they could or couldn't see? Or do you assume just from a drive by on Swiftwater Circl without really put it to FACTS? So your assumation cause Whiston here to start calling GSD taking time away from current cases they are working on to have the Deputy tell Whiston it's a crimal investigation he can not speak to him and refer him to NHSP or better yet about the FIT who just drop his home because it's under crimal investigation that should be ok right if people just stop by his home to have him tell them it's a crimal investigation and to call NHSP.

Whiston there is a wealth of printed information by very realiable resources. What kills me if you have LE who have put the FACTS out there who will have the PAPERWORK to back up their STATEMENTS in A COURT OF LAW and just because the FIT have not seen them they DISMISSED.

The "official looking" car really was HPD's SUV so the same ole song and dance from MMM is playing out here.

Whiston you really are a good FACT FINDER keep on task as you have been!
What is you want on the car?

whiston wrote:
hi White Wash, and all .i agree it will take facts thats why i am digging,calling reading etc.i have contacted directly or left messages with family members that were all named in articles in the press and knew Maura from way back when. i have been ignored or told i know nothing.the people in the press however have at least responded.hopefully they can go back and check what the facts are and will let us know.i dont want to debate my method . my goal is to find out what happened to Maura Murray. take care philip
Jerry Fletcher

Austin, TX

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Jul 30, 2008






TO White Wash a/k/a Photogirl a/k/a well you know who you are (or do you)
” The "official looking" car really was HPD's SUV”. I have to agree…seem many never bothered to read this correction even though it was posted repeatedly.

White Wash must say, your ‘dictates’ are confusing. Yesterday you encouraged people (whitless) to talk to someone
“WW yesterday….“Like you or anyone else on this site I'm sure the Deputy would appreciate being asked vs assuming having wrong personal information being posted but that doesn't cross the forum minds does it from I have seen!”

Today you are saying don’t bother them. Here, I have to say, I agree with you. But, it seems you have no problem with whiston contacting grieving family members and friends.

Whatever happened to Maura, she is not in their lives and yes, I would think that they are grieving. Seems its ok by you if they contact the Salamones or Mr. Stone, but not people YOU know since you encourage whiston to keep fact finding. It also seems that you have little to no faith in LE. My guess is that they have checked out the reported sighting at the church. You seem to be the ‘resident expert’ on all things le.

Why don’t you just ask them. While you’re at it, why don’t you ask what gallery Maura worked in. Seems whiston forgot to ask when he was talking to the ever so nice Umass pd. Can’t imagine why with all he’s harped on it both here and on MMM. Speaking of which could somebody please list what facts whiston has actually uncovered other than the fact that the Caledonian Record seems to have recovered their archives which were not available for many months.

By the way, White Wash, do you even know what “white wash” means? According to Wiki:

"Many dictatorships and authoritarian states, as well as democratic countries, have used the method of whitewash in order to glorify the results.

To Whitewash is to gloss over or cover up vices, crimes, or to exonerate by means of a perfunctory investigation or through biased presentation of data."

What exactly are you implying? That the Authoritarian State of NH has used this method…seems right to me.
Jerry Fletcher

Austin, TX

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Jul 30, 2008




........Last one.......thanks for reader's patience....

White Wash to Firecat:
And your LE bashing is so helpful!

I didn't realize that Anne and Whiston where paid LE assigned to work this case!

Yes FireCat those not paid and assigned like yourself are nothing more than interested like the rest of us but we do bring FACTS to the forum!

You speak of such FACTS but where are your FACTS FireCat???

Jerry Fletcher to White Wash:
White Wash, you yourself speak of FACTS as if YOU know the FACTS. Have you ever thought that your association with area LE is due to them white washing YOU with FACTS? What makes you such an expert on FACTS?

Another so-called FACT that you, White Wash, have white washed is what you posted:

White Wash
Fred Murray also disputes a statement by Williams that they left several messages for him after the crash.

“The truth is, I got one message and it was 3:26 the following day,” he said.

If you look at the dispatch log also on the Hanson Express you will noticed what time Mr. Murray returned the call to HPD??????

Jerry Fletcher to White Wash
White Wash, WHY would you want to make Fred Murray appear as if he’s disinterested in a phone call from LE telling him his daughter has disappeared? Why would you want to be so mean spirited?

Is this a FACT that area LE told you? You need to speak for yourself. You need to make yourself more aware of Maura’s disappearance before you post things as if they were FACT. Very hypocritical.

If you would do so, then you would be aware that LE left a message on Fred’s home answering machine. Kinda difficult to return phone calls when you are not home to receive the message.

Fred was not home when that message was left as he was out of town working. He was reachable by his cell. LE, after not hearing from Fred in a timely manner, called other Murray family members who in turn called Fred on his cell. At which time, Fred left for NH.

White Wash, why would you want to make Maura’s father disinterested in his daughter’s disappearance? Are you being white washed? By whom? Are you trying to white wash readers?

You yourself need to take your own advice and don’t post info on here as if it is FACT as you will only be embarrassed when it is corrected. There are not many facts known here but what is known will be kept accurate even if it makes you appear, well, as if you are the one being white washed.

Don’t set yourself out to be an area expert due to your area associations. There are people reading that don’t understand the Murray family bashing and WILL correct your blitz attack. Your postings will lack credibility.

Medway, MA

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Jul 30, 2008
Are there people posting here who are paid or unpaid investigators? Who is who?(in terms of names on the MMM forum, etc.) Is it OK for someone who knows to tell the rest of us posters? Like, now? This is very weird.

Meriden, CT

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Jul 30, 2008




hi jerry fletcher and all.Mauars family never believed that she ran away even though her room was packed up and ,she did not tell her family according to the last forum ,she was leaving.also her life before she vanished based on the last forum was really good.if mr Murray signed over the car to pay for storage fees , as was reported on the last forum ,then i have to ask.if my daughter vanished without telling me would i want the last place she may have been seen destroyed.We still do not know how long the saturn was actually at Lavoies despite at least 6 calls to them from guess is something was found in the saturn after it was towed or someone was seen near the car that night after it was towed.i was told by someone at Lavoies that' Mike was the one that brought that in'.if the car was a crime scene how long was it sitting in the open and was this a mistake or done for a reason.someone removed the plates and stickers etc. but for some reason left Mauras amherst sticker .as for the press we can only call each one of them and ask if they have recorded press confereces etc.and see if they will stand by there stories now.many cases are solved by just one person reporting something they saw and then the dominoes fall. look at where the so called facts did and did not come from!it is so easy to blame it on the press .should we assume that every single report is wrong. Maura, maybe did not tell anyone she was leaving but i dont' believe it. take care philip
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Jul 30, 2008
Welcome Jerry Fletcher our new KNIGHT!

Dude I will do as I wish just like everyone
else here!

Is your un requested spanking meant to make me
sit down on sore cheeks?????

Not happening!
Jerry Fletcher wrote:
........Last one.......thanks for reader's patience....
White Wash to Firecat:
And your LE bashing is so helpful!
I didn't realize that Anne and Whiston where paid LE assigned to work this case!
Yes FireCat those not paid and assigned like yourself are nothing more than interested like the rest of us but we do bring FACTS to the forum!
You speak of such FACTS but where are your FACTS FireCat???
Jerry Fletcher to White Wash:
White Wash, you yourself speak of FACTS as if YOU know the FACTS. Have you ever thought that your association with area LE is due to them white washing YOU with FACTS? What makes you such an expert on FACTS?
Another so-called FACT that you, White Wash, have white washed is what you posted:
White Wash
Fred Murray also disputes a statement by Williams that they left several messages for him after the crash.
“The truth is, I got one message and it was 3:26 the following day,” he said.
If you look at the dispatch log also on the Hanson Express you will noticed what time Mr. Murray returned the call to HPD??????
Jerry Fletcher to White Wash
White Wash, WHY would you want to make Fred Murray appear as if he’s disinterested in a phone call from LE telling him his daughter has disappeared? Why would you want to be so mean spirited?
Is this a FACT that area LE told you? You need to speak for yourself. You need to make yourself more aware of Maura’s disappearance before you post things as if they were FACT. Very hypocritical.
If you would do so, then you would be aware that LE left a message on Fred’s home answering machine. Kinda difficult to return phone calls when you are not home to receive the message.
Fred was not home when that message was left as he was out of town working. He was reachable by his cell. LE, after not hearing from Fred in a timely manner, called other Murray family members who in turn called Fred on his cell. At which time, Fred left for NH.
White Wash, why would you want to make Maura’s father disinterested in his daughter’s disappearance? Are you being white washed? By whom? Are you trying to white wash readers?
You yourself need to take your own advice and don’t post info on here as if it is FACT as you will only be embarrassed when it is corrected. There are not many facts known here but what is known will be kept accurate even if it makes you appear, well, as if you are the one being white washed.
Don’t set yourself out to be an area expert due to your area associations. There are people reading that don’t understand the Murray family bashing and WILL correct your blitz attack. Your postings will lack credibility.

Carlisle, MA

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Jul 30, 2008





So much anger and animosity emanating from a NH area. It just reaffirms my thoughts of Maura being harmed there that night.
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Jul 30, 2008




Whiston on the Caladonia Rec. website in the first
week Maura was missing Fred Murray states "Maura
it's me talking come back we will work it out
as we always have".

This is not an attack Jerry so simmer down just
what he said!

I am not attack the Family but trying to find out why she LEFT without a WORD to people she was so
close to!

Jerry will correct me if I'm wrong but the whole
purpose of a search warrant is what? To obtain
evidence yes??

By the time the car came to rest at Lavoies all usuable evidence had been collected and sent to
Concord Crime Lab.
whiston wrote:
hi jerry fletcher and all.Mauars family never believed that she ran away even though her room was packed up and ,she did not tell her family according to the last forum ,she was leaving.also her life before she vanished based on the last forum was really good.if mr Murray signed over the car to pay for storage fees , as was reported on the last forum ,then i have to ask.if my daughter vanished without telling me would i want the last place she may have been seen destroyed.We still do not know how long the saturn was actually at Lavoies despite at least 6 calls to them from guess is something was found in the saturn after it was towed or someone was seen near the car that night after it was towed.i was told by someone at Lavoies that' Mike was the one that brought that in'.if the car was a crime scene how long was it sitting in the open and was this a mistake or done for a reason.someone removed the plates and stickers etc. but for some reason left Mauras amherst sticker .as for the press we can only call each one of them and ask if they have recorded press confereces etc.and see if they will stand by there stories now.many cases are solved by just one person reporting something they saw and then the dominoes fall. look at where the so called facts did and did not come from!it is so easy to blame it on the press .should we assume that every single report is wrong. Maura, maybe did not tell anyone she was leaving but i dont' believe it. take care philip

Carlisle, MA

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Jul 30, 2008 asked a question about Beth's photos...
I posted site,#3457....go to it..... ;)

Medway, MA

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Jul 30, 2008





whiston, i'm starting to believe there WAS a note in her dorm room --- that was removed at some point?

i also think even though she was very private, with her lovely self and a happy facade she could often hide much of what was troubling her, and that she was depressed and falling apart at that time.

i believe she was drinking a moderate amount or more of alcohol and that exacerbates depression.

i believe billy felt immediately in NH (ref: his quoted comment) that Maura had taken her life.

I believe someone among Maura's family or friends may know why the Saturn was taken to NH in that way at that time.

I believe the grief of her family is infinitely deep and true. i believe it's an endless horror for them.

I believe Maura's leaving WP was a big deal. not the casual transfer that was talked about on the mmm forum. I believe something happened either to her (harassment?) or by her, something as small (yet punishable) as an unauthorized party. I believe whiston is correct to try to figure out if any of the (up-to-300, unfortunately) students who left when Maura did were hang-out buddies of hers. That's why Greg Wallace, who left when Maura did, i think, was of interest to me; sadly, he passed away suddenly at the end of Jan 2004, right before Maura left.

I believe that with Billy and Julie both graduating from WP that Maura had a constant reminder of something she did not complete. Even if she just wanted a change of career, i believe giving up WP was a big disappointment or even some kind of dishonor to her. She had been quite an achiever and a competitive athlete, and i believe she was not feeling as good about herself as her family has reported.

i think her younger brother's poem was important in that he spoke as if Maura had left by her own choice and out of some unknown anger.

i think something was changing for her, either emotionally, or with life decisions that caused her a degree of upset that required counseling, as her supervisor suggested on feb. 5/6. There was a crisis brewing.

Fred may have aware of it on some level, but so many deeply loving parents can't see this stuff clearly as it's happening. Kathleen might have noticed changes in Maura, but maybe not until Maura disappeared and she saw them in retrospect.

i believe her "friends" from the saturday night party were worried about her, her frame of mind, and her judgment.

with private people, unless you bring them kicking and screaming into some kind of treatment, they are often too independent to do so themselves. I also know (from family experience) that when someone is depressed and overwhelmed with continuing life, they start backing away after they've made (or almost made) the decision to leave it --- and "they" say almost exactly what Maura did to Billy:(paraphrased) "I guess I just don't much feel like talking to anyone." To some extent they're already gone.

Don't know if this was answered while i typed this, but are there really paid investigators posting here?
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