And if you have wrongfully accused someone of a crime as you have in these blogs you can be sued for libel.....CLAUDE NEEDS TO BE JAILED FOR THE MURDER OF MAURA!!!!!!!!!
- Posted in the Franconia Forum
Comments (Page 19)
“Boom,Boom, Boom ” Joined: Sep 21, 2007 Comments: 1820 USA ISP: AOL |
That's funny, but you know what? A BOL was put out for Maura, LE and some locals looked for Maura <before> LE told the family they were looking for Fred, that they thought Fred was driving that car....what kind of crap is that? Also, with all the stories I can see this as in there as to what could have taken place. That someone driving either ran Maura off the road deliberately, or hit her by mistake and had help moving the car quick. Worth noting to me is the initial descrition of Maura.....much shorter w/longer/black hair, ie. The SBD and CW are/were friends too, not just neighbors. They were out driving that night. One just happens by and makes it a huge point to verify that by saying the airbags were still in Mauras if that's all I need to believe he was right there so it happened there, give me a break! The other is wishy washy about if he was driving at that time frame or not and not questioned anyhow for 2 days, even then with no probable cause they could not bring the dogs to his property. Thanks OH MY for helping, I hope you get ahold of someone with this. |
Thanks OH MY for helping, I hope you get ahold of someone with this..........OOOOPS.
What I meant was I hope you are working with someone who can further help in finding Maura and/or making some arrest........ |
“Look 4 Made In The USA” ![]() Joined: Aug 3, 2007 Comments: 1932 |
Lower Slower, Not to be argumenative, but, that sure sounds like something I've said in the past on a NUMBER of occassions. |
“Look 4 Made In The USA” ![]() Joined: Aug 3, 2007 Comments: 1932 |
Would you please put up the most recent article regarding the changing Sex Crime legislation in NH... re: The new tier systems, please. |
“Boom,Boom, Boom ” Joined: Sep 21, 2007 Comments: 1820 USA ISP: AOL |
No argument from me..........have a good Memorial Day weekend |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 Go start your own topix and see if people respond to you. I suggest that no one respond to her posts. I want the focus in this series to stay on Maura Murray. Ignore her completely. |
One could ask the same question of you,[b]OH MY[/b]. What makes you think a man or woman was involved? Do you have proof? Eyewitnesses? If so, then tell Det. Columbo at the MMM website. If not then stop spreading your own rumors and speculation. |
Judged: ![]() 6 ![]() 4 ![]() 4 You’re not the first person to make this mistake. The MMM board and its corresponding contributors on this (Topix) board will crucify anyone who so much as hints that Maura Murray may have been suicidal, depressed, or even in a bad mood. They vigorously maintain the exclusive theme that Maura was abducted and murdered in or near the Woodsville/Haverhill area despite an absence of truly corroborating evidence. They are hostile to the notion that the days prior to Maura’s disappearance could possibly be relevant or helpful in investigating her disappearance. For the past four years, they have stared ceaselessly at the same few “facts,” which they assume will sooner or later knit themselves into a successfully prosecuted court case. They spend so much time angrily rejecting even the most well reasoned, generously offered alternative that one must wonder exactly what their real purpose is. Whether the MMM board has a hundred contributors or only one, the result is the same: a single militant voice and a single militant approach that has produced nothing. At times their tone becomes so belligerent, it’s surprising anyone on the entire planet would go near them, let alone someone with valuable information. Their sneering, bullying, suburban South Shore arrogance has done nothing except alienate the people whose help they need most. They have wrongly vilified the entire Woodsville and Haverhill area in search of a killer, the existence of which they cannot even convincingly demonstrate. Their original intentions may have been admirable and their frustration understandable, but the good will is gone. They have poisoned themselves from within to the extent that they now resemble no one as much as the very person they wish to hang. They convey the impression that, given the opportunity, they would gladly string up anyone they can lay their hands on, even an innocent person trying to assist them, which explains why genuine help is so scarce. Everyone hopes that, if Maura Murray was in fact murdered, her killer is prosecuted and convicted for the crime. If, however, an investigation by her family and friends becomes one of blind rage, then justice, which must always transcend the instinct for revenge, is not served, and the true value of Maura Murray’s vibrant life becomes insulted and diminished by the people who say they love her most. Those who seek resolution and closure might still discover the value of approaching the people of New Hampshire and Vermont with a never-wavering humility and respect. Instead of demanding answers and pointing fingers, they might find it is not too late to build an enduring bridge of genuine friendship and trust to all segments of those communities, a bridge across which the truth might walk, bearing itself as its own gift to equal justice under the rule of law, a concept that brings out the best in all of us, not the worst. |
Judged: ![]() 1 Thank You.....Native Trout |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 If honest efforts to improve the methods used to search for Maura Murray and her presumed killer or killers are persistently and confrontationally disrupted by those who claim to have the most at stake in her discovery, then some people might view that disruption as more likely to conceal the truth than to uncover it. |
Okay, I'll bite....what comes to MY mind when I think of what could be symbolic about using the word "star," is law enforcement. A lot of LE badges are stars.......... |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 I agree Local Yokel. This topix board is NOT to be an evaluation of the members on Maura Murray's Missing website. There aren't any moderators on this board.....I would prefer to think of this Topix board as being a place for people to post honest, truthful, and helpful information to bring Maura home........NOT an evaluation of the other website and not an evaluation and discreditation of prior theories. Think of it as a fresh place, and kinda like "wiping the slate clean" with respect to TRUTHFUL information. Enough of all this, back to Maura......... |
Judged: ![]() 1 |
Judged: ![]() 1 This is such a good example of how good it could be if we just took what we needed and put something back in. How can we know who is mattering if we stop them somehow? The ones with shovels make a difference, but we all do have a place. Dealing with our differences should include Humility and respect, how true. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 I agree, DTRT has her own personal agenda here. This forum is for Maura. |
Just thought of something, how about Skye? |
Claysoup and Justme, I have read extensively on MMM, you are way off base here and it is pretty easy to see your motivation and Where (star) you come from. Even when the light shines down on you personally, attacking an innocent and well run forum, will not gain you the ground you desperately seem to be seeking. Maybe you should start a new forum related to your objectives and leave this one to finding Maura. |
Judged: ![]() 1 This is not nice at all and I think you should re-read before you talk and if you do that you might still want to keep those words to yourself. I'm only here to help and I never meant to seem anything but that. Your judging me that I might need attention makes me sad. I have things to offer so lighten up please. You can say whatever you want but pick your poison. I promote MMM at EVERY turn |
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