
Comments (Page 194)
Judged: ![]() 2 |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 The weekend prior was a state-wide ice fishing tournament. This is one of the most popular sporting events of the year. |
Happy Sunday everyone.
In reading what Weeper has to say, I see "crime, no accident, damge not done at the snowbank", and more. Whoever would judge an *idea* as clueless does not want to think freely and it's really not helpful to brainstorming either. If Maura knew ahead of time she was going to leave and waited for Monday........what was she doing? We all wonder. We picture Maura getting into her car and heading out, maybe to be alone, maybe to go be with other people. We think about what Weeper can say and wonder why her car was found by the weathered barn. Witnesses say she was by the car 1-2 minutes before police came. Weeper says Maura did not slide off the road. I know that doesn't mean that the damage didn't happen along the way, or that it wasn't indeed Maura grabbing her stuff quick and rushing off. On foot.....into another vehicle........whatever you can imagine. But what about the beer bottle in the car, she doesn't drink beer. Could there have been people picked up along the way.....hard to say. It's a comfort to have Weeper around and I'm greatful for all the input. Someday we will settle this and it's comforting to know LE and Weepers team are all working on this as we speak. |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 1 I will post here first the conclusions I drew elsewhere - then I will have questions for you Weezer. If you cannot answer I will understand. *** The first questions in my mind were - did perhaps someone else make the phone calls to Stowe and look for directions on her computer. Did she leave voluntarily? Due to the fact that she entered the liquor store alone and did not attempt to get help at that time, I conclude that all of her actions up to that point were her by her own free will. Included in her purchase was a box of Franzia wine. The box was probably 5 liters big, plus there were other items bought in addition to the 5 liters. Her choices included: 1. Take a week off 2. Buy more alcohol then I believe she could drink alone. 3. Not inform her family where she was going. Now for speculation. But this is the only speculation that can scale to the facts. End of Part I |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Now - assuming that she had a second boyfriend that her family and fiance was unaware of - it may be possible that she didn't want to tell her family about the individual. This individual could possibly have communicated with Maura while she was at work, but alone. Just walk up to her and talk to her. Possibly, they may have had to keep a low profile the weekend her father was in town. Possibly this type of hiding could have prompted the other person to ask when she would finally come clean. Resulting in tears. The other individual could have repaired her car for her, or paid to have it fixed. More reason for tears would include guilt for looking for the car and pointless separation. The other individual could have accompanied her on the trip. Obviously that individual did not accompany her to the ATM or liquor store. Makes more sense if there was another car (as does to accompany a broken car traveling that distance unless it was fixed - still an open but not material question) If he followed her, it was likely with her knowing he was following - explaining her turning down help at the accident scene, or her comfort with the car - and her playing along with dad to look for a car - all the while not wanting to buy it after the effort was made to fix the other car unbeknown to her dad. Perhaps she wanted to see this person also when she crashed the car. I have no idea if where the crash was - was in route. Who knows - she may have been in the passenger seat.[Edit to add: I am referring to her crashing her dad's new car - and asserting she was in route to see her dad at such a unusual hour to cover - one account has Maura telling her friends she was going back to her dorm, but instead took the car.] This other person would not have ever called her cell phone or received calls from her - as the record seems to indicate by their absence. For this theory to make sense, she must have really fallen in love with person. But was very careful not to let anyone know. Now - as to what the other persons plans were - I have no way to speculate. As for her, probably to return in a week. Less likely to use the week to go off with someone she barely knew. With this speculation in mind - chances are that she was taken away from the area by her accomplice. There was a report of a suspicious truck. The absence of solid evidence of her being there - leads me to conclude she didn't stay. Her father has looked everywhere. I do suspect fowl play unfortunately - and that she was coaxed and trapped by a swindler a lot earlier then we have previously believed. Her actions prior to her disappearance gives weight to that possibility. End of Part II |
Whiston, Am I to interpret this to mean that you are choosing not to share what you think you know re Maura with us? Jerry |
Judged: ![]() 2 I believe the Material question is: "At what point were Maura's actions involuntary, if at all?" That is not a question I expect Weezer to answer.:) The evidence you supplied implies the scene was set up. It brings to my attention the possibility that it was not Maura in the car that Mr. Atwood saw. It also brings to mind the assertion that a man saw a girl running along the road the night of the accident. Which brings me to a question for Weezer. Has Mr. Atwood stated that he has seen Maura's picture and Maura was the person whom he saw in the car? This answer either places Maura in the car or places Mr. Atwood as a participant in a conspiracy. At this point it is a matter of subtantiating Mr. Atwood's assertion that he did not abduct her. The fact that the scene was statged does not preclude Maura's involvement in the staging. Her actions show that she had an undisclosed agenda and because of this, I wouldn't put it past her to stage the accident. But I also see that the staging puts Mr. Atwood in a precarious position. In any case, the staging of the accident was intended for us to believe that she was abducted - which helps her the most (to start a new life)- secondly an abductor, that now the evidence points its neon sign to. I am, as always, your humble Servant, etc. & |
Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 They would make great TV movies of the week, but I don't know what else they would be good for. |
yankee, I agree there are lots of "viable theories".
There are many pieces to this puzzle that fit together already, so don't give up on those last pieces........ No matter what happened there appears to be progress and this has been deemed a crime, that what happened was *not* accidental. I have a link to a page early on that shows Maura as a victim of homicide. I'll go look for it. |
oops, forgot to say, scroll way to the 'almost' botom of the page. I just found it interesting, hope you do too
To All,
Mr. Franklin has developed an interesting line of thought and theory I feel compelled to respond to, please read through this and garnish what you may. Benjamin Franklin writes (Hayward, CA) Now for my questions to Weezer Mr. Franklin, my aka is “Weeper” not Weezer, though my doctor may feel weezer more appropriate since my last physical, my lungs working less than my “tear ducts” as of late. I believe the Material question is: "At what point were Maura's actions involuntary, if at all?" I will address this question as “we” or “our”(referring to the PI Team) collectively for the sake accuracy. Our collective opinion is that Maura’s “involuntary actions” began where the “overhang damage to the front end of the Saturn” occurred. This location is as yet determined though we suspect within 1-3 miles of the Saturn’s location at the “Red Barn”. That is not a question I expect Weezer to answer.:) The evidence you supplied implies the scene was set up. This does seem to imply a staged placing of the vehicle, yes. It brings to my attention the possibility that it was not Maura in the car that Mr. Atwood saw. This is certainly a viable possibility and probability as well. It also brings to mind the assertion that a man saw a girl running along the road the night of the accident. The man who stated this did not report this to the police. A conversation this individual had with another person was “overheard” and reported to the police two months after the night of the “incident”, reported shortly before an extensive ground search of the immediate area was being planned. Which brings me to a question for Weezer. Has Mr. Atwood stated that he has seen Maura's picture and Maura was the person whom he saw in the car? Mr. Atwood was shown a photograph/picture of Maura and stated “the girl looked like her but her hair was down”, where Maura nearly always wore her hair in a “bob-hair” style. Keep in mind that no one in that area had ever seen Maura Murray before, that we are aware of. Part 1 |
Judged: ![]() 1 This answer either places Maura in the car or places Mr. Atwood as a participant in a conspiracy. Your assumption is wrong on both accounts here, Mr. Franklin. 1. Assuming Mr. Atwood’s statement is truthful, he saw a female who “looked like Maura” but different in at least one aspect, to wit: her hair was different. 2. Mis-identification is no basis (on its own standing) to assume an active attempt to deceive. Eye witness accounts are always “circumstantial evidence” for this very reason, Mr. Franklin. At this point it is a matter of subtantiating Mr. Atwood's assertion that he did not abduct her. Again, be careful how you set your questions and statements Mr. Franklin; Mr. Atwood does not have to “assert” he did not abduct Maura. Mr. Atwood at this point is merely a “witness” and not a person of interest/suspect. This is only one of many statements made by Mr. Atwood and a judgment of “credibility” can not be made standing on one statement. The fact that the scene was statged does not preclude Maura's involvement in the staging. Her actions show that she had an undisclosed agenda and because of this, I wouldn't put it past her to stage the accident. The first sentence above was asked and answered under “At what point were Maura's actions involuntary, if at all?" As to Maura’s “undisclosed agenda”, your assumption may or may not be correct only if we (collectively) knew what that agenda was. But I also see that the staging puts Mr. Atwood in a precarious position. Again, if Mr. Atwood played an active role in the occurrence of this incident, it would be foolish to place it in your own front yard. We feel the location was picked (in an area where there existed a locale full time; albeit small, Police Department and just shy of Federal property, to wit The White Mountain National Forest) for “jurisdictional” reasons. In any case, the staging of the accident was intended for us to believe that she was abducted - which helps her the most (to start a new life)- secondly an abductor, that now the evidence points its neon sign to. The staging of any incident (automobile accident, a murder, abduction, stolen property and such) is for one purpose only; to relocate the “physical evidence” from the actual scene of the crime, even if the “crime” is as simple as “abandoning a vehicle on a public way”. I am, as always, your humble Servant, etc. & I hope my answering your questions and responding to your assumptions will assist you in furthering your theory of what became of Maura Murray, Mr. Franklin. I will not repeat myself in this Forum once I’ve commented on any post. The readers can use this information or ignore it and “pick and choose” bits of information to bind their theories together if they choose. However, one does not come to the truth by putting on blinders because it’s easier that way, one comes to the truth by starting over and over and over again and again until the “picture-puzzle” hangs by two tacks on the wall without falling to the floor. This is why it may take years to solve a mystery such as this. We have traveled the path you are on years ago. It’s a good path, Mr. Franklin. Thank you for your input and I look forward to following your progress. Weeper |
Part 1....
To All, Mr. Franklin has developed an interesting line of thought and theory I feel compelled to respond to, please read through this and garnish what you may. Benjamin Franklin writes (Hayward, CA) Now for my questions to Weezer Mr. Franklin, my aka is “Weeper” not Weezer, though my doctor may feel weezer more appropriate since my last physical, my lungs working less than my “tear ducts” as of late. I believe the Material question is: "At what point were Maura's actions involuntary, if at all?" I will address this question as “we” or “our”(referring to the PI Team) collectively for the sake accuracy. Our collective opinion is that Maura’s “involuntary actions” began where the “overhang damage to the front end of the Saturn” occurred. This location is as yet determined though we suspect within 1-3 miles of the Saturn’s location at the “Red Barn”. That is not a question I expect Weezer to answer.:) The evidence you supplied implies the scene was set up. This does seem to imply a staged placing of the vehicle, yes. It brings to my attention the possibility that it was not Maura in the car that Mr. Atwood saw. This is certainly a viable possibility and probability as well. It also brings to mind the assertion that a man saw a girl running along the road the night of the accident. The man who stated this did not report this to the police. A conversation this individual had with another person was “overheard” and reported to the police two months after the night of the “incident”, reported shortly before an extensive ground search of the immediate area was being planned. Which brings me to a question for Weezer. Has Mr. Atwood stated that he has seen Maura's picture and Maura was the person whom he saw in the car? Mr. Atwood was shown a photograph/picture of Maura and stated “the girl looked like her but her hair was down”, where Maura nearly always wore her hair in a “bob-hair” style. Keep in mind that no one in that area had ever seen Maura Murray before, that we are aware of. |
sorry for the double post on part 1
Then it would be difficult to preclude the idea that the jurisdictional motivation may have been paramount to the perp(s) not only for the placement of Maura's vehicle but also in finding Maura within the boundaries of that area. Otherwise more than one location might weaken the desired objective.
Hard to imagine a spur of the moment jurisdictional staging...? Maybe Maura's trip to the North Country was expected by some. |
May I ask you a question just to put my heart and mind to rest? You say that the sighting at Cumberland Farms that I believed to be Maura COULD NOT HAVE BEEN MAURA. Thank You. |
hi all .if the saturn was damaged prior to the red barn the estimated loss of coolant could be used to guess the miles it could have travelled.i am still wondering what the Westmans heard and saw .was Faith Westmans 911 call what brought sgt.Smith to the saturn.did mrAtwood know before he callled P.D.that P.D was on there way.the tire tracks in the snow west of the car have bothered me forever.did Maura get the gloves and AAA card from Sharon R. over chrismtmas and just leave them in the card.Amelia Kunhardt where are you .was there underwear in Mauras bag that she maybe packed when you took photographs at the Wells River Motel.has anyone else leaving the barge inn had a rag in there tailpipe.The MMM website stated many times that Maura knew the area from all those times she spent up there with her family.we dont know when the last family vacation in NH was of course , WAS SHE 6 OR 19 but was Maura old enough to make any lasting contacts in NH.Jerry i am working on it.elsewhere could you expand on the fishing report. take care philip
![]() Joined: Jun 7, 2008 Comments: 137 Arizona ISP: Denver, CO |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 I've thought a lot about the "jurisdictional staging", and find it hard to believe that most criminals would pay attention to jurisdictional lines. Seems to me that all the areas around there have small town police forces, and all of the jurisdictions we consider for the accident/s of the Saturn would be in Grafton County anyway, right? So still under Grafton County sheriff jurisdiction, wouldn't it be? However, if a crime is committed by someone who is in LE, that person might want to be sure the area of the crime is outside his/her own jurisdiction .... This is not a slam against LE anywhere in New Hampshire, it's just a thought that may or may not be useful. |
I thank you Weeper for your answer. I apologize in my attribution of a very good rock band to your handle here. But know I have the highest respect for them - and you.:)
My line of thought was not to hope for a mis-identification, but rather an identification certain. If Mr. Atwood had made a statement with certainty,(he did not) that she was there - then by his own admission she was there after the accident staging, and that leaves either Maura voluntarily involved in it (run away), but instead Mr. Atwood who reported no staging (abduction). But its not going to be that easy. From the point that her path from Amhurst diverges from the apprporiate route to her mapped destination is likely where her actions became involuntary. So far I've assumed that she's wanted to go to the area she crashed in - but the evidence says she wanted to go to Vermont. Prior knowledge of her frequenting the White Mountains well, having a book, etc. gives to the car planter a place to put the car but not find anything, even though the car's presence there was not seen as unusual for her. Either the car dumper is really lucky - or had prior knowledge that leaving the car there would create confusion. In my mind, the diversion from her intended destination - Burlington and Stowe, Vermont begins at the intersection of Interstate 89 and 93 at Concord. Now that is a big search area. The drive ability of the car narrows it down - but - who knows if the drive ability was handicapped 1-3 miles away after many miles of involuntary travel in a drivable car. Only the time limitation from seeing her at the ATM & store to the sound of an accident can limit the possibility that a third location was traveled to, where the crime occurred. Then the murder takes time - getting rid of evidence would take time, If it took her just the right amount of time to get there - then I think these events took place after the staging. Too long - before. She could have stopped for gas or food in Concord or she met someone in Concord. And got in trouble there. 112 is the first exit after crossing into a rural area (Criminal chooses random place to dump car not knowing its random.) But her directions however are a map to a drop off location (Inside information without being an insider - means to cause confusion.) But 112 would be the way to go to Bartlett, albeit indirectly. The existence of coincidental multiple leads seems almost of design. I am, as always, your humble Servant, etc. & |
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