Denton is what comes to my mind .........Bingo!
I think Shack may have it. Canton sounds correct. Anyone know for sure.
- Posted in the Franconia Forum
Comments (Page 227)
Got it ... Canton and Kenton!
While I am here ... would it be possible when putting a post # for reference to include the page # also. It would make it easier to look back.
Thank you. |
Weeper, I don’t know where her collision occurred and I am not sure what she collided with either. One fact that I have trouble getting into the mix is the tire prints clearly shown with relation to the car in the police report. CS makes it clear that they are coming in at one angle and clearly exiting at another. If those are her front tires then it looks like she collided and bounced off of something with forward momentum. I say if because it is possible that it is her rear tires. In that case should would have backed in and pulled out heading in the other direction. Now pictures would clearly help establish if there was yaw involved in these prints or if they were sharp imprints but we are not lucky enough to have that. Thoughts? Bill |
Lightenin: Its anybody's guess. I myself haven't thought about it.
WTF Post # 4558...
Bill, I see where CS's "tire impressions in the snow" can look confusing. Remember the SBD said he was nose-to-nose with the Saturn? Also the witness who returned from Cottage Hospital stated "the black Bronco police vehicle (CS's unit) was nose-to-nose with the Saturn"...these statements indicate the Saturn's rear wheels were furthest into the snowbank while the front tires were nearly parallel to the roadway. I have no idea what CS was trying to convey to the reader with this diagram. Notice also he says "trees" and indicates three such trees. Also note the four word notation "Vehicle at Final rest" with the diagram of the vehicle clearly in the roadway. So the combination of the "tire impressions in snow" + "Trees" + "vehicle at final rest" = the Saturn was trveling west, slid into the snowbank, struck the trees spun around and bounced back into the roadway. Never happened that way, and yes you are absolutley correct...photographs would most certainly clear this issue up. First off, there aren't three trees that close to the roadway large enough to cause that scenerio, secondly there is a rather deep ditch just on the other side of the snowbank, thirdly the Saturn didn't come to "final rest" on the roadway. Draw your own conclussions as to CS's diagraming of the "accident scene". Don't know if I've answered your question (and a very good question indeed, Bill) you're the only one who caught this part of the report with a questioning eye. Nice catch, now find the other 20+ descrepancies in this report and you and I will be on the same sheet of music. Respectfully, Weeper |
Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 3 ![]() 3 Forget investigating UMass -- I don't think Maura was close enough to other students there to have shared problems extensively. Her friends from the past didn't even know she had transferred there until she showed up. I doubt she had a new boyfriend; it seems it was just Billy for her. Forget West Point --- I don't think you COULD expose too much personal stuff there. It would leave you too vulnerable. Check grades 8-12 for Maura's history, disregarding academics, athletic achievements, clubs and extracurricular activities. Focus on intensively interviewing friends, household members and people Maura socialized with at birthday parties, sleepovers, eating out, etc. The hang-out group. Look for signs of mood disorders, depression or behaviors teens 14-18 do for reducing stress and dealing with the pressure to be perfect. Interviews or medical records might show teen behaviors indicating the onset of depression/stress from pressure to achieve, etc., which many that age are good at hiding from others and not even fully aware of themselves. I think many here won't find this too foreign... |
Having once been a highly axious adolescent female, I *think* I see what you're driving at, Quija.... I also see you've stopped capitalising your name so that people stop calling you ouija....which I always found kinda funny.....
Watching TV tonight, I saw a blurb on cadaver dogs. That brought me back to the dog search in Oct.'06...Good memories of wonderful and caring people, with their dogs. I had collected and saved little cards with photos, names and the "stats" of 4 of the furry critters.(Yeh, I had my favorites)I went to their site: and tried to educate myself. ie I didn't know that some can detect within 200 ft. of water. It is a great site.
Elsewhere, if you haven't checked it out, please do. They volunteered their time and expertise that weekend. Perhaps a combination of remote viewing, psychics, wicca, crystal balls, dowsing, search dogs...etc combined with an Irish Terrier...?(And, of course LE) I realize that a lot of the Posters here want to know about Maura before..but, as Philip knows, I only want to know about Maura after....(ie after 4:30PM 2/9/04) Question: I forgot it 100 feet or 100 yards to where Maura's scent stopped..(by SBD aka...) AND, how far in feet/yards to edge of CW's property...? I can't seem to visualize that space in measurements. |
I awoke to Weeper’s post yesterday and yours today. I've to go back and read everyone else’s posts but thought I’d reply to your post right away. Thanks for the link! Silky wrote to me about one of the SAR teams she worked with. I am thankful you had the opportunity to meet the entire team. I am thankful for all it is that they do! While speaking with Brianna's parents it was revealed to me that SAR teams are a rare commodity, even for LE and this is a crying shame. A good hearted soul named Kaz from MJA Inc. provided me with some non-conventional training tips he’s used with his own dogs over the years as well. The reason why I brought up Paul Smith a few days ago is because I believe I read that Carla Baron trained/became a certified remote viewer under him. There is also a method called dowsing that I've grown interested in over the years. got to go back and re-read........ |
That was quick, wasn't so far behind after all.
Looking4amoose, I guess Sharon, Fred, and the Murray family can stand in line behind Bill O'Reilly regarding some type of recourse for shitty (excuse my language but I'm angry) underhanded reporting. Interesting how the Manchester UL didn't find the wear with all to quote Dr. Godwin. What I am taking away from the Manchester Union Leader is that Wendy Murphy & Bill O'Reilly feel exactly the same way I do. Weeper was on the mark in his post yesterday. I've learned a great deal over the past four years. I've learned not to believe everything I read in the papers or see on the television. |
Thought you had a tarp over your computer?(wink) Paris, Thanks so much for diplomatically replying to looking4amoose's question a few days ago. |
Thanks so much for researching and posting the article quoting Carla Baron. Forgot the part about a sparsely wooded area, new construction,.... |
hi Paris and all .we dont know that Maura got a call from an internal phone at umass amherst .we can only assume that a call was one heard the phone or saw Maura on the phone that i know of .she only told K Ayotte later that it had happened.take care philip
hi all.if the cottage hospital witness saw pd at the saturn before it was clled in as an accident where was mr Atwood.was he home .was he even on 112 yet.after dropping kids back at school after the ski trip.i always wondered which one of our known characters did not go to work the next day.also do the people that have summer places up there hire local people to keep an eye on things in there absence. i have seen this in other new england communities.take care philip
![]() Joined: Jun 10, 2008 Comments: 299 |
Judged: ![]() 1 also, awhile ago you asked what the posted speed limit is in the area of the weathered's 20 mph. |
Judged: ![]() 3 Philip, did you forget about Det. Davies'(with UMass police) statement saying they know where the call came from on campus? They don't know who placed the call but obviously for Davies to make such a statement, he reviewed phone logs and looking at the times of incoming campus calls to that particular phone, such a determination was made. He was speaking off the top of his head. Such a determination was made after investigation. |
Oops, meant to say:
He ***WASN'T*** speaking off the top of his head. Time for more coffee! |
Judged: ![]() 2 I thought they had traced the origin of that phone call, though discovered that they could not (for whatever reason) trace the identity of the caller, instead describing that person as "having moved on." That would indicate to me that there WAS indeed a phone call. |
![]() Joined: Jun 16, 2008 Comments: 472 |
FireCat & all, I think that we can safely assume that Maura did indeed receive an upsetting call while working at the security desk of Melville dorm that night. The fact that police managed to pinpoint the location of that call, but not the actual caller is puzzling. If LE could not ascertain the identity of the caller, how could they then surmise that this person had later "moved on"? Does that statement possibly indicate an inability to locate the present whereabouts of the caller or is the true identity of the caller a complete mystery as well? Just thinking out loud here... |
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