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just me

Saint Paul, MN

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May 27, 2008
Hey now, I know those people over there on MMM and while I agree with you that do call the shots, I don't want you to start spreading false ideas either. They are doing what they can the ones who just post. There are a few who do searches on their own and a few who are family that continue to search. This isn't a police log you know, it's a public form, they don't have to answer to you or anybody else. Their forum,~ devoted to the missing Maura Murray, should be separate from this here. I think this here is for tossing around ideas and maybe catching the eye of an online reader who happens to be local. If they were to see the part about the A frame for instance, they might think, OMG, I saw someone come out of that place at the time with some carpet........just let it be.......

I get frustrated myself having so much to offer being told how wrong I am or might be but I don't give up because it's worth fighting for.

Medway, MA

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May 27, 2008





Just Me, I got tired too of being disparaged for trying to think "outside the box" on the MMM forum. Weeper and others encouraged us to. Then forum members put us down. They obviously have to care so much about Maura, putting so much time into it, particularly Maura's relative, Helena. But they have already made up their minds about what happened, and have not left the slimmest possibility of anything else happening, or a problem having begun before Maura took off north. Everything Maura did is chalked up to stress, but some of Maura's behaviors seemed at the extreme of college students' stress. All possibilities have to be explored and maybe some of the comments of local residents will be good leads.
just me

Saint Paul, MN

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May 27, 2008
claysoup wrote:
1. Is Haverhill in Grafton County?
2. Did SBD have any hobbies?
A friend of mine went to the SBD garage sale around the time he was moving to Florida. Many tools was what she had to say, makes me sad to know I cannot ask her any more.
Woodsville and Haverhill are Grafton County, yes.

Here's a good link to an ariel look and outline
just me

Saint Paul, MN

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May 27, 2008
quija wrote:
Just Me, I got tired too of being disparaged for trying to think "outside the box" on the MMM forum. Weeper and others encouraged us to. Then forum members put us down. They obviously have to care so much about Maura, putting so much time into it, particularly Maura's relative, Helena. But they have already made up their minds about what happened, and have not left the slimmest possibility of anything else happening, or a problem having begun before Maura took off north. Everything Maura did is chalked up to stress, but some of Maura's behaviors seemed at the extreme of college students' stress. All possibilities have to be explored and maybe some of the comments of local residents will be good leads.
I agree that Maura had alot going on before she left campus and I even tend to think she was being blackmailed. But more important than any of my big ideas are the facts of this matter. She must have meant to get into that area in general. Whether she was going to chill out for a night or two and then drive back to UMass or even on to Ohio does not matter to me now. I keep thinking about that night as she stood how far from Atwood. Still no luck finding her words of protest, wish I had my friends notes but I'm hoping to get them when the storage is sorted out. For now all I can do is wonder and hope that what I remember can prove helpful in some way. My name by the way was Paris on the MMM and dearheart on Brianna's. I stopped posting when I felt I was not being acknowledged. But thanks to my friend Beth I learned all about the reason and rhyme and now I understand. I'm not trying to hide anything by calling myself just me. Sometimes I realize that's all I am.:)
Lady Gray

Saint Louis, MO

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May 27, 2008



claysoup wrote:
If the MMM board were truly interested in solving Maura’s disappearance {text deleted due to length} There is little difference between outright lies and a sloppy assembly of known facts {}. If they really wanted to solve Maura’s disappearance, they would tolerate a diversity of responsible opinion {text deleted.{} They deliberately misquote, misinterpret, and twist out of context the many constructive ideas offered them.{}They have failed, after four years, to organize their effort in any meaningful way.{} They have no leadership, no individual or team responsibilities, no goals, no direction.{}By going nowhere in four years, they have done absolutely nothing to convince the public {} They ask for it, but they set a no example. They resemble more closely a totalitarian state’s disinformation machine than a progressive and disciplined search for the truth. By putting such a nasty public face on such an obviously shallow attempt to discover Maura Murray’s fate, they have reduced enormously any help they or law enforcement can expect from the public.{}
Hey……Doppelganger a/k/a Storagehead a/k/a Woodsville Worrier a/k/a Eagleart a/k/a Claysoup a/k/a A ____ n (won’t give hints as to last name). Would you like me to go further?
I’ll tell you, I am really tired of you slamming MMM. Would you guys like to know why he is so angry with MMM?
I’ll let you know why….. when the Board’s moderator became ill last year, I stood in while she recovered. Claysoup here, known as Doppelganger on MMM (his first logon name on MMM, second logon is EagleArt) began posting on MMM.
Doppelganger a/k/a Storagehead a/k/a Woodsville Worrier a/k/a Eagleart a/k/a Claysoup a/k/a A ____(won’t give any hints to last name), began posting his theories.
While at MMM the family is open to ideas and theories, we will NOT tolerate some things.
I removed Claysoup’s (known at the time as Doppelganger) postings. And I told him that while we would welcome his postings, he could not post the theories he was posting.
WHY? Because his theories involved names of heads of the U.S in addition to names of of major politicians. He was posting the names of major multi-billion corporations and their officers. He was posting names of political action committee members. Posting names of military bases in addition to names of international terrorist groups in addition to the names of major contributors to missing people’s funds. And saying that they were tied into Maura’s case.
I asked him to send this info to the moderators of MMM in a PM for consideration. He would apologize and turn around and post AGAIN in the public forum. I had to be quick on my toes to remove them. This happened for a couple of weeks. We went back and forth many times.
Finally, he became belligerent and angry at me. I told him to PLEASE continue sending this info to us, privately, as all things are considered. He refused and said if I wouldn’t consider it worth posting publicly that there wasn’t any use in sending it privately to MMM.
Fact of the matter is, HE quit the board. I never told him to leave, I encouraged him. He just wanted to call the shots as to how it is delivered……..that cannot happen with certain pieces of info. There are individuals who could be in danger in addition to having to consider the possible issues of liability on the part of MMM.
So, I held off on posting this, but ya know what, Doppelganger a/k/a Storagehead a/k/a Woodsville Worrier a/k/a Eagleart a/k/a Claysoup a/k/a A ____ n, I have given you many chances but after reading your repeated bashings of MMM on this site, how does it feel to you now to have YOUR names posted? And why don’t you post on here what you sent to MMM. I’m sure everyone else would love to know what you had to say.
just me

Saint Paul, MN

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May 27, 2008
quija wrote:
Just Me, I got tired too of being disparaged for trying to think "outside the box" on the MMM forum. Weeper and others encouraged us to. Then forum members put us down. They obviously have to care so much about Maura, putting so much time into it, particularly Maura's relative, Helena. But they have already made up their minds about what happened, and have not left the slimmest possibility of anything else happening, or a problem having begun before Maura took off north. Everything Maura did is chalked up to stress, but some of Maura's behaviors seemed at the extreme of college students' stress. All possibilities have to be explored and maybe some of the comments of local residents will be good leads.
Forgot to say I lived it, breathed it, slept it, daydreamed it, wrote for it, read for it, day in, day out and probably drove everyone crazy with my always ready to explore back and forth up and down open mind, lol. Some would call that fickle. But in all this I still have the same hunches to this day that everything really centers around driving through NH that night. Looks like you still want to explore too Quija and that's great. I like this Topix, stumbled on it by chance.
just me

Saint Paul, MN

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May 27, 2008
Lady Gray wrote:
<quoted text>Hey……Doppelganger a/k/a Storagehead a/k/a Woodsville Worrier a/k/a Eagleart a/k/a Claysoup a/k/a A ____ n (won’t give hints as to last name). Would you like me to go further?
I’ll tell you, I am really tired of you slamming MMM. Would you guys like to know why he is so angry with MMM?
I’ll let you know why….. when the Board’s moderator became ill last year, I stood in while she recovered. Claysoup here, known as Doppelganger on MMM (his first logon name on MMM, second logon is EagleArt) began posting on MMM.
Doppelganger a/k/a Storagehead a/k/a Woodsville Worrier a/k/a Eagleart a/k/a Claysoup a/k/a A ____(won’t give any hints to last name), began posting his theories.
While at MMM the family is open to ideas and theories, we will NOT tolerate some things.
I removed Claysoup’s (known at the time as Doppelganger) postings. And I told him that while we would welcome his postings, he could not post the theories he was posting.
WHY? Because his theories involved names of heads of the U.S in addition to names of of major politicians. He was posting the names of major multi-billion corporations and their officers. He was posting names of political action committee members. Posting names of military bases in addition to names of international terrorist groups in addition to the names of major contributors to missing people’s funds. And saying that they were tied into Maura’s case.
I asked him to send this info to the moderators of MMM in a PM for consideration. He would apologize and turn around and post AGAIN in the public forum. I had to be quick on my toes to remove them. This happened for a couple of weeks. We went back and forth many times.
Finally, he became belligerent and angry at me. I told him to PLEASE continue sending this info to us, privately, as all things are considered. He refused and said if I wouldn’t consider it worth posting publicly that there wasn’t any use in sending it privately to MMM.
Fact of the matter is, HE quit the board. I never told him to leave, I encouraged him. He just wanted to call the shots as to how it is delivered……..that cannot happen with certain pieces of info. There are individuals who could be in danger in addition to having to consider the possible issues of liability on the part of MMM.
So, I held off on posting this, but ya know what, Doppelganger a/k/a Storagehead a/k/a Woodsville Worrier a/k/a Eagleart a/k/a Claysoup a/k/a A ____ n, I have given you many chances but after reading your repeated bashings of MMM on this site, how does it feel to you now to have YOUR names posted? And why don’t you post on here what you sent to MMM. I’m sure everyone else would love to know what you had to say.
Wow, I just wanted to put this out here again. Maybe he's the one who called Helena a tin God...what's you deal Claysoup?

“Honesty and justice for all”

Joined: Sep 22, 2007

Comments: 338

Londonderry, NH

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May 27, 2008
Does anyone really think these posts are doing anything positive to bring Maura home?

Please stop it with the nonsense.
just me

Saint Paul, MN

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May 27, 2008
LvsNH, this may be off topic but the discussion continues. I for one am glad to finally understand some of the dynamics here.

Does anyone know if the schoolbus for the ski trips ever stopped in 2004 on Bradley Hill road in Woodsville? I read this once and then the computer lost the info. Or maybe you can just tell me where the bus for the middlestudents made it's last stop the day of the ski trip. For those who don't know, the SBD was just getting home after dropping off the last student. Thanks

Joined: Feb 13, 2008

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Middletown, VA

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May 27, 2008
Thank you Lady Gray for the heads up! I was just going to ask him how his leadership is going with his team, OH MY. informing the public of gossip that has been around since day one with Maura disappearing.

Greenfield, MA

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May 27, 2008
It is well known that many people who might have information about a crime hesitate to go to the police. However, they often will develop confidence in coming forward by viewing and testing the tone and conduct of a forum like the MMM board. There is no other board on the internet officially endorsed and operated by the Murray family. The MMM board occupies a unique position in the flow of public discourse and therefore assumes a public responsibility.

Because the MMM board and the Murray family’s private investigator, Frank Kelly, are so inter-related and virtually indistinguishable to the public, his recent post on the MMM board (“and I have gun”) can be viewed as an attempt to intimidate the general public and therefore to disrupt the normal flow of assistance from the public to law enforcement.

The MMM board does not appear to be merely lazy, uninformed, unorganized, or intolerant. Its behavior in discouraging public discourse appears to have been sufficiently concerted and uniform over such a length of time that a reasonable case can be made that they are trying to interfere with an official investigation by law enforcement.

If the MMM board, masquerading as a public forum, actually represents a true attempt to undermine or discourage the genuine assistance normally provided by the public to law enforcement, then those responsible for maintaining the site, including its moderators, come dangerously close to obstructing justice.

The New Hampshire Attorney General should review the MMM board’s public postings and private message archives in order to determine whether or not their conduct is either illegal or meets the standard for a civil action.

If the Murray family’s private investigators have, for past three years now, relentlessly harassed and interfered with, for no good reason, the private life of an utterly innocent individual, if they have engaged in “covert alteration” of his environment, if they have sacked his business, if they have spread the most malicious and false rumors imaginable about him, then there can be no complaint about any scrutiny given the MMM discussion board.

Newington, VA

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May 27, 2008
LvsNH wrote:
Does anyone really think these posts are doing anything positive to bring Maura home?
Please stop it with the nonsense.
LvsNH ...The "nonsense" is a concerted effort to take the focus off Maura Murray, to end discussion about Maura Murray and to send the Murray family home.
Going way back this happened with a certain few posters on CrimeNews200. It happened on Websleuths resulting in one forum being taken down.
Don't worry ... the Murray family and friends are a tenacious people and their intention is to go home only when they bring Maura Murray home.
The posters you see are a few disgruntled posters that are in the minority.
What you don't see are the over 25,000 pieces of correspondence, not counting phone time, etc., the Murray's have recieved ... the greatest portion of which are extremely supportive. There is a misconception out there that the people in the North Country are not supportive. It is just that ... a misconception. After more than four years the Murray's still recieve daily correspondence from many wonderful people from the North Country who wish to help bring Maura home.
So, LvnNH, not to worry!... the Murray's will "keep on keepin' on!
just me

Minneapolis, MN

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May 27, 2008
I remember crimenews2000, what a mess that was, remember BJack?..... The first MM board was good but had to be improved upon. The present forum, MMM is full of information and the forum part of it is just to keep the clock ticking so to say (my words). Nobody in that family wants to hide the truth so quit saying that. They deserve to find out the truth no matter what because their daughter went missing in perhaps your town and if anyone can help would you please help? Because what helps To find Maura may make life the way it ought to be for you and yours.
Lady Gray

Saint Louis, MO

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May 27, 2008
Lightnin wrote:
<quoted text>
LvsNH ...The "nonsense" is a concerted effort to take the focus off Maura Murray, to end discussion about Maura Murray and to send the Murray family home.
Going way back this happened with a certain few posters on CrimeNews200. It happened on Websleuths resulting in one forum being taken down.
Don't worry ... the Murray family and friends are a tenacious people and their intention is to go home only when they bring Maura Murray home.
The posters you see are a few disgruntled posters that are in the minority.
What you don't see are the over 25,000 pieces of correspondence, not counting phone time, etc., the Murray's have recieved ... the greatest portion of which are extremely supportive. There is a misconception out there that the people in the North Country are not supportive. It is just that ... a misconception. After more than four years the Murray's still recieve daily correspondence from many wonderful people from the North Country who wish to help bring Maura home.
So, LvnNH, not to worry!... the Murray's will "keep on keepin' on!
From the bottom of my heart...and most importantly, from the heart and soul of Maura's family and friends, thank you.....and bless you!

Greenfield, MA

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May 27, 2008
From previous post:

Maybe he's the one who called Helena a tin God.

No, I've never called anyone a tin god.

Also from a previous post:

For those who don't know, the SBD was just getting home after dropping off the last student.

This is what makes the issue of lying so important. If SBD lied, then there is a very reasonable likelyhood that any crime against Maura was planned in advance and probably occurred near UMass.

The bus could have been empty of students and he still could have used it to slow the traffic behind him or to stop the traffic in both directions. Since he probably does not have any relevant criminal history, and since he would have little reason to lie if he were not involved, it seems to make sense that he might have participated in something related to the disappearance, but did not himself commit the actual crime. The only thing he could really have contributed was the use of the bus to control traffic in the area. Since a person, several levels up the corporate ladder, who ultimately owns the bus company, lives in Amherst, it's not out of the question that SBD was an accessory or accomplice, but not the actual abductor.

I have no idea who OH MY is, but I get a lot out of the poster's presence on this board.

I have never been part of any concerted effort to take the focus off of Maura.

Saint Johnsbury, VT

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May 27, 2008
Lower Slower Delaware wrote:
<quoted text>Shows how ignorant YOU ARE, because "reminder" is my non registered topix name.
Like I said you must be involved in Maura;s disappearance!!

Saint Johnsbury, VT

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May 27, 2008




citigirl wrote:
<quoted text>did they ever tell you the location that they abducted Maura from?
I know approximatly where they took her from as I have had a preminition...

Saint Johnsbury, VT

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May 27, 2008
just me wrote:
Claysoup, that's all very intersting info and a good reminder not to go after potentially innocent people..........
LE and SBD went looking for 'Maura' that night and what they had to report was deliberately misleading. The Construction Worker tells such and such to so and so until the LE hold his story up for the world as if to say: Maura was trying to hurry off 5 miles away from the 'scene of the crime' 'see, there was no crime'. But you don't want to hear that now, do you.....nobody does and they want this to be forgotten, I just don't think this bunch will give up until the truth is told.
Where did this problem start? Well, it could be related to anything I think was your last point. But the fact of the matter is this "accident" was a cover to something.
The rag in the pipe was so Maura wouldn't br able to leave but the Angels saw differnt and the car did run after thr rag was inserted and they were off and on the chase to catch Maura before she spilled the beans

Saint Johnsbury, VT

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May 27, 2008
The rag in the pipe was so Maura wouldn't br able to leave but the Angels saw differnt and the car did run after thr rag was inserted and they were off and on the chase to catch Maura before she spilled the beans

“Boom,Boom, Boom ”

Joined: Sep 21, 2007

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May 28, 2008
OH MY wrote:
<quoted text>
Like I said you must be involved in Maura;s disappearance!!
Pretty good there OH MY ONLY PROBLEM at the time of Ms. Murray's disappearance I was on a European tour with my band and my wife.
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