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Concord, MA

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Sep 14, 2008



Weeper said:
... I have posted my gratitude and admiration for all the wonderful, good Christian citizens in and around the Haverhill, NH area who have assisted and participated in the search for young Maura Murray...

Public forum, Weeper, gotta be Politically Correct!(Someone was sure to pick up on this.) Although almost 3/4 of NH is Christian, the other 1/4 is made up of Mormon/Latter Day Saints, Churches of Christ, non-denominational, Jehovah's Witnesses, Assemblies of God, Muslim/Islamic, Buddhist, Evangelical, Church of God, and Seventh-Day Adventist, Jewish, non-religious, and atheists. I'm sure I left out some other religions of Native Americans and others. My guess is that the same percent of these people are good, caring, loving people too. I've gotta laugh thinking of some Jehovah's Witness acquaintances doing ANYthing criminal!!!!
Homer Simpson

Hayward, CA

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Sep 14, 2008





The Valley Murder why didn't I think of that Doh!

Crime solved. Concrete and undeniable.

How did you figue that out elsewherebriefly?
Homer Simpson

Hayward, CA

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Sep 14, 2008





paris wrote:
There doesn't have to be a Maura look alike in line if it's a random stroke of luck
They should have played lotto in every state - they would have won every one.

Bristol, CT

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Sep 14, 2008





Shack wrote:
I do remember a guy friend of the Murray family was searching the side of the road with a
metal detector when he was "dissuaded" by local HPD.
It’s funny. I remember him just being asked what he was doing but it was a while ago so my memory may be fuzzy. I can’t say I remember any “dissuasion”. Of course playing along the side of a state highway with no shoulder to speak of could be considered dangerous. I am not sure with a plastic car what he was going to find with a metal detector anyway but I guess that is beside the point. I am just as sure if someone involved in the “crime” was walking along the road playing with a metal detector you wouldn’t think the police should have kinda asked what’s up either?

If the police ask and in your opinion the person should be doing it then the police are belligerent/bullies/trying to dissuade? If the police don’t ask and in your opinion you don’t think the person should be doing it then they are incompetent/lazy/in cahoots? Sounds like they have their work cut out for them. ;)


Concord, MA

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Sep 14, 2008




Hi Paris, I've missed you (me being under a tarp). I thought it was great that you established email contact with Petrit Vasi. I can see that you continue to live and breathe Maura's case. Since Petrit had traumatic brain injury (TBI), one of the worst injuries IMHO, having to relearn reading, writing, talking, walking, etc., and usually with permanent personality changes and memory loss, I wonder if his best friends or roommates from 2003-2004 might be able to remember if he had (back at that time) met Maura? Otherwise, as said above, his horrible accident might've been a fluke in terms of the timing of Maura's emotional breakdown and sudden flight north.
Lady Gray

Austin, TX

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Sep 14, 2008
whiston wrote:
hi all Feb 05 mr Murray asks governor John Lynch to help retrieve Mauras computer from NHSP.June 05 NHSP take back Mauras belongings from her family.Did Mauras' family ever have the computer from Mauras dorm room or not.Shack we do not know why Muara called the Salamones it is just assumed that she needed a place to stay and put forward on the old MMM site.on the 20/ 20 show Maura is shown holding something Maybe a cd or dvd.what is that.also in the picture of Maura and Billy , i assume in the dorm room is that a copy of not without peril on the bookshelf behind them.the book binding looks similar. when was that taken. i read some where that Billy and Maura went to nyc over christmas break 2003.there is a picture of them in central park i think taken was Billy home for christmas .i think Maura went back to school jan 28 04.Mr Murray drove with her from Bridgeport CT.feb 07 2004 she was in amherst with mr Murray having dinner and bending his car on feb o8 .the next day she vanishes.take care philip
It was June 2004 when NHSP took back the contents of the vehicle. And also the computer which had come from UMass; however, a copy of the hard drive had previously been given to NH authorities by UMass.

Middlefield, CT

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Sep 14, 2008
hi Lady Gray and nh pd now have one known copy of Mauras hardrive and the original computer. i ;so have heard both june 2004 and june 2005 when the police took back the contents of the saturn from Kathleen.someone posted they were stired in a closet because they expected Maura back for them .how long is long enough.take care philip

Middlefield, CT

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Sep 14, 2008
hi all, long day meant to say stored in a closet and also heard of june 2004 and june 2005 when nhpd took back car contents from Kathleen.why i am thinking of it where are the contents of the dorm room.take care philip

Minneapolis, MN

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Sep 14, 2008




You know, plain and simple, I thought about Maura needing to leave for whatever reason. She needed cash and had a couple/few days worth of clothing. Didn't carry a purse.....printed out directions to a destination and took off. Whatever happened is beyond me, but her car did NOT get banged up by the weathered barn. It was driven from somewhere like that...or towed...or somebody smacked it up later on. Why I don't know but it's down to that again in my mind.

Minneapolis, MN

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Sep 14, 2008



Lady Gray wrote:
<quoted text>
It was June 2004 when NHSP took back the contents of the vehicle. And also the computer which had come from UMass; however, a copy of the hard drive had previously been given to NH authorities by UMass.
Now what would make them want to have the actual brains when they had a copy of the hard drive. This seems like they didn't want anyone to ever see what's on there. I know, I know....but doesn't it seem like overkill since a computer in a dorm room was not in NH, not in Maura's car and they had a copy which should have been good enough?!?

Minneapolis, MN

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Sep 14, 2008



I mean did they take her boom box and dvd player and other things that had NOTHING to do with being in a single car 'accident' in NH?
I know that sounds nutts, it's supposed to, a hard drive copy would have been enough unless....well, did they lose it, corrupt it???????? If so why not get another copy? What could possibly justify taking the whole thing? Part of a bigger picture? I would suspect UMASS has their own copy and Fred has a right to one himself. GRRRRRRRRRRR, is it just me or this just plain wong?

United States

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Sep 14, 2008
Quija wrote:
Weeper said:
... I have posted my gratitude and admiration for all the wonderful, good Christian citizens in and around the Haverhill, NH area who have assisted and participated in the search for young Maura Murray...
Public forum, Weeper, gotta be Politically Correct!(Someone was sure to pick up on this.) Although almost 3/4 of NH is Christian, the other 1/4 is made up of Mormon/Latter Day Saints, Churches of Christ, non-denominational, Jehovah's Witnesses, Assemblies of God, Muslim/Islamic, Buddhist, Evangelical, Church of God, and Seventh-Day Adventist, Jewish, non-religious, and atheists. I'm sure I left out some other religions of Native Americans and others. My guess is that the same percent of these people are good, caring, loving people too. I've gotta laugh thinking of some Jehovah's Witness acquaintances doing ANYthing criminal!!!!
I'm pretty sure he meant christian in the lower-case C sense, not in the religious affiliation sense, elsewhere. Some of the people best at exhibiting "christian" behaviours are indeed of many other denominations, faiths, etc.

Joined: Jun 7, 2008

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ISP: Denver, CO

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Sep 14, 2008





Several things, so please bear with me!

Elsewherebriefly -- Thanks much for providing Paris with the line she requested re the Chart :)

Whiston -- you were asking if Billy had Christmas break off re December 2003. My recall from the MMM forum is that yes, he had some leave time that he used during Maura's Christmas break. Per SharonR on MMM, Billy and Maura spent virtually the whole time traveling around to see relatives of her family and his. So much that Maura really didn't get a lot of resting done during the break. Along with the traveling, they also took some time to look at engagement rings, as I recall.

Re what CW could see from his house -- someone correct me if I have this wrong, but based on the maps and photos I've seen of the area from Weathered Barn to intersection of SR 112 and Bradley Hill Road, and with CW's house up Bradley Hill a short distance, it has seemed to me that evergreen trees along the side of SR 112 (on the right or north side of SR 112 if heading west) could have prevented or at least interfered with CW being able to see what was going on at the Saturn's location. Further, if he traveled home via SR 116, then he could have come DOWN Bradley Hill to his home -- he would not have then been approaching the intersection from west on SR 112 where he'd surely have a very clear and direct view of the vehicles and lights at the Saturn. IOW, I think a reasonable case can be made that CW may not have seen the lights, not enough to get his attention, when he was returning home.


Bristol, CT

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Sep 15, 2008





Advocator wrote:
IOW, I think a reasonable case can be made that CW may not have seen the lights, not enough to get his attention, when he was returning home.
Advocator, I really wish you stop looking at things in a light that might first assume his innocence. It isn’t nearly as much fun as accusing people of being either in collusion or maybe just plain stupid. Of course this is the more likely reason but face it, isn’t it more fun to make him a perpetrator in a crime that we don’t know happened? And if a crime did happen we don’t know where it happened yet. You are one of those people taking all the fun out of this conspiracy and I don’t think I can forgive you for it. But let us not forget the first rule of TV CSI. The last person who saw the missing person did it. Playing by TV rules he must be involved so I think I am going to disregard your logic. I am going to make believe I didn't read it. Because if I don’t how will I fill my day.


Minneapolis, MN

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Sep 15, 2008
Well, you know, when this is all said and done we'll see what's what. The guy clocked out at 7:00~ he said so. We don't know what took him 'til 8 to get 5 miles from his home and see someone on foot, seemingly avoiding his gaze. Nobody seemed to be driving West but him. Once home he just finishes out the day. After 10 days or so he talks with police, has nothing to add......that's fair. Doesn't allow a search of his trailer....that's fair too. After awhile he tells a shopkeeper that he may have actually saw Maura, didn't know the gender, but that the timing made sense. You know the story and police went to him for clarity. Between not knowing gender and police there's a redirected search and renewed hope. That's all fine and dandy too. Then someone local comes on and says CW never knew it *didn't* happen at 1:00 am when he was asleep on the couch. That doesn't seem odd at all.
I'm fine with that and it's true, he is just living his life like the rest of us. Atwood has been cleared and the rest is history.
Not everything comes out in the wash though.

Minneapolis, MN

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Sep 15, 2008
Thanks Advocator for all the good work on the chart. I hope you can find a way to link to the full report as well. About that report. Is there no way to get it for oneself online?

Concord, MA

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Sep 15, 2008



This is off the current topic train, but I believe "Not Without Peril" was a "comfort book" for Maura, just like the ones I bring with me on trips. It did deal with courage, life and death decisions, mountains, risks, losses, and trials in life. But whatever happened to Maura, IMO this is one case where a (favorite) book is just a book. I still don't know what to make of the Gestalt of her memorabilia in the Saturn, but the book itself means nothing.
Lady Gray

Austin, TX

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Sep 15, 2008




whiston wrote:
hi all, long day meant to say stored in a closet and also heard of june 2004 and june 2005 when nhpd took back car contents from Kathleen.why i am thinking of it where are the contents of the dorm room.take care philip
Philip, you may have heard June 2004 and June 2005, but as I posted last night, it was June 2004 when NHSP took back the car contents plus the computer.

There is no question as to what year it was.
Don't mean to sound argumentative, I don't understand why you are persisting it's a different year and I want you to understand it was not 2005.

It was June 2004.
sophie bean

Vergennes, VT

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Sep 15, 2008





I don't think that I misread this, and my comments about the content of this post - WTF/Bill - stand as I wrote them.
WTF wrote:
<quoted text>
Yep, you caught me. I'm one of the good ole boys that was laughing my a** off in the restaurant about the burning cottage or Maura’s disappearance. It couldn't just be the injustice of condemning an entire town’s citizenry was the reason. Sophie, do you see a conspiracy in everything you look at? It must be a terrible way to live. I don’t envy you.
I might add that this is the first time you have stated who you are talking about. In the past both you and Shack seemed to clearly accuse everyone in the town and you didn’t try to hide your disdain for the local citizenry. Wowzer wasn’t the only one that clearly interpreted it that way and it was talked about repeatedly on the MMM forum as I remember and at least some people left the forum because of it. I also clearly remember that it seemed as though whenever traffic on the MM forum was starting to die down Shack would kick that hornet’s nest by making the same accusations against the entire area again. It was crude, it was transparent what she was doing but it was a strategy that worked over and over again.

Minneapolis, MN

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Sep 15, 2008



Quija wrote:
This is off the current topic train, but I believe "Not Without Peril" was a "comfort book" for Maura, just like the ones I bring with me on trips. It did deal with courage, life and death decisions, mountains, risks, losses, and trials in life. But whatever happened to Maura, IMO this is one case where a (favorite) book is just a book. I still don't know what to make of the Gestalt of her memorabilia in the Saturn, but the book itself means nothing.
Wouldn't it be a mix of the most important stuff when you go away to college? Your basics, PC, clothing and keep the extra down so as not to clutter? When my son moved out, he left his bed and lots of things, only taking what he really wanted and needed with him. Some of these items were perhaps still in the car from her move to UMASS? They could have been 'brought' along for the ride or already there.
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