- Posted in the Franconia Forum
Comments (Page 27)
Here's for a good look at the road from French Pond Rd, past the Stage stop store, down to the weathered barn, the "hairpin" curve, past the tree that marks the spot.......then you can see what SBD's driveway looked like. Plenty of room to turn around even with all his stuff inn the yard back in 04 |
![]() Joined: Feb 13, 2008 Comments: 27 |
Excuse me while I disagree, as OH MY has as much a say as anyone here! He/she is repeating common gossip that has been said since the beginning and I think we should hear him/her! |
The timeline is on Wiki. It is as clear as the information provided to the family to date. Wiki Maura Murray. A member of the MMM site went to great lengths to compile this a while back. If that doesn't appear coherent, check your meds.
Claysoup are you privy to the stories told by POI's? You mention more than one. |
Judged: ![]() 1 The truth is real close to the surface and I will get the truth for the Murray family if it takes the rest of my life!!!!!!! It is time for some arrests in this case,, like about 15 people at least. |
Judged: ![]() 1 Thank you for saying that!! Bless you. I am taking this way further than just this blog as I had a talk with the murderer and he is one dangerous individual.. I am sending a report to CSI in Concord and there will be some arrests and they will be soon as there are many people up there that know the truth. God Bless everyone who has been helping on this case but please top fighting in this forum and lets work together for the Families sake ok!!!!!! |
OH MY, I will be happy to stop "fighting" as soon as you apologize for accusing me of being CM's girlfriend and accomplice, and as soon as Claysoup aka EagleArt aka Doppelganger etc etc etc stops attacking Maura's family and those who are actually trying to find her.
I'll bet that the FBI would be very interested that Claysoup etc has inside information from suspects,oops, I mean "POIs" which he hasn't shared with LE - I believe that's considered obstructing justice and is a felony. Who stands to gain by atacking Maura's family and those who are seeking to find here? |
The way it reads to me is don't go to Maura Murray missing dot com because they can't be trusted, they will report you, not on purpose but they have to./not so/
That is not true so if you have any information please get ahold of Helena, she won't give you away. You never have to give your name. And if it's a small thing to lead to the main thing she will put it in order and that's worth alot. If only we could frame this in. |
Judged: ![]() 1 Any involvement would've been too hard to plan with him on the road all day. And she was still in the car when he arrived at the scene so it's unlikely he hit her with the bus. That just leaves a guy who, like most of us, wants to be a hero. Just Me is right --- neighbors said the SBD backing in was unusual, never did that before. He must've been sort of waiting for the police to arrive and see them coming over to him and be ready to be interviewed. His driving off in his other vehicle to search for Maura, when CS did too, was probably another normal behavior of trying to helpful and important and part of police work, since he wasn't actually a policeman but seemed to have wanted to be and liked to identify himself that way. I don't think he did anything wrong, just that his behavior was affected by who he wanted to be, and how he wanted to be seen. Pretty human. I feel bad we all jumped on him as a POI early on. I mean, a guy living at his mother's house with his ex-wife/girlfriend and driving a school bus all day that day.... really, it's probably time to let him off the hook. The people in that county and state have been slammed on other forums and it's mortifying. This week when I was there, I ran into lots of nice and courteous people --- a pick-up truck driver who made a real effort to help me at a light (me in the wrong lane) by signaling me he saw my problem and to go ahead of him when the light changed. I don't know when this slamming of NH began, but it really is infantile and not useful in any way. OK, onward. |
Judged: ![]() 1 --Maura (maybe - not in police log which looked altered) has one skid-out around 7PM. Somehow (maybe) gets out and keeps on going although the car is damaged. --Maura has a second skid and car is backed into the snowbank. --SBD stop a few minutes later and talks with her and tells her he's gonna call the police even though she begs him not to. --That leaves her no choice but to get the heck out of there or face a DUI (maybe, if she was drinking since alcohol might have been spilled) --Unlikely the construction worker living nearby did anything --- right in his front yard, for gosh sakes -- unlikely she was abducted in the few minutes while parents drove by going home with their kids from the ski trip the SBD took them on and neighbors watched from their windows --Girl with West Point (military) training would know how to evade police --No sign of foul play, no sign of a fight, and she was athletic and trained. She wouldn't be abducted easily. --Yes, she could've grabbed a lift from someone. How likely is it that it was a "bad guy"? --Seemed she was avoiding people, though, putting off the school bus driver by saying she'd already called for a tow, when he knew she didn't since there was no cell phone service at that spot. --Most likely thing is not an abduction or foul play. Not likely either with witnesses watching intermittently out their windows that someone accidentally hit her in the road with their car. --She was very stressed; she left West Point; it appears she wasn't planning to go back to UMass or nursing, although she was doing really well, as always. Seems to have packed up her dormitory room or never unpacked after Xmas vacation; settled most personal matters like returning clothes to a classmate, finishing up a student group paper project, sending emails about her being gone for a week to professors and bosses; had an uncontrolled crying jag; was escorted back to her dorm by her boss; was offered to be taken to counseling by her boss, was given her boss's cell phone number in case she needed help; her friends were worried about her; her boyfriend/fiance was half a country away; she had a costly accident a couple days before in her dad's new car; she seemed to be drinking more than before... --seems she was in crisis, very emotional, maybe not herself and out of control in some ways... --Even if she left UMass just to get away to sort things out and take a break, after 2 more accidents and a school bus driver threatening to call the cops, and maybe coming on strong about her being intoxicated (if she was), what do you think her agenda was at that point? Does it sound like the last straw? Even her close dad's first reaction was that she was depressed and he felt she was endangered and depressed. Sounds like a wonderful, bright, athletic girl with so much potential wasn't just stressed but sort of spiraling down and refusing any help that was offered... just my opinion - not putting Maura down --- she has been described as a really admirable and special young woman. But what if you look at what is most likely? |
Well, that was a pretty good run down and reminder Quija, thanks. I think life was hard for Maura too and she was keeping things to herself like I tend to do....I feel like Maura wanted to take off and just think about her life and it appears she did just that. But she didn't want to die, I would bet the farm....
The first report of a female sliding off the road may have grabbed someones attention and they got there sooner than the officer who was turned away because she left in a private vehicle. I find it odd, the report for that night had been altered, even missing in the public log. Maura may have slid off the road, taken elsewhere and her car hijacked for example.... and I know we talked the heck out of that idea. I'm glad you could remind people here of so many things. The SBD says that he mumbled under his breath "yeah right" and something to the effect that she lied, saying that she had called AAA, knowing like he did, there was no reception. But dang it, why did the police look for Maura at all only to pretend the next day that they had no idea? Makes me feel like SBD was a patsy. Before forums of any sort for Maura, I had only my mind for a picture tube. I see Maura's car spin around and she's rear end in the snow. She gets out and walks around the car according to the news and walks away 2 minutes before police come. They mention the school bus driver who lives very close by offering help to which Maura refuses. Days go by, weeks, months and then it's said she was seen hurring down the road so not to worry (more or less). I'm asking everyone I know, does this make sense? Same answer every time, who was the last person to see Maura....... Now, I don't know what happened but somebody in that little group of people do. JMO And at the time, there was also a town snitch who drove a car just like Maura's, no names from me. But I'll tell you what, it's also possible she was mistaken for that person and jumped. Where she is now who knows. And what about that phone call? She was sobbing, her fiance and such swear it was her. The Red Cross says it was them only to say they don't know what that was because the call was made with a calling card and the numbers are rerouted and untraceable. Police play the call and say it's just static. They did not want to listen to their pleas. Back to that sad day Fred was given the news and the knife. Why oh why would police let a potential murder weapon get handled any more than it had to? By this time LE still had no probable cause to search and CW's land/trailor was never searched either because of no probable cause. We have to trust that they are doing the right thing, yes. But Maura's car at last word was sitting outside still, any and all evidence long gone by the eliments. Worth noting****Maura's car does not match with the said 'accident' damages. You can read about that too on her website. Also, I think the SBD was cleared if I remember correctly. |
I appologise!!! I also agree with everything you said right there.. Anyone who feels the way that person does is probably involved with Maura's killers or is the killer! |
“Because I can..” Joined: May 13, 2008 Comments: 211 |
Judged: ![]() 1 No... Your accusations are what have people thinking. What truely is your angle? Alot of the time a guilty party will try to interject themselves in a case. In there own mind they feel they cannot be looked at when they have helped so much. I am sincerly hopefull that you have nothing to do with this. However, the more I read your posts the more I think you, yourself may be involved. If not, you can surely now understand what others felt or thought when they have been accused by you. I am only an observer. An outsider who is sickened with about 50% of all these posts. I can plainly rationalize with almost all of the theories. But what I don't understand is when one person brings a theory, two more people act as though their own theory is the only one plausible. Why not look outside the box. Get your paper and pen out and get all the theories on paper. Then do some subjective reasoning make a timeline. Give yourself a place to start. Oh my: I am in no way bashing you. But you state you know the criminals. Then you say you've heard names. Then you say you've had preminitions(Are you some type of clarvoyent). Give it a rest. You are reminding me of a fella I know who just likes to hear himself talk. And really gets his rocks off by talking about things he knows nothing about. The funny thing is everyone knows he is full of chit. Does that make since to you? |
Judged: ![]() 1 The FBI, New Hampshire State Police, Massachusetts State Police, and two local police departments were contacted several times as long as two years ago. Not long after my last attempt to contact LE last summer, I was roughed up by the police, who also fabricated an elaborate and vicious lie told to my wife in a successful effort to get her to divorce me. You think I'll be going back to LE any time soon? You think I don't know where the effort to silence me originates? Just for the record, it's not with any member of the Murray family, who are beyond reproach, nor with anyone they knew prior to Maura's disappearance. |
Judged: ![]() 1 I've tried to share everything I have with the FBI, New Hampshire State Police, Massachusetts State Police, and two local police departments, all of which were contacted several times as long as two years ago. Not long after my last attempt to contact LE last summer, I was pushed around pretty hard by the police in an attempt to silence me. You think I'll be going back to LE any time soon? You think I don't know where the effort to silence me originated? Just for the record, it did not originate with any member of the Murray family, who are beyond reproach. |
Judged: ![]() 1 No, you won't have to go any further yourself. I'll save you the trouble. Alden H. Olson 48 Brookside Ave. Greenfield MA 01301. Thanks for the free advertising, by the way. |
Judged: ![]() 1 |
“Boom,Boom, Boom ” Joined: Sep 21, 2007 Comments: 1820 USA ISP: AOL |
Great post you nailed it on the head. Unfortunately OH MY won't get it just as he/she never got it when posting as Sepmer Fi in the tragic 5/11/07 Franconia tragedy. The same type of mindless blatherings of secret information was dangled in front of everyone which amounted to absolutely nothing of value or correct about that case either. He/she takes lessons from the master of gossip blogging,KINGSPAMALOT who interjects his cause into every case. |
quija, I agree with you in your opinion and assumptions that she was having a stressful time at Amherst. I think she was on the verge of a life changing decision and only needed time to mull over her choices, but not enough to run away from her problems for good as some may think. I disagree about the first spin out; in my opinion she crashed only once where the car was found. I too, think that she may have had a little bit to drink, but not enough to cause her accident. I agree with you that she was probably not abducted, she left the accident scene willingly with the driver of the reported "private vehicle" and perhaps her motive was as you described: to "get the heck out of there or face a DUI". It's extremely plausible (to me) that this 'good samaritan' was indeed a "bad guy". Psychopaths can, and do, outwardly appear as normal, well adjusted citizens, even charming as in Ted Bundy's case. I don't need to paint a picture of what happened next. This was a crime of opportunity with a window just big enough to take advantage of and this individual took it. |
The private vehicle remark was from the first 'spin out'. There was an unmarked official looking car at the scene of the weathered barn though that was perhaps later sold at an auction. There was a red truck up the road beginning at 7 that followed police toward the 'accident' at about 7:30. I still think someone hanging around the area, staring, slowing down to really look at the woman who later said she did not see anybody walking to police......well, I think that's fishy. That night police looked for and pulled over many red trucks so how 'bout that? And CS the responding officer said "I got a call at 7 or 7:20" and it took me 10 minutes to get there.....That's a big jump in reported time. I agree with the above posts too but think also that the people know more than they're saying. They want to downplay the man they also saw by the car like a hush, hush. So I really get stuck here wondering if he was known to them and driving that official vehicle that was later sold. Then I think about the red truck story, That woman says she does not fit Maura's description but it was dark and as she walked into the light by the store, they moved on and parked. The woman went in, bought her things and stayed until closing which was 7:30. That's how she could be so accurate about the times.
Claysoup, I'm sorry you had to go through all that trouble. What can you add to this now? |
You obviously cannot tell when you are being jerked around. Check this persons posts. They are the ravings of a lunatic. Likely someone who is manic. Feel free to converse with this person but do it by email so the rest of us don't have to be bludgeoned by his/her stupidity and ramblings. If he/she actually has anything useful to say other than wild accuasations that keep changing, let him/her convince the police or contact Helena at MMM or the detectives which people have been saying for months now. |
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