Maura lived in Kennedy in a single.<quoted text>
I am not sure which dorm she lived in...?
- Posted in the Franconia Forum
Comments (Page 455)
Complicated case, but solvable. Bad info constantly planted here and elsewhere. Search for the obvious, ignore your immediate discovery, but look at the structure. The key is behind the structure. |
draw a map stop |
not far stop |
![]() Joined: Jun 10, 2008 Comments: 299 |
Sounds like the A frame area that is right on 112---B***** Bath House. It sits above 112 on ahill and overlooks the river but there are streams that come down the hills at different times of the year too. |
![]() Joined: Jun 10, 2008 Comments: 299 |
Thank you for you remember if it snowed that day? The weathe rhistory reports say it did not, the articles in the Hanson Express say the temps were 33 most of the day.....the roads were dry........but an employee at the Cottage Hospital recalls it snowing heavily. By any chance, do you recall? |
![]() Joined: Nov 24, 2008 Comments: 360 |
Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 3 ![]() 3 Benji, You seem to offer nothing but act as though you know the answer. Would you like to clue the rest of us in as to what happened to Maura? Bill |
hi Matt,do you have any way to contact anyone that was in nursing at that time.i really would like to know when classes actually started ,if there was a camera on the Kennedy Hall doors and if there was an atm in Kennedy .thanks take care philip
Whiston, Maura was in classes 2 weeks, Monday would have been the start of the 3 week...
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 So why don't you tell us the answer? |
hi peripeteia and all ,do you know when Mauras clinicals started.take care philip
I can think of 2 things: 1. Someone else's dorm on campus? 2. Living off campus. Have any input as to which it might be? |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 citigirl - where are you? |
Bill it goes without saying that the terrain of the area is mountainous, and rocky near the river.
That being said, I painted exactly what the area was like from the vision without having prior knowledge whether there were mountains in the area or not, also knew nothing of the area at all, including the river, other than one had to pass under the Swiftwater Bridge. I knew of Swiftwater before, but only saw a picture of the covered bridge in September on a calendar. What I mean to say about the river, I could not see it, but that there was forest leading downward, and no rocks were visible... thanks for the information on the firing range...didn't know there was one... What relevance these occurances that I experience have anything to do with the case, likely nothing! I'd like very much to believe that what I saw wasn't true, but rather Maura was living in the back woods of Prince Edward Island enjoying life, but I don't believe that is true either... Thinking out loud... upsetting phone call, I though this occured at 0040, the accident of Vaisi was at 0020... we do not know if someone called Maura directly, or if they were simply calling the security line if the person called Maura directly, it is suspect as this person should have come forward, and the question remains why have they not come forward? Are they hidding something? Perhaps someone called with an obsence call? I think whatever Maura's reaction, it must have been fairly dramatic (not that she was histrionic) but for the supervisor to suggest that she see a counsellor! |
Okay, let's break it down. 1. Complicated case: agreed 2. Solvable: hopeful - with help 3. Bad info planted here - meaning misinformation intentionally posted on this topix board? 4. Bad info planted elsewhere?- meaning in the media and by spokespeople for LE? 5. Search for obvious - only thing to me that is obvious is where the car was discovered and primary on scene LE. 6. Look at the structure - structure is an analogy of ???- meaning the structure of how and by whom information has been dessiminated? 7. Key behind the structure - ahhhh. Just thinking out loud.........(scratches head with deep sigh........) |
Judged: ![]() 1 Part 1 I have been reading all of the comments posted to this site beginning with the first one posted by Local Yocal on April 24, 2008. This site reached the six-month point on October 24th and as we approach the eight-month mark, we have amassed over 9,100 comments posted on 453 pages. When I read a message that contains a significant fact, or opinion, according to my subjective point of reference, I copy the entire message or the relevant part of it and paste it into a Word document that is growing by leaps and bounds. I list the author of the comment, the comment number, and the page where it appears. I use the highlite tool and append my own comment below italicizing it so that it stands apart from the comment. I'm planning to add keywords so that I can search this growing database using the Find tool. Now that I’m about halfway through this process, I’m wondering if others agree that we would benefit by having access to searchable database of all of the posted comments accessible at any time. I began this process to broaden and deepen my understanding of this complex case and to avoid reinventing the wheel, which is one of the major limitations inherent in using this site. I first heard about this case a couple of weeks ago and, as many before and after me, I am obsessed with solving it. When I first visited this site, I was awed by the knowledge of the people posting comments and a bit intimidated at the prospect of diving into the lively discussion and posting a comment that would be ridiculed and dismissed as something debated and resolved long ago. I decided to risk embarrassment, caught the wave, and I’ve been surfing along with the rest of the gang ever since. Since my initial fear of diving in is still fresh in my mind, however, I have decided to try and do something that will make it easy for new visitors to get up to speed as well as for others, who have contributed comments in the past, but haven't been able to check the site for days or weeks at a time, to periodically check-in to see what's going on and join the discussion without missing a beat. |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 I think we should not accuse people of making up stories, Laurie's husband and friend might be able to help in that they may have seen something. We ask for people to come forward and offer information then we cannot insult them...the place gave Laurie the creeps, what is wrong with that? I did not in any way get the impression that these might be Maura's clothing? |
Part 2
The prime directive since day one has been to find Maura Murray and sooner or later someone with important information will find this site and post that information, if they haven’t already. If the people who are visiting the site at the time the information is posted do not immediately recognize its significance, the comment may sink and disappear into the sea of comments. I want to figure out a way to avoid such a tragedy as well as way to preserve what we have. For example, I’ve seen quite a few comments like,“I remember somebody looked into that on the old board, but I don’t remember what they found out. Does anybody remember? I can’t access the old board and I really need this information now.” A user friendly searchable database of past comments regularly updated with summaries organized by topic would facilitate the acclimation process for newbies as well as provide a quick way for the rest of us to retrieve information that we have forgotten and update our knowledge so that our comments plow new ground. Such a database also will serve the needs of those of us who drop in and drop out as time and the responsibilities of our lives permit. A major advantage of this site is freedom of expression and lack of censorship. From time to time I see comments by people who used to post on the old MMM site complaining about the prohibition on discussing topics that someone previously had decreed to be irrelevant. I'm referring, of course, to the events that preceded the departure of the Saturn from the UMass campus in Amherst. Some people believe the full story of Maura's disappearance begins during the time she was a student at West Point. Others believe it begins with the events of the preceding couple of weeks starting with the new semester and reaching a climax at approximately 1 am on Friday, February 6th, when Maura received a phone call at work so visibly distressing that her supervisor decided to let Maura leave work early, walked her back to her dorm, and recommended she see a counselor. I don't know if anyone was banned for posting comments that ventured into those areas or if their comments were deleted. I don’t know that there were any “official” taboos. From reading the comments posted here by MMM expats, however, it's clear that they believed they were unjustifiably attacked by what I will call the Murraybots, a descriptive term based on the word Obamabots. I don't have to define it because ya'll know what it means. Some people with good intentions felt humiliated, insulted, marginalized, or demonized by responses to their comments. Little wonder that the site eventually evolved into a preaching-to-the-choir fiasco endlessly rehashing the same information and theories. As long as the people who post on this site adhere to the Golden Rule and treat others with the same respect they expect from others, we should be able to avoid the fate of the previous site. The right to criticize, however, must be protected and encouraged by all, including people who resent being criticized, because critical comment is the best way to prevent opinions from being presented as facts, correct mistaken facts, and identify the flaws in theories. We cannot progress toward accomplishing our goal if we discourage criticism. Of course, criticism should be confined to the subject matter presented in a comment and violates the Golden Rule when the person who posted the comment is attacked. |
Part 3
We must be mindful of and respect everyone’s right to privacy and right to not be defamed. This rule should apply to the people who live or lived in the area where Maura Murray is believed to have disappeared as well as to the members of the Murray family. Striking a balance between what we believe we must do to find out what happened to Maura and not invading the privacy of others will be difficult because our opinion regarding where to draw that line probably will differ from theirs. One way to avoid crossing that line is to use common sense and (1) clearly identify the underlying assumptions in an opinion as assumptions rather stating them as facts,(2) distinguish between opinion and fact by not representing something as fact unless you know it’s an established fact, and (3) express conclusions in terms of probabilities or possibilities rather than certainties. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 "Mason points out in #8901 that it was a MA plate on Red truck. " Right. See what Shack said from the actual log - NOT MA plates, but NH temp plates. I had no idea that NH had red-on-white temp plates. I've NEVER seen one, not in ten years at least. I know that VT has red/white temp plates. I was kind of running on the assumption that it might be a VT truck. Now it appears that it could have been MA, NH, or VT. That doesn't narrow it down! peri - I agree, since the car was supposedly headed eastbound, why was "everyone" looking west? especially "even down to French Pond" - I never understood that - WHY "EVEN" FPR? AND - while I'm on the subject - at first, attention was directed westward, around the store and FPR -then, later, CW comes up with the overheard yarn about spotting a gender-nonspecific person moving "furtively" around 5 miles east? IF nothing happened to Maura in the Swiftwater area, why all of the wildly differing yarns? |
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