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Dedham, MA

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Thursday Dec 11





The Post re: CK was, I believe, only for us
to re-read (scroll down for comments) is a
re-write of the same Post that was written here
several pages ago,about Landry/Londonderry/Maura/
ping/cell tower was NOT about CK..sooo pls don't come here with that, there's a "bash place" for that(we have enough of our own;] TX

Englishtown, NJ

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Thursday Dec 11





Question: Has there ever been any level of detail provided for the accident Maura had the early hours of the Sunday before she went missing? I first read about Maura's story a few weeks back and have been drawn to it ever since. Of everything I've read and did my best to digest, I've often wondered about that night/morning. It just seems somewhat odd that all that has been really offered was something to the effect of nothing ever came of it (legally). I find it hard to believe the police wouldn't be skepitcal of someone who slammed into a guardrail at 3am with most likely displaying signs of someone who had been drinking. Just another piece to this unfotunate and bizzare puzzle. Does anyone have any thoughts about this? Apologies if this has been exhausted before...

Parsippany, NJ

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Thursday Dec 11



"Does anyone reading this message use Sprint as their service provider? Better question is did you use Sprint in February 2004? If so, did you have to input your PIN to access your voicemail?"

Mason.. I've owned Sprint for almost 4 years have never had to input a passcode to get my messages. you just hit the voicemail button or back then dialed the number and it would say "welcome.. you have 2 new messages..first message.."
peripeteia Nova Scotia
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Thursday Dec 11
L White wrote:
Thanks for the reply, elsewherebriefly. Not to split hairs, but while I realize that the police officer states the air bags deployed, the testimony of the school bus driver seems to indicate the air bags were not (described in #9217). This discrepancy raises the specter of another scenario between the accident and the arrival of the police.
Hi. L.White...the school bus driver stated that when he came around the corner he could barely make out the black saturn on the corner, he shone the flashlight in the window and he could only see her from the lips up as the airbags were deployed....

He could not have seen Maura engulfed in the airbags with her face only visible from the lips up unless he saw the accident. His wife stated to 911 Haverhill when they call back after receiving the call from Hanover 911 from the SBD,(allegedly he contacted Hanouver because the circuits were busy she stated He saw the accident and she's gone and we do not know where she went....

This was at 1943, and the school bus driver alleges when he finally got in touch with 911 and came outside the police had already arrived...1946...but Marrott the neighbour states Maura was there one or two minutes before the police arrive... how do 'they' know she is gone.?

School bus driver most definate states the air bags were deployed.

That being said, with a force of 200lbs. psi, that struck Maura in the face (or the occupant of the car), she had to have been stuned. Also, the school bus driver had to have seen the accident or Maura had her face down on the steering wheel, and sitting in the car since the accident some 5 minutes before.

I don't get what makes people think this is routine acciden, to come across someone with there face in an airbag.

Something is very fishy with his statements, the article is on line will see if I can find it...

Ad infinitum, where was the school bus driver when Haverhill called back by his statements, he should have been in the house... and why didn't his wife call him to the phone, and how did she know that the girl was gone...

“Boom,Boom, Boom ”

Joined: Sep 21, 2007

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Thursday Dec 11





Shack wrote:
The Post re: CK was, I believe, only for us
to re-read (scroll down for comments) is a
re-write of the same Post that was written here
several pages ago,about Landry/Londonderry/Maura/
ping/cell tower was NOT about CK..sooo pls don't come here with that, there's a "bash place" for that(we have enough of our own;] TX
Shack you truly are naive about how the Internet works if you believe that. It is called "blog spamming" multiple cross referencing links posted keeps the Chris King, Christopher King, Kingcast name up at the top when you use a Search Engine such as Google. It's the same method used by many Internet promotion companies, posts are made in any Internet blog or forum that even remotely can relate to something the person being promoted has thoughts about, can relate to, has done, is in the process of doing, has experienced not mistake for one minute that it is not all about Christopher King.
peripeteia Nova Scotia
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Thursday Dec 11



Sara wrote:
<quoted text>
For the record, I did not mean this in a negative way. I understand that there may be certain things the family does not want to disclose, nothing wrong with that. I was just saying this may be one of those instances.
There was no mention of Maura changing residences, so assumedly she was in Kennedy before Christmas...but can't say for sure, sorry for not being definative...

Seattle, WA

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Thursday Dec 11





I still believe that there is a chance that Maura had/has schizophrenia, which I believe explains many puzzling things about this case, and about her behavior. It could explain the car accidents; why she was drinking; why she could not sleep; why her behavior (the sudden crying, etc.) was so perplexing; it possibly might even explain why the rag was in the tailpipe of her car, as one person pointed out. Based on what I have heard of her behavior, I think there is some chance that she was delusional, and that possibly these delusions pertained to her family (because in the first crying spell, when her supervisor asked her what was wrong, she said, "my sister, my sister"; and before she allegedly left Amherst, she wrote her professors that she had a family emergency).

So, I think she may have been going somewhere that she had been to before with her family, for reasons that only Maura would know. And if she is out there, and mentally ill, then I wonder if she would return to the place where she was headed that night. So if I were the family, that's where I would put the "missing" posters- near trailheads of hikes the family had done, places the family had stayed, etc., so that if someone saw her they would know that she was a missing person.

Maybe everyone in that area knows of her, I don't know. I really hope my pushing the mental illness issue isn't offensive to anyone.
peripeteia Nova Scotia
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Thursday Dec 11
Lady Gray wrote:
<quoted text>
When Sgt Smith arrived on scene and discovered the reported person at the car was not there, he would have most likely called Dispatch to ask Dispatch to call back the Atwood's and inquire as to whether they had seen the person leave after their initial 911 call.
This is why, on the dispatch report, Barbara Atwood answers the phone and says "we don't know where the female is." Atwood left his porch and went to his bus when he saw law enforcement arrive. Atwood was on his bus when Dispatch would have called back, at Sgt Smith's request; hence, Barbara Atwood answered the phone.
This is a customary procedure for law enforcement. When they arrive on scene, if the call they are responding to is not as it was reported in the initial 911 call, they will request Dispatch to call the reporting party to either update the call/ask additional questions.
Lady Grey as you are aware that the phone call per reports of dispatch occured at 1943, yet SBD states that when he came outside after making the call the police had already arrived. Where was he? or are there mistakes in the dispatchers and Smith's time of arrival, or the time that they called the SBD house...this is baffling...?!
peripeteia Nova Scotia
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Thursday Dec 11
Mason wrote:
<quoted text>
Before, approximately 30 minutes.
The Saturn may already have passed by the store before RO arrived and saw the red truck leave because witness FW, who called 911 to report the accident at 7:27 pm, told the cops that she heard the loud thump, looked out the window, and saw the Saturn backed into the snowbank a little after 7 pm. Looks like the accident happened very close to the time RO saw the red truck.
From Lady Gray's message #1200 @ p.59, quoting RO.
"I wish I could give an exact description of the truck but I can not. I was walking that night about 7 p.m to the local store. As I was walking up the hill, a truck passed me and slowed down. When it got to the middle of the hill it stopped in the road. I immediately looked at the plate and noticed it was from Massachusetts. There is only 1 street light there and I could not tell how many people were in the vehicle. As I got closer to the truck it took off up the hill. When I rounded the corner to the store, I could see the truck in the driveway of the store. As I walked into the parking lot, which is well lit, the truck took off toward the crash site,(of course at that time I did not know there was a crash).
As for the red truck, it slowed, then stopped and waited for me to get closer, then took off up the hill. He did not leave the store parking lot in any sort of hurry.
When I entered the store I asked if she saw the people in that truck and she said no, no one had come in. I told her about them stopping in the hill. Then we just forgot about it."
"I was in the Swiftwater store for 1/2 hour - 45 minutes. It was about 20-30 minutes after I was there that the police went by. I am not at all Maura's size and in fact I was bundled up that night. I believe I caught the truck off guard as I was walking well off the road and as they passed I walked back on, which is why I believe they stopped completely. They could not see me without any street lights and maybe went to the store and waited for me to get up there to get a better look??? I don't know. That is just how it seemed to me."
Was the occupant of the red truck fearful that RO would walk futher down the road near the accident site? Just a thought>> i.e. the red truck being the look-out per se
peripeteia Nova Scotia
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Thursday Dec 11
quija wrote:
<quoted text>
After some years RO seems to have ID'ed the truck as being similar to a Ford F250 with a small back window. IIRC..... this was on the MMM forum.
didn't RO state something about the back of the truck having a wooden frame?

“ Adopt Shelter Animals ”

Joined: Jun 12, 2008

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Gloucester, MA

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Thursday Dec 11





pansie wrote:
I still believe that there is a chance that Maura had/has schizophrenia, which I believe explains many puzzling things about this case, and about her behavior. It could explain the car accidents; why she was drinking; why she could not sleep; why her behavior (the sudden crying, etc.) was so perplexing; it possibly might even explain why the rag was in the tailpipe of her car, as one person pointed out. Based on what I have heard of her behavior, I think there is some chance that she was delusional, and that possibly these delusions pertained to her family (because in the first crying spell, when her supervisor asked her what was wrong, she said, "my sister, my sister"; and before she allegedly left Amherst, she wrote her professors that she had a family emergency).
careful, pansie, please.
it has yet to be established that maura was drinking.
the behaviors/actions you've documented do not necessarily support a diagnosis of schizophrenia.
such diagnoses are not casually made over the internet; i suspect you know that.
yeah. offensive. not helpful.
peripeteia Nova Scotia
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Thursday Dec 11



regarding Maura's mental state, Fred could speak to that, as basically he was the last person to talk to her that we know of, other than anyone Maura might have spoken to on the phone....

We do not know if she saw anyone or spoke to anyone on Monday, at least that we know of...

I think in all sincerity, if Fred thought that Maura was mentally disturbed or ill he would not have left to go to Con., there is no question that Fred loves Maura, and he would have never left her alone without help if she was ill...

just my opinion, Maura was not mentally ill, burn out, stress, need to get away, need a change of scenery, perhaps having problems, but mentally ill, no, certainly not Schizoid,,not a chance, not unless it happened on Monday, and the chances of that unlikely
peripeteia Nova Scotia
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Thursday Dec 11
more than likely Maura was having an they say in the medical profession, what brought this about is a dice throw, we do not know, not yet...

Mansfield, MA

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Thursday Dec 11





LSD..yeh..guess I am truly naive...
my intent was really just to stay with Maura..
My stupid......

Paducah, KY

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Thursday Dec 11





Maura Murray receives a telephone call at 1 am on Friday, February 6, 2004, while she is at work in Melville Hall monitoring the sign-in desk. The caller is a fellow student, a young man with whom she is acquainted and regards as a close friend. During the first two weeks of the new semester, she let him use her Saturn that she had decided not to use to commute to her clinicals because it was unreliable. She had been hitching rides to her clinicals with other nursing students.
Her friend tells her that he hit someone at the intersection of Triangle and Matoon streets, panicked, and left the scene. He’s afraid he might have killed the person because he hit him pretty hard. He says he doesn’t think anyone saw the accident, but he’s not sure. He doubled back to check on the guy and saw him on the ground, apparently dead or unconscious. The news upsets Maura and one of the reasons why she is upset is the car is registered to her father, Fred Murray, and she promised him that she wouldn’t lend it to anyone. She is so upset that her supervisor, Karen Mayotte, lets her off early and walks her to her dormitory, Kennedy Hall. Maura won’t tell her why she is upset.
She and her dad go shopping on Saturday to buy a car to replace the Saturn, which he plans to trade-in as part of the deal. Maura is worried about the condition of the Saturn, which is badly damaged from the hit and run collision the previous night. She discusses the situation with her friend and they decide they have to get rid of the Saturn before her dad sees the damage or the cops show up knocking on her door to question her about it. They figure they have to get rid of it before the following weekend when her dad plans to return to campus, close the deal on the new car, and turn in the Saturn.

Continued in Part 2

Paducah, KY

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Thursday Dec 11
Part 2

They come up with a plan to dispose of the car somewhere deep in the wilderness of northern New Hampshire or Vermont, probably by pushing it off a cliff, and report it stolen. They figure that if it’s ever found no one will tie it to the hit and run accident. Maura agrees to drive the car up north and her friend agrees to meet her at an agreed meeting place, help her get rid of it, and give her a ride back to campus. To provide cover for the trip, Maura emails her professors and tells them she’s going to miss school for a week to return home to deal with a death in the family. As part of the plan she agrees to lend her cell phone to her friend before he returns to his home in the Manchester area, which he must do to get a vehicle. She agrees to call her cell phone from a campus phone just before she leaves on Monday afternoon to let him know that she’s on her way. Since they have agreed to a meeting place in the White Mountains of New Hampshire and she will be slowed down by the damaged Saturn, they figure that it will take her longer to reach it and he can adjust his starting time based on her phone call. The last call she makes is at 2:18 pm to her fiancée, Billy Rausch. She leaves him a short message on voicemail. Then she gives the phone to her friend.
Maura withdraws $280 from her bank account using an ATM machine at 3:40 pm. Then she goes to a liquor store and spends $35 to $40 on booze. She purchases Bailey's, Kahlua, vodka and a box of wine according to her sister Kathleen and heads north. She planned to give most of it to her friend since she’s much of a drinker.. Since they planned to stay in the area for a few days before reporting the Saturn stolen, she took her textbooks along planning to get in some studying.
At 3:47 pm, her friend turns on her phone, accesses her voicemail, and retrieves her message. Then he turns it off and gets ready to hit the road in a red pickup truck that he has borrowed from a friend or, what is more likely, the friend is going to drive and he is going to ride along. They take I-93 N/B.

Continued in Part 3

Paducah, KY

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Thursday Dec 11





Part 3

I suspect he and Maura agreed to meet somewhere in the vicinity of North Woodstock or Lincoln, but when he and his friend arrived they did not see Maura. They decided to drive W/B on Rte 112 and intercept her rather than continue to wait. They began to worry when they did not see her and may have driven as far as the Rte 302/112 intersection or possibly Woodsville before they decided to backtrack and look for someone walking in case the Saturn broke down and she hitched a ride or was walking alongside the road. The passenger may have noticed RO on Bunga Road walking toward the Bunga Road intersection with the 112 and wondered if she was Maura. They caught up with RO as she was walking up the hill toward the Stage Stop convenience store and although they slowed down they weren’t certain that she was not Maura so they decided to pull ahead and wait for the woman to reach the well lit parking lot. Maura’s friend realized RO wasn’t Maura as soon as RO emerged from the darkness and they left the parking lot to continue backtracking E/B on the 112.
At some point they probably decided to find a dark place to park and watch traffic without being noticed. Old Peters Road, which intersects the 112 at the curve immediately past the Weathered Barn would have been a perfect location and that is likely where they parked.
Maura must have appeared pretty soon after that, perhaps 10 to 20 minutes later. And then she lost control of the Saturn and crashed, possibly for the second time that terrible night. I think the boys probably saw the SBD coming and decided to wait until he passed the accident scene. Instead, he stopped, and when he finally drove away, Maura’s friend approached stealthily in an effort not to draw attention. Maura would have been extremely relieved to see him. She grabbed her backpack and handed him the vodka, kahlua, and the Bailey’s. Keeping to the shadows, they started walking back to the red pickup. They got in and the driver left the area as fast as possible without drawing attention. He may have headed E/B past the crashed Saturn with Maura hiding on the floor, or he may have headed W/B because he did not want to risk the possibility that someone watching would associate the red pickup with Maura.

Continued in Part 4

Paducah, KY

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Thursday Dec 11
Part 4

What happened to Maura? I believe her “friend” and his associate had discussed the possibility that Maura might snitch them off and what they might do to prevent it. Getting rid of the Saturn by pushing it off a cliff in the wilderness and later reporting it stolen wasn’t going to work. Sgt Smith probably passed them going the other way, so they knew there would be an investigation and a search for Maura because they saw the SBD talk to her. He would provide a description and the area soon would be crawling with cops, dogs, and people looking for her.
What would she say when they found her and she was facing her own criminal charges, even if they were misdemeanors? How could she be trusted to keep her mouth shut, if the cops linked the Saturn to the hit and run accident back in Amherst and started leaning on her for that crime. Even with her work alibi, they could make her sweat. They talked it over and agreed to do what they decided was necessary to save their own skins. The former “friend” was looking at a possible vehicular homicide charge, if Mr Vasi died, and conspiracy to destroy evidence. His friend was looking at being charged as an accessory after the fact to vehicular homicide and conspiracy to destroy evidence. To their way of thinking, the only obstacle to their continued freedom was Maura Murray and it was only a matter of time before the cops would be leaning on her for answers, unless she disappeared. They decided to double down.
I think they took Maura somewhere in the wilderness as far away from the Saturn crash site as possible avoiding towns and heavily traveled roads hoping to avoid arousing suspicion or to give anyone an opportunity to see Maura. They would have killed her before daylight because the odds that someone might see her in the truck would have been much greater during the day. When they reached a suitable place, they would have stopped “to stretch their legs” and as one of them engaged her in conversation, the other approached her from her behind and struck her with a blunt object, possibly a tire iron. I doubt if she even knew what hit her before she lost consciousness and died.
After they disposed of her body, perhaps by rolling it down an embankment and covering it with brush, they got back in the truck and drank up the booze she thoughtfully purchased to give to her “friend.”
Little did she know that it would be the last gift she would ever give to another human being.
I’m so very sorry to have written this, but I think this is the way it went down and I offer it to all of you to consider.
Respectfully to all,

United States

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Thursday Dec 11
Chris wrote:
Question: Has there ever been any level of detail provided for the accident Maura had the early hours of the Sunday before she went missing? I first read about Maura's story a few weeks back and have been drawn to it ever since. Of everything I've read and did my best to digest, I've often wondered about that night/morning. It just seems somewhat odd that all that has been really offered was something to the effect of nothing ever came of it (legally). I find it hard to believe the police wouldn't be skepitcal of someone who slammed into a guardrail at 3am with most likely displaying signs of someone who had been drinking. Just another piece to this unfotunate and bizzare puzzle. Does anyone have any thoughts about this? Apologies if this has been exhausted before...
Chris, others will be able to answer this better than I, but the quick answer is "yes" there is a bit more info on this accident. What I can tell you at this insane hour of the night is that "driver inattention" was cited. I believe she slid on some ice, but that may be incorrect. I don't think she actually "slammed" into the guardrail, though....I think it was more of a "nantucket sleighride" action.....don't think she was going very fast, in other words.

United States

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Thursday Dec 11





Snowy White wrote:
<quoted text>
careful, pansie, please.
it has yet to be established that maura was drinking.
the behaviors/actions you've documented do not necessarily support a diagnosis of schizophrenia.
such diagnoses are not casually made over the internet; i suspect you know that.
yeah. offensive. not helpful.
Really? You were? Wow, people are so different! I, on the other hand, was not offended at all. And while it has yet to be established that Maura was drinking the night she disappeared, she WAS drinking on occasions as recent as that weekend in Sara Alfieri's dorm room. Don't know which pansie was referring to.
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