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United States

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Thursday Dec 18
White Wash wrote:
Well trying getting up to the news there is a murder running your back yard and you LE
sucks and you're next!
I think picking and choose was lost when certain
people picked to bad mouth others in the press!
I think Mr. Murray lack of respect for LE and those us women living in the area is equally
physically ill.
Let's move on please we get how you feel and it would be nice you would remotely try how we feel.
<quoted text>
I know you're trying to move on from this, White Wash, but this is the first time I've heard you express that you feel Fred has a particular disrespect for the *women* of that area.

That kind of gives me a better perspective on why you sometimes react the way you do, and I'm curious what made you feel that way. You don't have to respond, obviously, if you're not comfortable sharing or just want to let it go. It was just the first time I've heard this specific thing from you. And it caught my attention. And, of course, the only reason it's relevant to Maura's case is precisely because it's affecting your reaction to him and the family.

Just trying to understand as much as I can.....

United States

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Thursday Dec 18
White Wash wrote:
where else have i see that photo humm
did you draw it
<quoted text>
Not the same one, White Wash, but I too noticed it was very similar. Odd, isn't it?

Omaha, NE

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Thursday Dec 18
How do we know that airbags were not deployed? Everything I have red said they were. If you look at the police report - 6 days later it does say airbags deployed. Did Butch ever comment on this?

United States

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Thursday Dec 18
White Wash wrote:
I believe a have the hard copy!
I will try to look for it tonight and
post it!
Ok I'm blonde I admit it!
Where are inspection stickers on MA rigs?
I see none here on this shot.
Answers welcome thanks!
<quoted text>
Two thoughts on this:

1. Is MA one of the states that puts tags on the license plates?(does ANY state still do that?)

2. This photo is from when the car was sitting in the field-lot adjacent to NHSP. Had registration info been removed by then? The license plates are off, too, so I wonder if the reg tags had been removed by then.

Omaha, NE

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Thursday Dec 18
Also - what are inpsection tags? Here in WA - you get your car checked for emissions to get your tabs -those go on the license plate. That is it - who inspects each and every car? Not out on the west coast.

Joined: Nov 24, 2008

Comments: 360

Bristol, CT

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Thursday Dec 18





Anne wrote:
Bill, Yes, I do think substantial progress was made on MMM site. It is obvious that the bashing of the MMM is the chief 'progress' here, because a high percentage of posts are BASHING MMM. It is an apparent and only noticeable objective here. IMHO people need to let it go.
Anne, seriously. If you could enumerate what that substantial progress was I’d appreciate it. I was there from the first MM forum. There was the posters after four years of noodling, that while a good idea lead where? What else? What were those substantial things that were accomplished?
FireCat wrote:
<quoted text>
Oops. I meant that she'd left the accident scene of her own accord. Sorry for the lack of clarity there.
OK, that is something that could be left to the reader’s imagination. I believe without a doubt that she ran from the scene of her own accord. As I have said before I don’t know what happened five feet or five thousand feet down the road.


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ISP: Denver, CO

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Thursday Dec 18
Wowzer wrote:
<quoted text>
I do think it's an excellant option to not only be able to search but also to keep the clones from overtaking the forum.
Please take what I am going to say with the spirit that it was meant and that is to help find Maura....
I also think it is important to keep the public Topix forum active also for new and fresh ideas.
While I haven't seen Advocator's forum it's apparent from the replies that he/she put a lot of time and work into it.
As long as it doesn't turn into a replica of the old MM site where the same few ideas by the same small group of people are gone over a million times and incessant bashing of the locals is allowed I think it would be a great place to talk and go over new ideas.
My intent is to keep the forum as open and active as Topix. The one difference is that although anyone would be able to read the forum, people couldn't post there without registering. Even though I intend to use a light hand with moderating, I think spammers and such wouldn't bother to register (and can be dealt with if they do). No, it won't be a replica of the old MMM site.

Joined: Nov 24, 2008

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Bristol, CT

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Thursday Dec 18
Advocator wrote:
<quoted text>
[as an aside, the word "squaw" used to refer to a woman is one of the biggest translation mistakes in history ... that word refers to a distinctive part of the male anatomy, it does not mean "woman"]
As another aside I know is off topic but where did you find that? A quick search of the word squaw doesn’t say anything like that.
The word "squaw" was borrowed from the Algonquin language family of a few Indian tribes in Canada and New England and first appeared in the American vocabulary around 1634. It has been a familiar word in literature and historical documents for most of this country’s history. The Massachusetts/Algonquin word means "young woman." The word is unknown in the languages of Native Americans of the southwestern United States.

The controversy over this term appears to have started in 1973 with the book Literature of the American Indian, by Thomas E. Sanders and Walter W. Peek. Sanders and Peek suggested that the word "squaw" may have been derived from a Mohawk word for female genitalia. In a 1992 appearance on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Native American spokesperson Suzan Harjo mentioned their theory and started the controversy. The theory has been proven false by linguists but that hasn’t stopped the flood of political correctness activists from objecting to the name.

Since the word "squaw" has never been a part of the native vocabulary in the western three-quarters of the nation, the only way the Indians can form an opinion of the word is by observing how it is used in the English language and listening to the opinions of linguistic "authorities." I believe that there would be little objection to the word "squaw" among Indian peoples if they knew the true etymology of the word.

Summerville, SC

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Thursday Dec 18
Where is this new site?

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ISP: Denver, CO

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Thursday Dec 18
WHISTON wrote:
hi Advocate .I took a peak at your forum .It looks great. my only concern is, due to my limited computer skills. if i bail on topix whats the chance that both sites could get lost in the ether.I ask out of ignorance and great concern.Again what i saw looks great and it looks like a lot of work so Thankyou very much .TAKE CARE PHILIP
I don't know anything about Topix in terms of how long it would hold up if posting ceased on this thread. Seems like eventually it would be gone, but ??

As far as the new forum, I will check to find out if there is a way to "back it up" regularly. If there is no way provided to do that, then I'll manually back it up onto CD so that if some glitch messes it up, it can be reinstated. As I may have mentioned before, my intent also is to move a lot of the Topix discussion over into an archive on the new forum, so a goodly amount of the discussion from here will be available there (and searchable!!).

I would like to add, this forum is my first venture into running one so I don't yet know all the available bells and whistles on what can be done, etc. But I do want all of you to know that I checked and found out for certain that Admin (including mods) on the PHPBB forums can NOT read the PMs among members. I had always assumed they could, but they can't. I do approve of that, otherwise they aren't Private, are they.

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Bristol, CT

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Thursday Dec 18
As far as another moderated thread it makes no difference to me. I'll post probably just as I am here. If I can't then I won't post. If it is too heavily moderated (which you are saying it won't be) then I would have no problems with it. I just don't know if its worth the bother but its not my bother so I am not worried about it.


Summerville, SC

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Thursday Dec 18
Advocator wrote:
Everyone -- I've posted twice in the last couple of days that I've set up a private forum for discussion Maura's disappearance. There are advantages to such a forum -- searchable posts is a big one as we all know Topix is not searchable. Links and information such as the Timeline, photos of the Saturn, etc., all there in one place so we don't have to ask where to go to see this or that. I've promised to preserve poster anonymity so everyone can feel free to say what they want/need to say ... if posters are contributing nothing but spam, they'll be outta there.
I've seen some discussion over the last week or so about setting up other threads on Topix for pursuing specific aspects of Maura's case, and it seems to me that would be unwieldy to manage whereas different threads pursuing specific aspects in one forum are not difficult to manage. Thus far, though, I haven't seen any comments at all following up on my previous posts about the forum I set up -- so I don't know if the lack of comment means no one is interested, or whether my posts got lost in the stream, or whether somehow most of you are not even seeing them for some reason.
I'd like to know whether y'all are interested in a dedicated forum, as I'm not going to put more work into compiling resources and information if no one really wants that type of posting option.
It's not my nature to "push" anything onto anyone, so this is the last post I'll make about it unless folks are interested.
Where is this forum located?

Glastonbury, CT

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Thursday Dec 18
New to this forum and have a few questions (my apologies if these have already been asked and answered):

1. Does LE or the family know why the call to Maura's boyfriend came from the Red Cross? Was the content of the voicemail (i.e., young woman sobbing) confirmed?

2. How well has the sighting by Rick Forcier held up? It sounds as if Maura could have made it 4 miles in the 1/2 hour or so from the time of the accident until the time he saw her running.

3. Is there any doubt that Butch Atwood saw Maura after she had the accident. Some articles have raised the specter of doubt that it was her.

4. There seems to be a bit more to this story with regard to the conversation she had with her sister before she disappeared and what her frame of mind was when leaving that Monday. Is there any more information about what was going on in her life that may have caused her to want to get away for awhile?

Thanks to all who can provide any answers or details.

Joined: Jan 25, 2008

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Shallotte, NC

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Thursday Dec 18






I've been accused of over exaggerating and being ridiculous before re: the rate of rapes and burglaries in NH, even though I was right.

New Hampshire relies heavily on Room & Meals tax and many of my family's and friends' property taxes have skyrocketed.

Ridiculous or not it's the truth.

Omaha, NE

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Thursday Dec 18

How do you know she was asked to leave WP? I have never read anything of the sort. I have wondered about WP - she is very pretty girl and athletic.

“ Adopt Shelter Animals ”

Joined: Jun 12, 2008

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Danvers, MA

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Thursday Dec 18
Wowzer wrote:
<quoted text>
I do think it's an excellant option to not only be able to search but also to keep the clones from overtaking the forum.
Please take what I am going to say with the spirit that it was meant and that is to help find Maura....
I also think it is important to keep the public Topix forum active also for new and fresh ideas.
While I haven't seen Advocator's forum it's apparent from the replies that he/she put a lot of time and work into it.
As long as it doesn't turn into a replica of the old MM site where the same few ideas by the same small group of people are gone over a million times and incessant bashing of the locals is allowed I think it would be a great place to talk and go over new ideas.
Excellent idea....having another choice, if necessary.

I sincerely hope everyone's voice is represented on the new forum, and there isn't a breakdown into factions according to beliefs.

On Topix, theories seem to compete with one another rather than standing side-by-side, and each being a complete progression of thoughts.

Organization is key.

“ Adopt Shelter Animals ”

Joined: Jun 12, 2008

Comments: 425

Danvers, MA

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Thursday Dec 18
Advocator wrote:
<quoted text>
I don't know anything about Topix in terms of how long it would hold up if posting ceased on this thread. Seems like eventually it would be gone, but ??
As far as the new forum, I will check to find out if there is a way to "back it up" regularly. If there is no way provided to do that, then I'll manually back it up onto CD so that if some glitch messes it up, it can be reinstated. As I may have mentioned before, my intent also is to move a lot of the Topix discussion over into an archive on the new forum, so a goodly amount of the discussion from here will be available there (and searchable!!).
I would like to add, this forum is my first venture into running one so I don't yet know all the available bells and whistles on what can be done, etc. But I do want all of you to know that I checked and found out for certain that Admin (including mods) on the PHPBB forums can NOT read the PMs among members. I had always assumed they could, but they can't. I do approve of that, otherwise they aren't Private, are they.
Tell us where it is when you're ready....
but keep in mind there are several who are offering to move some of the content from here to there.
I know ScooterD is anxious to begin....
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Thursday Dec 18
In NH the inspection sticker is in the middle of the windshield.
Town/State Reg are on the plates.

I think if it had been removed there would be
that glue left you know the kind you never can
get off!
FireCat wrote:
<quoted text>
Two thoughts on this:
1. Is MA one of the states that puts tags on the license plates?(does ANY state still do that?)
2. This photo is from when the car was sitting in the field-lot adjacent to NHSP. Had registration info been removed by then? The license plates are off, too, so I wonder if the reg tags had been removed by then.

Joined: Nov 24, 2008

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Bristol, CT

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Thursday Dec 18





Snowy White wrote:
<quoted text>
I sincerely hope everyone's voice is represented on the new forum, and there isn't a breakdown into factions according to beliefs.
There won’t be if everyone is able to express themselves without heavy moderation. If people think the moderation favors a certain theory or train of thought or certain avenues of information are repeatedly shut down then there will be problems.

It is that simple.


United States

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Thursday Dec 18
Dawn wrote:
How do you know she was asked to leave WP? I have never read anything of the sort. I have wondered about WP - she is very pretty girl and athletic.
Thanks for asking that, too, Dawn. I asked in the midst of some other heavy activity, so it may have gotten buried....but I'm very interested in the answer.
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