- Posted in the Franconia Forum
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The effects of the transits were driving her to break with the past. She craved change and I doubt that anything satisfied that craving for long except more change. Her practical and grounded nature was under assault and she very likely got caught-up in a torrid affair that explains why she seemed not to be living in her dorm room. She wasn’t because she was spending her nights with him. Who was this man and why did she go to such lengths to hide the relationship? Why did she hide all of this from her family? I suspect her lover was older, possibly a married professor who had a place in town where he stayed during the week and a home out of town where he spent his weekends. She was caught in never-never land living two lives and it must have been difficult with no small amount of guilt and self-condemnation. There is a suggestion in the charts that she was escaping from the stress by indulging in alcohol or drugs. |
Judged: ![]() 1 Moving beyond the revelations in the charts and into speculation, I recall a fact that didn’t make much of an impression on me when I first read it. I’m referring to the birth control pills that were discovered in her car. I also recall that she had four more pills than she should have had if she had been taking them every day. Now I feel real stupid because it looks like she stopped taking her pills four days earlier, which was Friday. Did she find out on Thursday that she was pregnant? Did she tell her lover? Was she upset early Friday morning because he told her that he wanted to end the affair? Did he tell her that he wanted her to get an abortion, but she did not want to? The Vasi theory is weak because she has a strong alibi and it doesn’t work unless someone else drove her car and hit Vasi. The fear of civil liability not covered by insurance for a possible wrongful death action may have been enough for to get Maura to sign-on to a scheme to get rid of the car by driving it off a cliff into a lake somewhere in the White Mountains, but a simpler theory is that Maura and her lover decided to get of town for two or three days to talk about their relationship and what to do about her pregnancy. If this is how it went down, her lover would have followed her up north remaining a discreet distance behind and available, if necessary, to help her if the car broke down. Driving north in separate cars would have been a natural extension of their desire to keep their relationship secret. If this theory is true, her lover would have rescued her from the scene of the accident and she would have willingly gotten into his car. |
Judged: ![]() 1 If her lover killed her, it would not have been the first time that a married man murdered his pregnant mistress and it certainly would not have been the last time. Alternatively, maybe her lover wasn’t married and they eloped to start a new life together. I see two problems with this scenario. First, why not elope and leave the Saturn in a dorm parking lot? It would have been a much simpler plan. Second, I suspect the cops checked with Sprint to see if any towers registered her pinging phone and the public would have been notified if the answer was yes. Nevertheless, because I want to believe that she is alive and happy somewhere, I have a strong emotional preference for this alternative. I long ago ruled out suicide as a possibility. M |
Why no one can comfirm it!
Judged: ![]() 1 so easy to walk from without someone being very disappointed.
I have the police log which I tried to scan w/no luck.
The officers where at the Pike school so they where stopped those speeding coming through the school is my view. I don't think it was intended to be red trucks I just think those where the ones speeding and it was a nice HOOK to keep it going in a direction spun.
Judged: ![]() 6 ![]() 5 ![]() 5 Why, because there is no way to prove or disprove it unless somebody gets caught in connection with another homicide and confesses to killing Maura. It's another way of saying I want to give-up working and thinking and investigating her disappearance. It's also a way to continue to pretend that Maura was a saint and her family is perfect. How can anyone seriously believe that during a 6 to 8 minute period on a Monday night in February, Joe the Serial Killer just happened to appear as if by magic on Rte 112 and somehow coax Maura to get into his car? Whether the SBD was watching or not, he could be seen sitting in his bus. Plus lights were on in houses along both sides of the street. Obviously no one was watching, but that doesn't mean that a hyper-alert serial killer with murder in mind is going to take that risk. On the other hand, someone she knew could roll up, say "hop in," and be on his way without coming to a stop. Don't fall for the serial-killer theory. They usually don't take those kinds of chances. It's lazy thinking to give-up and say the boogeyman did it. Where are your critical thinking skills? |
Judged: ![]() 5 ![]() 5 ![]() 5 Fred Murray came to town determined to teach the "hicks" a lesson and he charged around shooting his mouth off about all the ways they screwed things up when, in fact, he had no basis of knowledge to make a judgment. Let's face it. He acted like a jerk. |
Judged: ![]() 5 ![]() 5 ![]() 5 If I'm a cop interviewing him about Maura and he makes a reference to hoping she didn't do the squaw walk, I'm going to ask him what that means because I've never heard that term. When he offers me the same explanation he told the cops, of course, I'm going to think he just admitted that he's afraid she might have committed suicide. Then, if he's constantly yammering about how incompetent the cops are, I'm going to be asking myself why this jerk is jacking us around when there is no way that we could have prevented her from killing herself since she left the scene of the accident before we even got there. For hi to later claim that he never said has to be a lie because "squaw-walk" is not a commonly used expression. Are we supposed to believe that the cops made-up that story? That's ludicrous and this is another instance where Fred Murray acted like a jerk. |
Judged: ![]() 4 ![]() 3 ![]() 3 Hi Scooter, thanks for your question. I'm just speculating. Something, in my mind, seems seriously off in her family life. Not sure I can quite put my finger on it. I won't try to pull off anything as truth here, as I said before it's impossible to tell the difference between fact and fiction when it comes to this case. Yet, I have a sneaking suspicion that someone in her family knows more than they are letting on. Or perhaps they just know something that we don't and the proper authorities are taking it into consideration. If that is the case, we can reasonably say that maybe it isn't any of our business. I am just putting into words that which many people feel to be an underlying problem. That problem is that it is somehow and for some reason off-limits to speculate Maura's personal problems or any problems she may have had with her family, that in some way led to her disappearance. I don't know why Mason says she had the family from hell, you will have to ask him, but I do agree with him on the possibility, as do many others here, and I believe that it needs to be discussed. Something is off with Fred's account of what happened. People want to freely point fingers at LE and the locals for all the missteps they took, or contradicting information they provided, but when we attempt to examine Fred or Maura this place goes bonkers. Please understand that I am not placing blame, I have no knowledge or authority to do such a thing. I merely offering a possibility of what happened, and trying to open for discussion that is often refused or swept under the rug here on this forum. |
hi White Wash.To Borrow from Weepers post posted feb 24 06 on the old forum.It is 540 feet from mrAtwwods porch to where the saturn was actually found .The view is unobscured. The blue ribbon tree is not where the saturn ended up.I think he could see the accident scene.Please look at Advocates new site .It is a thing of beauty. Take care philip
Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 3 ![]() 3 And you know this how? We don't know that she ran into trouble. Many on this forum will claim that her being a victim of foul play is a fact. It is not a fact. Also, we also do not know to what degree the circumstances of her disappearance are connected with her life at WP, UMass, her family, etc., etc., etc., and it is quite possible that determining her motive will shed light on what happened to her. |
Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 3 ![]() 3 Sgt Smith kept leaving messages at a phone number in Surrey, MA, which corresponds to the address on file per the Saturn's registration. Murray, however was living in Bridgeport, CN and had neglected to update his information, or title the car in Maura's name. He probably didn't title it in her name because the insurance rate would have increased and he probably didn't register the car in CN because it would have cost more money than to keep it registered in MA. OK, I'm willing to let him slide on that, but to accuse the cops of not trying to reach him under those circumstances is beyond the pale and yet another example of acting like a jerk. I'm not saying he always acts like a jerk, but I believe this case would have been solved a long time ago if he had acted with grace and dignity instead of trying to set the whole county on its ear. What in the Hell was he thinking? |
Judged: ![]() 5 ![]() 3 ![]() 2 This situation is beyond frustrating. |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 "She’s turned-off by organized religion and gaining new insights into spiritual matters." I meant to write She's turned-off by organized religion and turned on by gaining new insights into spiritual matters. Apologize for the mistake. I have a very high degree of confidence that my analysis of her psychological and emotional state is accurate. Hopefully, we'll know within the next couple of months whether my astrological analysis is correct. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Sorry there is a tree line that runs along the property line of Atwoods. How can Weeper say that when there is a tree line there! I will see if the current owners would allow me to take some shots from there property ok. I always wanted to recreate the accident site.
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 2 Keep in mind that this person doesn't have to be connected with UMass, or a resident of Amherst, so it would be worth checking out all of the missing person's reports filed within 30 days of 2/9/2004 and 100 miles of Amherst, including the area around Londonderry (where the cell call to her originated late Monday afternoon or early evening) and Northampton where she supposedly went for clinicals only there supposedly weren't any clinicals there. I may have that name wrong but it starts with an N. I hope to God that's what happened! M |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 M |
Sorry just want to keep this clear!
I found it in a research quest of the court files.
Joined: Jan 25, 2008 Comments: 125 |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Thanks for confirming my post regarding the Murray family not being informed about the first press conference that was held by LE those first few days. I'll be sure to scour the net for that particular article. |
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