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Medway, MA

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Jun 19, 2008





What you said earlier seemed "right on" in the sense that maybe Maura was sending out signals for help!(hysterical crying, car accidents) In real life she seemed to reject help --- from her peers after the Saturday night party that included alcohol for some, advising her to just go back to her dorm; from SBD to come on over to his well-lit house with wife and mom to stay warm (if it was her and.... we do not have that as a FACT --- altho IMO it's likely).

I had been hammering away here at the possibility Maura might be found in nearby very dense brush --- within a mile, under the conditions. Wonder if the densest brush was ever searched? I'm sure I mentioned (at least a few times, sorry), that the toughest places to search oughta be searched if they haven't. Same with places like the concave areas created when a tree falls and pulls up its roots. Still wonder if the places that were searched (no FACTS on the searches) were searched with an eye to specific scenarios -- where she would seek shelter or be left by a perp that's accessible to a vehicle. I'd hope she's alive and in a cult, commune, or place like that, but it's not too late for more intensive investigations into many of the ideas here. If Maura was hurt in a crash, if she suffered TBI, there are memory, judgement, emotional, and a zillion other effects that last for YEARS. Point: wish we knew what areas were searched and how far off-trail they searched.
sophie bean

Dresden, ME

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Jun 19, 2008
Yes (that was FAST!)- I'm "incendiary, mean, and disagreeable" - I must have said, in reply to a post, "go pound sand up your axx"
*searches dictionary for definitons of incendiary, mean, and disagreeable*

Let me get this straight. Everyone who thinks that Maura might have been a victim of foul play, or had an accident and wandered off and perhaps succumbed to the elements is being told to get the f**k out of here, is that about right?
Everyone who doesn't agree that Maura was guilty of a crime - don't let the door hit you in the "axx" on the way out?

"Those MMM people are SOOO controlling!"

OK, if that's what you tell yourselves. Good luck with that.

Greenfield, MA

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Jun 19, 2008
Whether or not Maura was drinking seems irrelevant, given the damage to the front left of the Saturn's hood. It is impossible to believe that the damage was caused by having hit a tree. The officer on scene may have honestly believed the car hit a tree, but I have never seen a trailer hitch welded to the bottom of a rootless tree hovering about a foot and half above the ground. The importance of this dent cannot be overstated.

Canterbury, NH

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Jun 19, 2008
White Wash wrote:
Good now tell us where Larry said the body is!
Cause in real life we have no murder without a body!
If Claude took her to camp where is her blood?
The searchers have been there!
They lost their carpet piece but gave one to law.
Thinking anyone killed with a jack knife left
some blood.
Where are her personal belongings?
<quoted text>
Who said it was claude's camp...could it have been someone elses camp...a certain someone who got shot because he saw something he shouldn't have and expressed his concerns just hours before his murder. Perhaps she was brought to someone elses camp without their knowledge and accidently that someone went to their camp at the wrong time. Would this not put this owners camp and life in danger?
I do not believe Maura was driving her car. I believe it was all staged...staged by individuals who made arrangements for Maura to come to NH to destress and clear her thoughts.

Middletown, VA

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Jun 19, 2008
White Wash, It appears you have personally seen pictures from the accident sight. Is this the truth? It also appears you easily access NHSP. Is this true? This will help in trying to solve what happened. Did you choose your name to 'whitewash'? I do hope your objective is to help clear up some things. We all want the truth here.

Medway, MA

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Jun 19, 2008
BeagleBart --- haha, you are right! and very funny! No -- i've never seen a trailer hitch in that wooded location either. I agree that dent is extremely important and maybe similar dents you've seen or other accident reconstructionists have seen might help provide more info. Do you think someone "clipped" her car at the turn in the road? Where do you think this happened? Back in Mass? At the first accident if it was Maura? Or somehow at the snowbank site? You really ARE funny and I had to laugh at myself when I read your last post!

Bristol, CT

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Jun 19, 2008
Sniffin wrote:
<quoted text>I do not believe Maura was driving her car. I believe it was all staged...staged by individuals who made arrangements for Maura to come to NH to destress and clear her thoughts.
How would this have been staged? How did they make [b]arrangements[/b] with Maura. By mail, email, phone, all in person? How did they make these [b]arrangements[/b] with her without leaving a trace?


Medway, MA

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Jun 19, 2008
Where is Wowzer? LO YO is still here.
Beagle Bart, are you Beagle Fart and/or claysoup? It's hard to keep everyone straight. Is claysoup moving from the "Greenfield" area? Is that why he/she stopped posting?

Greenfield, MA

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Jun 19, 2008
Thanks, quija. The Saturn almost certainly would not have been driven to NH before the dent was made. The headlight was too cockeyed and would definitely have drawn the attention of LE on routine patrol. Three hours on the highway after dark is a fairly long distance to drive without catching the attention of a Vermont State Trooper. The dent likely was made just prior to or at the Rt. 112 crash scene. Unless the Saturn was towed from Amherst MA to NH. Or the car may have actually crashed and stalled, then been hit by whatever caused the dent before LE arrived.

Greenfield, MA

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Jun 19, 2008
quija wrote:
Where is Wowzer? LO YO is still here.
Beagle Bart, are you Beagle Fart and/or claysoup? It's hard to keep everyone straight. Is claysoup moving from the "Greenfield" area? Is that why he/she stopped posting?
Gosh, what kind of a person do you think I am, anyway?

Medway, MA

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Jun 19, 2008
Whitewash --- Re: how do people act when they're in shock, mourning, burned out, grieving and worried.....(the comments re Kathleen) I had a very close friend of 30 years tell me I was acting STRANGE the night of my mother's funeral!!!! She said I acted erratic, wanted to sort of hide out on the back porch and not socialize and she said she thought I'd been drinking! Oh, and to cap it off, she used that "we" approach, like "me and my husband agreed that...." Well, yeah, the family was in shock and, yeah, we had drink(s) on an empty stomach hours after the funeral. It took me over 2 years to forgive that old friend. Good point that people's behaviors (or comments) can't be taken cafeteria style, but mean more when they form patterns. JMHO

Medway, MA

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Jun 19, 2008
BeagleBart, yeah, it makes sense that a cockeyed headlight would've gotten her stopped pretty fast, or just plain made driving a nightmare. So it's back to what weeper said, when?, last November?, that the Saturn never traveled more than about a mile after the first accident? Headlight askew, cracked windshield hindering visibility, IF it was Maura driving.... being shaken up, etc. Thanks again for the good laugh about a trailer hitch welded to a fallen tree (where no-one could hear the tree fall or the welding take place --- did it really happen?) far, far, from any road. Nothing about this whole tragedy is funny, but it helps to have such a descriptive image for a break from the tension.

Medway, MA

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Jun 19, 2008
TeagleTart --- what are we gonna do with you? Us elderly people need to act more mature! I think I'm your exact age. So we are wise.

Greenfield, MA

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Jun 19, 2008





No matter how you look at it, driving a poorly running car after dark on a Monday night in February three hours north from Amherst when the driver has every reason to stay in Amherst and no reason to suddenly leave, when Vasi has received nearly fatal injuries within a short distance of the Saturn's parking spot just four days earlier, when the driver has received a very disturbing phone call right after Vasi is hit, when the damage to the Saturn is consistent with having first hit Vasi before being deliberately obscured by a second strike from a tow bar or trailer hitch… It makes no sense to believe Amherst cannot be at the root of Maura's disappearance.
White Wash

Saint Johnsbury, VT

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Jun 19, 2008
Oh My said it a few pages back!
And was jumping up and down on
Claude killing her and why wasn't his
camp/house searched which is was!

Well it's possible but Tom didn't have a camp and given Tom's wounds I'm not
going with a male shooting him nor do
I think Maura and Tom are connected.
But Tom's death was very personal in
my own opinion. I personally believe
Tom's deaths are linked to the camps
being robbed and burnt but I have
no facts in that just gut and gossip!
Sniffin wrote:
<quoted text>
Who said it was claude's camp...could it have been someone elses camp...a certain someone who got shot because he saw something he shouldn't have and expressed his concerns just hours before his murder. Perhaps she was brought to someone elses camp without their knowledge and accidently that someone went to their camp at the wrong time. Would this not put this owners camp and life in danger?
I do not believe Maura was driving her car. I believe it was all staged...staged by individuals who made arrangements for Maura to come to NH to destress and clear her thoughts.

Norwood, MA

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Jun 19, 2008
A friend has said that the area where Maura disappeared was so built up it was doubtful in the extreme that anybody-no matter how demented-would have risked taking her against her will. My friend also wrote of a river which would have been a good place to hide out. What do you think about all this? Thanks!
JerryCanDo wrote:
<quoted text>
You are absolutely correct. There is nothing odd about this at all. If there was no medical emergency why would you want a group of people stomping around at the scene of the vehicle? the last spot that Maura was seen? Officer Smith was looking for footprints and trying to conduct a search. He said he saw no footprints going off into the woods by the vehicle.

Cheshire, CT

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Jun 19, 2008
hi all.anyone know what the for a search warrant to be issued in N.H.If sgt Smith started the process from where the saturn was found why was it not secured at that time.what judge would issue a search warrant allmost 12 hours ater the request if the saturn had not been watched by P.D THE WHOLE TIME. I recently called in a drunk driver to P.D. The driver had stopped for pizza after i followed him .the police came .they told me he would not be allowed to drive that night but no arrest was made because i had not seen him whilst he picked up his pizza and his attorney would have it thrown because he was not driving and we had no video or pictures and also there is the town budget to consider.anyway it seems a basic question to the requesting officer have you been with the saturn the whole i understand sgt Smith requested the search warrant and that was continued by the officer that came on at midnight.If he or someone else had not secured or stayed with the vehicle what was the point of the search warrant.Any case would be thrown out.The question i have is did sgtSmith properly secure the car and if not why or was the search warrant issued because somoeone else saw something after the car was towed.STILL LOOKING AT MAURAS PRIOR LIFE IN A BIG WAY.take care philip
just me

Saint Paul, MN

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Jun 19, 2008



Sooz wrote:
<quoted text>
Maybe someone didn't want the dog to catch the scent well enough to do a good tracking.
Also, CS most likely touched the gloves himself as he looked over the contents of the car. When he walked up the road, his scent would be caught by the dogs too. So I'm a bit suspicious that the confused dogs may have been following Smiths scent as he went to talk to Mr. Atwood that night.

I have to tell everyone that I never was banned from MMM site as in "don't come back". I'm just me and it was a misunderstanding on my part with accessing links. I hate myself and I'm just gonna go rot somewhere else because I'm having a pity party and noone is invited. I just can't do this any more. We all say things when we're scared and hurt and it's too hard for me to see things that resemble gossip. I'm crying and you can all laugh at me now and take off any kidd gloves you might have worn for me

Medway, MA

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Jun 19, 2008
Hey, is that you, pike, from back on another forum? Glad you're posting. I agree with you that there were too many houses, too many lights, too many witnesses, one large intervening bus and bus driver, and a fair amount of cars traveling that stretch of road that night at that time for no-one to have witnessed an abduction at that spot.(If that's what you're saying.)

We've got few facts, but if possible, a short distance in either direction would give more privacy for an abduction. Maybe that's what made weeper say that something happened within a mile and that the driver of the Saturn wasn't Maura. I think there's a lot not revealed to the public.

I agree that if Maura was fleeing using her military training that heading into the woods or initially toward the river would be a possibility if she wanted to evade detection.

BeagleBart pointed out this doesn't account for the particular front-end damage to the Saturn. What do you think? Could that damage have happened a ways back and Maura was able to drive another mile before skidding out again, backing up, whatever, and then still went off to avoid police into the woods? sorry this is disjointed.

Joined: Jun 10, 2008

Comments: 299

Woonsocket, RI

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Jun 19, 2008
White Wash wrote:
Wow when I called the NHSP I spoke directly to the LT.
I have received emails and calls back!
So I don't know what to tell you other than I have
had them return my calls.
They took my information.
<quoted text>
You received replies for the simple fact that you contacted NHSP, no HD. NHSP has the case, and have for quite some time, not HPD.
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