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Amherst, MA

FireCat wrote:
<quoted text>
FRED REFERRED TO *A* DNA SAMPLE. To read into that article that it was necessarily the carpet sample is an assumption.
Here is a quote directly from the article:
"Murray is also bewildered about why the private investigators working on Maura's disappearance have not turned over evidence they found during a search on property at Mountain Lakes Estates in October.
"I think as of last summer they had not tested it or turned it over to state police," he said.
The evidence, Murray said, is being refrigerated."
First of all, that was "as of last summer" they had not tested it. It may have since been done.
Second of all, does it say anywhere that this is "a bloody carpet sample from an A-frame house"?
No, but it says that Fred is bewildered by SOME kind of behavior of the PI's. He's bewildered by something, if the reporting is accurate, which it often is not.("Middle of nowhere in the middle of the night.")

To be fair to the PI's, existent and non-existent ones, they, whoever they are, are not really working for the Murray family. The PI's are working pro bono to solve Maura's disappearance and will follow that path wherever it takes them. At least that's what one of their online personas has said. Hopefully, presumably, the PI's path and Maura's immediate family's interest don't conflict.

Paducah, KY




FireCat wrote:
<quoted text>
Mmmmm. Me too alsho.
You and Snowy White are absolutely wrong and both of you should STFU unless you know what you're talking about. Stay the hell out of our business.

Got it?


Paducah, KY

FireCat wrote:
<quoted text>
Ha! Do you kiss your mother with that mouth, Mason?
No, The last time I kissed my mother was when she died in my arms.

Feel better, Firecat?

Amherst, MA



FireCat wrote:
<quoted text>
Someone temporarily took over her moderator duties... But it was under her own name.
Helena is one person. In one body. With one personality. And, it must be said, one screen name. Period.

Totally false.


In short, someone was impersonating Helena. And fabricating posts that were never written by the poster identified with them. And that is a fact, one beyond the reach of Firecat to dispute.

Amherst, MA

Dawn wrote:
What is "5 and 10" ? Is that an address? Was there a red pick up back in 04? That would be 5 years to keep a vehicle - as I know some do. I would think they would get rid of it as soon as the red truck was mentioned early on.
Who here was in Amherst when she went missing ? AND been following the case? If I remember correctly it was a small group of people. I'm interested to know if this was checked out. Interesting.
It's a state road and an old "federal" road that run concurrently parallel to I-91 between Northampton and Bernardston.

“beauty ~ nature ~ the roar”

Joined: Jun 12, 2008

Comments: 643

Gloucester, MA





Beagle wrote:
<quoted text>Tragedy should not be heaped on tragedy? Stay safe? What does this mean? Thank you.
To clarify, I regard Maura's disappearance as a tragic.
If I recall, with some accuracy and without having to look back thru posts, you've complained of being followed/your sister contacted/and your privacy otherwise being breeched in the course of your personally investigating Maura's disappearance from your location.
If you truly believe you are at risk, my common sense would dictate not to risk any potential harm to yourself or your sister. It wouldn't be worth it, at least in my opinion.
It is by wary of caring, not warning, that I responded to your post.

“beauty ~ nature ~ the roar”

Joined: Jun 12, 2008

Comments: 643

Gloucester, MA

Mason wrote:
<quoted text>
You and Snowy White are absolutely wrong and both of you should STFU unless you know what you're talking about. Stay the hell out of our business.
Got it?
WHOA! Mason, my reference may not have even been to you. In fact, there are new names present...and trying to figure who/what is slightly challenging.
No, I don't STFU because you tell me to.

Brockton, MA

John, She would have taken 91 from Amherst exited @ exit 17 onto 112 and then met the Lononderry caller @ the junction of 112 and 93. Or she would have stayed on 112 until Bartlett, she had called the Scalamones asking to rent their condo in Bartlett. It wasn't available for rental but she might have hoped to find something else there.

Amherst, MA




Snowy White wrote:
<quoted text>
To clarify, I regard Maura's disappearance as a tragic.
If I recall, with some accuracy and without having to look back thru posts, you've complained of being followed/your sister contacted/and your privacy otherwise being breeched in the course of your personally investigating Maura's disappearance from your location.
If you truly believe you are at risk, my common sense would dictate not to risk any potential harm to yourself or your sister. It wouldn't be worth it, at least in my opinion.
It is by wary of caring, not warning, that I responded to your post.
Thanks. After Tony talked to my sister, I sort of got a little roused up. It was about that time that I switched phone service locations from a home office to a rental (office/apt) near my home. By mistake, the Verizon field tech came to the new location and started asking me why on earth the interface was wired the way it was. After he made some "in house" calls to another tech in a switching office, he told me that my phone calls, in and out, were going to two other places in addition to the places I intended to call or believed the calls were coming from. He told me the address of one location and I quickly demonstrated in front of him where the other one was. The first location, the one the tech identified, was an LICSW or clinical psychologist. I am pretty sure she does pregnancy counseling from a pro-life perspective, but not totally sure.

The other location was the office of someone who had just bought some property in West Chesterfield, NH, on the opposite side of the Connecticut River from Brattleboro. I didn't ever think my phone was, in effect, bugged. Never, ever occurred to me. But the Verizon tech, not some paranoid delusion, told me that all my calls were being forwarded. The very nature of the locations that were receiving my calls sort of started me thinking that maybe something kind of unusual was going on. After all, Tony had given me a whole raft of really weird bs a year or two earlier. And that's just one of many similar things that have happened.

Amherst, MA



A poster here recently mentioned that maybe Maura was attacked by someone who was jealous of her or threatened by her.

Was Maura going to switch sports from running to something else? A team from which a competitor might have been displaced? Just a thought along the relatively mainstream line, albeit an Amherst one.

United States

Beagle wrote:
<quoted text>No, but it says that Fred is bewildered by SOME kind of behavior of the PI's. He's bewildered by something, if the reporting is accurate, which it often is not.("Middle of nowhere in the middle of the night.")
To be fair to the PI's, existent and non-existent ones, they, whoever they are, are not really working for the Murray family. The PI's are working pro bono to solve Maura's disappearance and will follow that path wherever it takes them. At least that's what one of their online personas has said. Hopefully, presumably, the PI's path and Maura's immediate family's interest don't conflict.
Considering that their primary interest is apparently finding Maura in both instances, one would hope not.

United States

Beagle wrote:
<quoted text>
Totally false.
In short, someone was impersonating Helena. And fabricating posts that were never written by the poster identified with them. And that is a fact, one beyond the reach of Firecat to dispute.
A fact? To be proven how? By whom?
Lady Gray

Austin, TX





FireCat wrote:
<quoted text>
Helena almost died. She was in the hospital, in a medically induced coma. Someone temporarily took over her moderator duties--Lady Grey, was it you? But it was under her own name.
Helena is one person. In one body. With one personality. And, it must be said, one screen name. Period.
Yep, was me. Alden, you're a fine one to talk about someone misrepresenting themself by using alias names.

Folks, don't feed the animals........

Alexandria, VA



Beagle wrote:
I basically doubt the disturbing phone call was made for the purpose of informing Maura that she was pregnant. It could have been, but the call was late. If it were from a reputable testing source, such as a doctor's office or pregnancy counseling center, they would have probably called her during the day or evening, not at 1:00 AM. And I would guess, but could be totally wrong here, that lab results are usually not given over the phone anyway. Maybe they are.
There are certainly tons of possible reasons for the upsetting phone call beside the Vasi hit. And as a previous poster correctly pointed out, Maura may have been in a shaky state for a number of days before the late Thursday night (Friday AM) call.
But a Vasi hit followed less than an hour later by an upsetting phone call, followed by a middle of the night trip to dad's motel room, followed by a Hadley car crash (itself an overlooked mystery), followed by a damaged Saturn found in NH, followed by a missing Saturn driver...
Yes, it's a possibility that Maura hit Vasi. And there are maybe one or two reasons she might have been on a short, fast trip in the neighborhood of Chestnut or Gray Streets Thursday night. Which means she almost certainly would have taken Triangle back toward her job at SW.
Or she may have driven to the far end of Triangle and hit Vasi on the way back coming up over the top of the hill where the road suddenly curves and where cars frequently go a little off the right side of the road onto the crosswalk and the sidewalk beside the chain link fence near ARHS.
Or someone else may have been driving the Saturn back TOWARD SW from the far end of Triangle (near the intersection of Main St. and a little west of the Salem area). If anyone wants a scenario free of stem cells and abortion wars, the Vasi hit ain't half bad. In fact, there are a couple of arrows that point toward a Vasi hit that have probably been overlooked by most everyone. Although I think some months ago one poster may have understood what was meant by Maura's possibly protecting the identity of the Saturn's driver.
But no matter what, if the Vasi hit is central to Maura's disappearance, the Saturn was almost certainly not parked in lot 12 early Friday AM or on subsequent nights.
A potential case of motor vehicle homicide, which is what the Vasi hit would have meant to the Amherst PD for at least the first two days after Vasi was taken to the hospital, would have been treated fairly seriously. But a Vasi hit would very likely have been investigated by Amherst PD, not UMass PD. I would assume, not necessarily correctly, that a hit and run investigation also includes trying to find the offending driver. But UMass PD is handling the investigation into Maura's disappearance, not Amherst PD.
Maybe there is some kind of juridictional reason for that. I doubt that simply because Maura and Vasi were both UMass students that an off-campus hit and run and related disappearance of the probable driver would be investigated by UMass PD. Maybe, but seems unlikely.
This is well reasoned and thought provoking. My guess is that a connectoin exists and that someone not widely known to be in Maura's life hit Vasi with her car.

United States





Mason wrote:
<quoted text>
You and Snowy White are absolutely wrong and both of you should STFU unless you know what you're talking about. Stay the hell out of our business.
Got it?
"Got it?" Got what, exactly? So now, what....I'm being threatened? Nice. Real nice. As an attorney, you probably know what that kind of behaviour will get ya, in a big hurry.
And who is "our" exactly, and this business to which you refer? Most interesting.

Alexandria, VA





Mason wrote:
<quoted text>
You and Snowy White are absolutely wrong and both of you should STFU unless you know what you're talking about. Stay the hell out of our business.
Got it?
I am new here, but what is your problem? Why does someone else's opinion piss you off that much. What do you have at stake? Sincere questions. I am curious about your reaction.
Lady Gray

Austin, TX





Beagle wrote:
<quoted text>
Totally false.
In short, someone was impersonating Helena. And fabricating posts that were never written by the poster identified with them. And that is a fact, one beyond the reach of Firecat to dispute.
OMG. Alden, seriously. This is NOT a fact and it is well within MY reach. However, I will not allow you to bait me which is obviously your intention.

With all due respect, and the utmost of sincerity for your mental well-being, I will say to you there was no altering of your posts.

And, if you truly don't know this, then your accusation of such confirms what I have suspected all along.

LA TEE DA, I am SOOOOOO outta here. It is sheer madness.

Alexandria, VA

Suzanne wrote:
John, She would have taken 91 from Amherst exited @ exit 17 onto 112 and then met the Lononderry caller @ the junction of 112 and 93. Or she would have stayed on 112 until Bartlett, she had called the Scalamones asking to rent their condo in Bartlett. It wasn't available for rental but she might have hoped to find something else there.
Suzanne, thank you for your thoughtful reply. It is refreshing amid the apparent insanity that rules this forum. I certainly had the same thought about the possibility of the Londonderry caller have drawn her east from her original direction, perhaps to meet someone somewhere on 93. But where I lose that trail is that I don't think 112 was the best route. I am somewhat familiar with area, although maybe not as familiar as you. My understanding is the 302 is the superior route to Bartlett and to I-93. Hard to imagine a girl who some here say did not like driving alone taking instead a comparitively deserted back road like 112.

What do you think? I hope to hear more from you?
Lady Gray

Austin, TX





Mason wrote:
<quoted text>
You and Snowy White are absolutely wrong and both of you should STFU unless you know what you're talking about. Stay the hell out of our business.
Got it?
Oh oh, more thing. Mr. Leatherman, I worked side-by-side with attorneys for 25 years. Big law firms. International law firm. Nice professional working relationships.

I find you incredulous in the fact that you profess to be an esquire. You have lost your professionalism. Are you licensed in the State of Kentucky? Do you practice there? Is your license still current in the State of Washington?

Ever heard of such a thing as ethics in a professional capacity? You certainly don't employ them in the public forum for all to see.

Are you reallllyyyyyyyy Fred Leatherman????

Alexandria, VA





Beagle wrote:
<quoted text>
Thanks. After Tony talked to my sister, I sort of got a little roused up. It was about that time that I switched phone service locations from a home office to a rental (office/apt) near my home. By mistake, the Verizon field tech came to the new location and started asking me why on earth the interface was wired the way it was. After he made some "in house" calls to another tech in a switching office, he told me that my phone calls, in and out, were going to two other places in addition to the places I intended to call or believed the calls were coming from. He told me the address of one location and I quickly demonstrated in front of him where the other one was. The first location, the one the tech identified, was an LICSW or clinical psychologist. I am pretty sure she does pregnancy counseling from a pro-life perspective, but not totally sure.
The other location was the office of someone who had just bought some property in West Chesterfield, NH, on the opposite side of the Connecticut River from Brattleboro. I didn't ever think my phone was, in effect, bugged. Never, ever occurred to me. But the Verizon tech, not some paranoid delusion, told me that all my calls were being forwarded. The very nature of the locations that were receiving my calls sort of started me thinking that maybe something kind of unusual was going on. After all, Tony had given me a whole raft of really weird bs a year or two earlier. And that's just one of many similar things that have happened.
Beagle, I was with you on your last post that I commented upon. But dude, this claim of your experience with Verizon is not credible from a technical perspective. Its not even plausible, unless the tech was just trying to mess with you for some reason.

You seem smart and insightful and like you have a lot to offer here. Why don't you let go of the fantasy stuff.
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