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General Bruce Lawlor is Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of Community Research Associates, Inc., a leading provider of comprehensive Homeland Security and Emergency Management services to municipal, county, state, federal agencies, and private sector global organizations. General Lawlor, as one of five senior White House staff members, drafted the organizational plan creating the United States Department of Homeland Security, and served as the initial Chief of Staff of the United States Department of Homeland Security. General Lawlor was also Senior Director for Protection and Prevention, White House Homeland Security Council; and the first Commanding General, Department of Defense, Joint Task Force-Civil Support. General Lawlor presently serves as a member of the United States Homeland Security Advisory Council ("HSAC") to the United States Department of Homeland Security. |
Mr. Beggs is a Director; Co-President & Co-Chief Operating Officer of Daiwa Securities America, Inc.("Daiwa"). Prior thereto, Mr. Beggs served as Daiwa's Chief Administrative Officer & Executive Vice President. Prior thereto, Mr. Beggs was Managing Director & Chief Operating Officer of Kemper Clearing Corporation. Prior thereto, Mr. Beggs was President & Chief Executive Officer of the Treasury Management Corporation; President & Chief Operating Officer of Security Pacific Securities Inc.; and Managing Director & Chief Operating Officer of the Global Securities Services Group of Security Pacific Bank/Bank of America. Prior thereto, Mr. Beggs held senior management positions at Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette Securities Corporation and Salomon Brothers. Mr. Beggs completed his undergraduate education at Columbia University, and his graduate business education at Fairleigh Dickinson University. |
Mr. Fowler is Managing Director and Investment Banking Department Head of Laidlaw & Company (UK) Ltd. Prior thereto, Mr. Fowler was Founder & President of The Private Merchant Banking Company, which invested in and arranged private equity for emerging growth companies. From 1986 to 1989, Mr. Fowler was Co-Head of Investment & Merchant Banking for Prudential Securities Corporation. From 1981 to 1985, Mr. Fowler was Co-Head of Investment & Merchant Banking for Credit Suisse First Boston. Mr. Fowler received his undergraduate education from Amherst College, and his graduate business education from Columbia University. |
Ted Fowler died 3 years before his appointment to the advisory board.
Maris J. Licis
Mr. Licis has fourteen years of business development and corporate finance experience with early and expansion stage companies. Mr. Licis is a Co-Founder and a member of the Board of Directors of Tactical Solution Partners, Inc., an emerging provider of rugged mobile communication and anti-terrorism training and preparedness solutions for the public safety, military, and commercial markets. As Vice President of Corporate Development, Mr. Licis has sourced over $50 million of debt and equity financing proposals and led the development of numerous strategic partnerships. Prior thereto, he was a Co-Founder and Director of Corporate Development for Patron Systems, Inc., a provider of proprietary information security solutions offering homeland security and legislative compliance to corporations, municipalities, counties and states. Mr. Licis was responsible for sourcing and assessing acquisition opportunities and secured an $8 million equity investment from a group of leading venture capital and institutional investors. Prior thereto, Mr. Licis was Vice President of Mergers and Acquisitions for Cook Associates, Inc., a boutique provider of executive search and buy-side merger and acquisition advisory services. Mr. Licis was responsible for sourcing, negotiating and structuring proprietary acquisitions on behalf of some of the nation's largest and most active private equity investors. Mr. Licis managed Fortune 1000 CEO relationships and helped develop and execute acquisition strategies within CEOVisions, a program created to unite the nation's top entrepreneurial CEOs with private equity funding to build industry-leading companies through acquisition. During his tenure, the M&A team consummated over 40 M&A transactions and captured more than $500 million of equity commitments through CEOVisions. Prior to Cook Associates, Mr. Licis was a Principal with LifeScience Economics, Inc., where he provided pre-IPO consulting services to life science and technology companies. Prior thereto, Mr. Licis held positions within the Retail, Commercial and Private Banking Groups of Wells Fargo Bank and the Royal Bank of Canada. Mr. Licis completed his undergraduate education in Management Economics at the University of Guelph and earned an M.B.A. in Finance and International Business from the University of San Francisco. |
I think the dog ate my homework.!
CHICAGO, March 21 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/-- Patron Systems, Inc.("Patron")(Pink Sheets: "PTRS"), a provider of proprietary information security solutions offering homeland security and legislative compliance to corporations, municipalities, counties and states, today announced that, on March 17, in Will County, Illinois, the Will County Board voted unanimously to give County Executive Lawrence M. Walsh the authority to negotiate and execute an agreement with Patron to construct a National Incident Management Systems ("NIMS") compliant Data Solutions Center. Will County Executive Walsh first announced the proposed project in a press release issued March 14, 2005.
Patron, along with strategic partners, including Community Research Associates ("CRA"), the leading terrorism prevention and response planning firm in the United States, will leverage their respective proprietary product and service offerings and related advisory capabilities to provide Will County with an advanced, comprehensive homeland security solution set and the "cutting edge" technology to implement it most effectively. CONTACT: Maris J. Licis... NEVER HAPPENED!!!!! |
Frank Roberts
Patron Systems, Inc.
5775 Flatiron Parkway Suite 230 Boulder, CO 80301 United States Braden Waverley, CEO SIC Number: 7372 Fiscal Year End: 12-31 Industry: Computers-Software/Services Transfer Agent: American Stock Transfer & Trust Company CIK: 1075043 Market Maker List Share Data Authorized Outstanding Date Shares Source Date Shares Source 12/31/2005 150,000,000 10QSB 05/21/2007 14,512,260 MGFS Business Summary The Company was formed to provide comprehensive, end-to-end information security solutions to global corporations and government institutions. Symbol Symbol Name Expiration Date PTRN Patron Systems, Incorporated PTRS Patron Systems Inc 08/04/2006 PTRSE Patron Systems Inc 05/21/2004 PTRS Patron Systems Inc 04/22/2004 PTRSE Patron Systems Inc 12/31/2003 PTRS Patron Systems Inc 12/02/2003 PTRSE Patron Systems Inc 09/25/2003 PTRS Patron Systems Inc 08/27/2003 PAHG Patron Holdings Inc 03/31/2003 CPFS Combined Professional Services Inc 11/22/2002 Management Name Title Robert E. Yaw II CB/BO Brett Newbold BO/XDIR/XCTO Richard L. Linting BO/XOFF Maris J. Licis DIR |
Grassroots Home Security - Collaboration and sharing of information by state and local government safety agencies during critical situations is receiving greater attention and priority. First responders continue to struggle to communicate with peers in other agencies or jurisdictions as part of coordinated emergency response efforts. This necessary communication technology is nicely addressed by Ryte Byte Homeland Security, Inc.(RBHS). RBHS is located on East Wacker Drive in Chicago, and was formed in October 2007 after Ryte Byte in Baraboo, WI received an Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) Homeland Security Market Development (HSMD) Innovative Produce Grant (IPG) to develop higher level law enforcement and homeland security applications for Lynx Sentinel (developed in 2006). Lynx Sentinel is a suite of geospacial database mapping and tracking software solutions for law enforcement, public safety and homeland security markets. Lynx Sentinel is already being used to provide police and county sheriff departments with the tools needed to effectively
track sex offenders and comply with federal, state, and local laws and ordinances regarding sex offender tracking and notification including Megan’s Law, Jessica’s Law, and the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act. Lynx Sentinel™ automatically plots on a map or satellite image the locations of sex offenders (home and work) and protected areas where children congregate (e.g. schools, day care centers, playgrounds, and bus stops), and warns users when sex offenders violate protected areas. The user-generated reports are easy to read and save countless hours of tedious hand searching and measuring. With the integration of GPS devices, Lynx Sentinel™ can track sex offenders in real time and warns of protected area violations by SMS, email or audible alerts. The same level of detailed assistance is being customized to assist SWAT, HazMat, Search & Rescue, EMS and Homeland Security. All this is being specifically developed for smaller-sized/budgeted law enforcement and emergency management agencies to provide them with similar functionality and state–of-the-art tools, information and technology at a fraction of the cost of those currently in use by large counties and municipalities. Lynx Sentinel is:. # Installed and operational in hours. Requires minimal training. # User friendly. Reports and alerts are easy to understand. Time sensitive information is at the user’s fingertips and easily shared over an internal network or the web. # Cost-effective. Visual interface with satellite maps without expensive GIS software. # Time saving. No need to interface with IT/GIS department to produce reports. The user defines the information managed and there are no limitations to what can be tracked. Speaker Bio Mr. Maris J. Licis Maris J. Licis is President of Ryte Byte Homeland Security, Inc. He has 15 years of business development and corporate finance experience with start-up, early-stage, and expansion-stage companies, and 5 years of experience in public safety/homeland security markets including IT security, mobile communications, tactical training and preparedness solutions, and legislative compliance and certification. |
Had its origins in 1935 in Danville IL, when the brothers Dominick and Peter Giacoma began operating the Bee Line Transit Corp. south of Danville to Georgetown, replacing an Illinois Traction Co. interurban railway branch. The Giacoma brothers subsequently acquired additional bus companies in Midwest and southern states, and in 1951 incorporated American Transit Corp.(ATC) as a holding company for these bus companies. In 1966, ATC became a subsidiary of Chromalloy American Corp., a diversified conglomerate. And as more transit systems became publicly owned, ATC evolved to a management company for such transit systems. In 1987, Chromalloy American Corp. was acquired by Sun Chemical Corp., which manufactured printing ink. And in 1987, Sun Chemical Corp. changed its name to Sequa Corporation. And in 1989, Sequa sold ATC to Vancom, a Chicago area school bus operator. The school bus operations subsequently were sold to Laidlaw, while the transit management company was sold to National Express, operating intercity buses in Great Britain. And in 2005, ATC was sold to the European company Connex, which then changed its name to Veoila. |
Laidlaw International Inc · 8-K · For 3/21/07 · EX-99.1
Filed On 3/21/07 9:28am ET · SEC File 1-10657 · Accession Number 1299933-7-1755 |
About Laidlaw International, Inc.
Laidlaw International, Inc. is a holding company for North America’s largest providers of school and inter-city bus transport services and a leading supplier of public transit services. The company’s businesses operate under the brands: Laidlaw Education Services, Greyhound Lines, Greyhound Canada and Laidlaw Transit. The company’s shares trade on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: LI). For more information on Laidlaw, visit the website: www.laidlaw.com . About FirstGroup PLC FirstGroup plc is the UK’s largest surface transportation company. FirstGroup operates passenger and freight rail services in the UK. Its passenger operations include regional, intercity and commuter services. FirstGroup is also the UK’s largest bus operator running more than one in five of all local bus services. In North America, FirstGroup has three operating divisions: yellow school buses (First Student), transit contracting and management services (First Transit) and vehicle maintenance and ancillary services (First Services). FirstGroup’s shares trade on the London Stock Exchange (LSE: FGP). For more information on FirstGroup, visit the website: www.firstgroup.com . |
OTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the bound volumes of NLRB decisions. Readers are requested to notify the Executive Secretary, National Labor Relations Board, Washington, D.C. 20570, of any typographical or other formal errors so that corrections can be included in the bound volumes.
First Student, Inc. and Teamsters Local No. 449. Case 3–CA–26584 November 28, 2008 DECISION AND ORDER By Chairman Schaumber and Member Liebman On September 3, 2008, Administrative Law Judge George Carson II issued the attached decision. The Respondent filed exceptions and a supporting brief and the General Counsel and the Charging Party filed answering briefs. The National Labor Relations Board1 has considered the decision and the record in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the judge’s rulings, findings,2 and conclusions and to adopt the recommended Order. ORDER The National Labor Relations Board adopts the recommended Order of the administrative law judge and orders that the Respondent, First Student, Inc., North Tonawanda, New York, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns shall take the action set forth in the Order, except that the attached notice is substituted for that of the administrative law judge.3 Dated, Washington, D.C. November 28, 2008 __________ Peter C. Schaumber, Chairman __________ Wilma B. Liebman, Member (seal) National Labor Relations Board |
Notice To Employees Posted by Order of the National Labor Relations Board An Agency of the United States Government The National Labor Relations Board has found that we violated Federal labor law and has ordered us to post and obey this notice. federal law gives you the right to Form, join, or assist a union Choose representatives to bargain with us on your behalf Act together with other employees for your benefit and protection Choose not to engage in any of these protected activities. We will not, unilaterally, without notice to or bargaining with the Union, enforce our previously unenforced driving under the influence policy with regard to employees who are represented by Teamsters Local No. 449 in the following appropriate unit: Included: All full-time and regular part-time school bus drivers, aides and mechanics employed by the Respondent at its 655 Walck Road, North Tonawanda, NY, facility. Excluded: All office clerical employees, technicians-in-charge, dispatchers, guards, professional employees and supervisors as defined in the Act, and all other employees. We will not discharge any of you pursuant to the unilateral enforcement of our driving under the influence policy. We will not fail and refuse to meet and bargain with the Union regarding the discharge of any of you in the appropriate unit represented by the Union who have been discharged by our illegal enforcement of our driving under the influence policy. We will not in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain, or coerce you in the exercise of the rights guaranteed you by Section 7 of the Act. We will rescind the unilateral change that we made in the terms and conditions of employment of unit employees by enforcing our driving under the influence policy. We will, within 14 days from the date of the Board’s Order, offer Matthew Raimondo, Carl Antholzner, and Shawn Kazmierczak full reinstatement to their former jobs or, if those jobs no longer exist, to substantially equivalent positions, without prejudice to their seniority or any other rights or privileges previously enjoyed. We will make them whole for any loss of earnings and other benefits suffered as a result of the discrimination against them, with interest. We will, within 14 days of the Board’s Order, remove from our files any reference to the unlawful discharges of Matthew Raimondo, Carl Antholzner, and Shawn Kazmierczak and within 3 days thereafter notify them in writing that this has been done and that the discharges will not be used against them in any way. First Student, Inc. Linda M. Leslie, Esq., for the General Counsel. Vincent J. Tersigni, Esq., for the Respondent. E. Joseph Giroux Jr. and Catherine Creighton (on brief), Esqs., for the Charging Party. |
In late 2007, the Company acquired Laidlaw Transit, Inc., a competitor. In October 2007, the chief executive officer of First Student was coming to give assurances to the First Student employees, “talking to the employees about the new acquisition; [and telling them] not to be threatened by it.” About this same time, the Union began its organizational campaign.
MultiSystem Report
AMERICAN TRANSIT 420 HANCOCK RD PETERBOROUGH, NH 03458 This query was executed on FEB-16-2009 RCRAInfo HANDLER ID: NHD500022710 LIST OF NAICS CODES AND DESCRIPTIONS NAICS CODE NAICS DESCRIPTION 48541 School and Employee Bus Transportation 336211 Motor Vehicle Body Manufacturing 336999 All Other Transportation Equipment Manufacturing 561599 All Other Travel Arrangement and Reservation Services HANDLER / FACILITY CLASSIFICATION HANDLER TYPE Conditionally Exempt Small Generator No Process Information is available for the facility listed above. Additional Information can be obtained from Resource Conservation and Recovery Information Query. RCRAInfo HANDLER ID: NHD510172075 No NAICS Codes are available for the facility listed above. HANDLER / FACILITY CLASSIFICATION HANDLER TYPE Not in a universe No Process Information is available for the facility listed above. Additional Information can be obtained from Resource Conservation and Recovery Information Query. |
Yes, I know, Les worked at the Captain's Table. Big deal. Name the famous, now dead childless couple who met in Chatham.
Judged: ![]() 4 ![]() 3 ![]() 3 If I'm misunderstanding your post then I apologize but why in the world are you reaching out to people that interviewed Fred to prove that he is who he says he is? How is that your business Dawn? Isn't that an invasion of his privacy? Are you trying to find other posters true identities too? When people on a public forum start investigating others to find out their identity then that becomes a serious and dangerous situation. |
What did Les's father do? What shop did Les's mother own? What did Les's father fly in the service? Which branch?
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Topic | Updated | Last By | Comments |
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