- Posted in the Franconia Forum
Comments (Page 748)
Maybe he lives near WNEC.
Judged: ![]() 1 Who's Jo? |
Not necessarily suicidal. Maybe fatally dangerous. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 YOU called Mason "a liar" (your words). Those were not lies, those were merely his opinions based on what he has read about Fred. They were not lies. Why must you always defend Fred Murray as a paragon? Why are you and people like Shack always putting him up for canonization? Maybe he's a really great guy, maybe not, I don't know him and in the final analysis a person does not have to be overly fond of him to work toward the cause of finding Maura. Good Night All |
Maybe he lives near WNEC and has a friend at sea. But I guarantee he knows someone in the antiques biz. That's for damn sure.
He forgot the "e." As in "Hey, Joe, where you goin' with that gun in your hand." |
He's associated with or borrows the identity of a Rutland antiques dealer.
He uses or borrows a pre-Anglicized version of Stevens. He pretends to be a Florida soccer coach. He has a friend who was in Jackson NH when Louise Chaput was killed and was in the Warren MA area at least near the time that Molly Bish disappeared. |
An immediate member of my family is best friends with the leading source of payoffs in the Rowland corruption case.
"Where can we get a cage of ovulating females?" K. McCormick.
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 1 Hey, Jo, where you goin' with that gun in your hand? Is that why only two people showed up to talk at Dunkin' Donuts? Did you consider that a success? Was there anything that you could have done to assure more community participation? |
How so? Even if it were, wouldn't the end result help solve the case? Isn't that what you're after? |
In the mean time, I going to read about Margaret Sanger's husband, Bill. In fact, the Sanger papers are at Smith College. Good old Sophie Smith.
The following list of 500 patient advocacy groups, health organizations, research universities, scientific societies, religious groups and other interested institutions and associations proves that the "jury is not out" on the promise of ESCR but the verdict is in and the result is nearly unanimous.
Above from: http://www.stemcellgo.com/escr-facts/ ********** Interestingly, the list referred to above does not include UMass, holder of several key patents related to ESCR. The list includes many other public universities, but not UMass. Was UMass making sure there was not even the appearance of a conflict of interest? I bet they were. |
“ Good B chillaxin - TY Scott” Joined: Jun 12, 2008 Comments: 1128 |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Suzanne, I read Mason's statements to be as 'facts', not 'opinions'. I agree with you, though, that perhaps Fred Murray is a really great guy, and perhaps not. |
God knows how badly we need "a cage of ovulating females," as McCormack once remarked. But, hey, it was no problem then. Just go to Worcester State Hospital and you'll have all the insane patients you'll need for your cage!!!! They don't matter at all, they're insane, barely human. Just go experiment on them however you like. It will advance science, won't it????
Oh yeah, you can't do that anymore? So why don't you just go out and kidnap some women that will suit your scientific purposes? Where do you keep your cage these days? Next to the dogs? |
Just curious, why say this? |
“ Good B chillaxin - TY Scott” Joined: Jun 12, 2008 Comments: 1128 |
Who knows? Right? I haven't met Fred Murray; I see a grieving father being harshly judged. Mason hasn't made any claim to know him, either, but believes him to be a "jerk". |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 2 Hmm I wonder if she could have read it on the MM forum where everyone else read it? Anne I can't believe you would even mention local response after being a witness to the continuous digs, name calling and nasty remarks that have been made against the locals for 5 long years. Now keep in mind this is just a very minor remark compared to what this person usually comes out with..... ***Shack wrote: Advocator...guess I am guilty of ignoring the Mason dilemna...thinking that it would just go away....perhaps I have NH in my genes. Like ignore it...? and it will go away......?*** This is also the person that cries and whines the most because she thinks the locals should be more helpful. Someone maybe should tell her that insulting the very people you want to help you isn't the smartest thing to do. It might answer why the locals that used to post are long gone. But maybe this is what she wants because she has been told more than once the damage she is doing with her nastiness and yet she continues with her insults and little digs. |
Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 3 ![]() 2 The SBD is the author of his own misfortune, he and others told untruths in a criminal investigation. He told 5 different versions of what he did after leaving the accident site. We have not yet been able to verify if he told the truth that he called 911; access to records of the call have been denied; likely evidentiary? At the end of the day the verdict is still out whether the SBD called 911 or his wife? Why he lied about Maura being not intoxicated when law enforcement clearly stated that he told them she was intoxicated? What has transpired between law enforcement and the SBD is not known if they told the SBD to withold this information. For some reason the SBD changed his story. Law enforcement refuses to comment on SBD's comments he made to the public, as reported in the media. The same applies for the CW, his own words threw his credibility into doubt,waiting three months to report the siting of the youth 4-5 miles on the 112 East of the accident the night of Maura's disappearance. His allegation that he did not know what day the girl went missing, it is a preposterous excuse not to report the siting until 3 months later as Maura's disappearance literally occured near his back/front yard. Add to the list of those who threw themselves into a bad light, is Sgt. Smith and the Haverhill Police and F Troop. Monaghan is at the scene off duty, he writes no report of what he investigated, times of arrival or departure? Smith allegedly hurriedly approached the Westmans house re: FW call to dispatch re: car off road, westbound lane, facing westbound, a man smoking a cigarette in the car. Smith witnessed the car facing westbound in the eastbound lane? Smith receives a report from dispatch Haverhill, forwarded from Hanover, re: SBD household that the occupant of the car is a woman. Smith however does not question FW on what she reported, but rather gives the information that the girl is gone, and there's a towel in the tailpipe. paraphrased, information posted on MMM by a person who spoke to FW. This is highly irregular investigative procedure? Obviously Smith knew something that he is not saying, it WOULD APPEAR before he arrived at the Westman's door he had made a decision about what he was looking for. From the reports Smith received he should have assumed that possibly there were two people in the Saturn? Why did this thought never enter Smith's head, seems the logical conclusion at the time he approached the Westman's door. When Smith approached the Westmans', he had NOT spoken to the SBD?! So how is Smith so reassured who he is looking for? Why does he not question the Westman's on their report to dispatch which is in contrast to the SBD's report, and the physical evidence of the car on the opposite side of the road? There is no indication in the accident report of Smith of the differences in FW report, or any indication the saturn was in the westbound lane ditch. Smith as reported in the media, approaches SBD sitting in his bus, and Smith announces that the girl is gone? In both reports from the witnesses, Smith fails to interrogate the witnesses regarding what they saw but makes a statement of fact, the girl is gone. However, 2 days later, Smith denies to the family that he knows Maura is missing? As reported by the family. The tainted reputation of the SBD, CW, and law enforcement rests solely in the hands of law enforcement, it is not the fault of the public to ask for answers to startling irregularities in the investigation of Maura's disappearance and the discrepencies of the witnesses statements. |
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