- Posted in the Franconia Forum
Comments (Page 80)
firecat - yeah, i noticed they got the name of the book wrong. Maybe they got other stuff wrong. I've read that book a few times too and i don't think it points to suicidal thinking. That particular bookmarked story is more about triage, doing what's best to limit the loss of additional lives, making an unpopular, particularly difficult, or life-and-death decision. The kind of decision a young person has never been prepared to make (per the intro to that story). There'll be as many interpretations of this as there are people thinking about its implications.
This post actually helps clarify something said earlier on the site that I didn't understand earlier. It was the way elsewhere spells "humour." S/he spells it the same way I spell it--with the British (or in my case Irish) ou. Someone seems to think--or wanted to suggest--that elsewhere and I are the same person, by use of their "deciphre" (which, by the way, no self-respecting Englishman, Irishman, Scot, Manx, or Aussie would EVER use) Some of us spell things differently because we may have been brought up in other countries or regions. To pick on someone because they spell differently (a) has nothing to do with the case (b) makes me wonder if you would make fun of our accents were we to talk in person, and (c) did I mention has nothing to do with the case? This is what I meant by other agendas. At this point nearly everyone I've met here has had some sort of bizarre accusatory outburst (myself included, though mine of course doesn't seem bizarre to me, since it was mine) about trust. The bottom line? Continuing to harp on them isn't helpful to Maura. For the record, would it make you suspect Philip if you knew HE was brought up in England and probably knows more verses to "God Save the Queen" than I do? The comment about seeing conspiracies in someone's knickers was not far off in some cases--and I'm not singling anyone out necessarily as the owner of that particular one. There's lots of good discussion here, but it's sometimes hard to find through all the accusatory tripe. Whoever added Marrotte to Ayotte, Ayotte, and Mayotte, YES. I remember thinking, "No wonder I can't keep anything straight without my notes!" Quija, for the record, I'm sorry you felt slammed by that. I didn't see it as one from my objective standpoint, but I'm sorry you received it as one. Often implication does not equal inference, as we so often see here. It doesn't always mean someone's on the right track, sometimes it just brings out a personal sensitivity. Also for the record, the drinking question--since we're on it--it probably does have relevance in reactions/situations/what have you. But I don't think it's THE key factor this far down the road. Which is what I think s/he was trying to say. Oh fuss AND bother! |
OMG never thought I'd say this, but I live such a sheltered life....I totally didn't know that.(how embarrassing) |
Seriously. And for the record? Not all journalists are reporters. That's why there are two different words. |
Me neither, but now I know what to do with my penny jar. |
Is there room under that tin foil hat for me? I've been away for a few days and responding as I go along, so bear with my string of comments this morning. I'm just trying to process all the posts I've been slogging away through. It's been.....er, busy here, I see. |
Bhwahahahahahaha...... Ok, seriously. Back to the ARC phone call. My understanding from the information on the old forum is that the phone call was actually NOT traced to the Red Cross? That this was an error by HPD? I don't remember now the details and my notes are lost. MCSMOM, HELP!(I *am* yelling!) Someone confirm the actual fact-age on the phone call? |
![]() Joined: Jun 16, 2008 Comments: 472 |
Speaking of that mysterious ARC (or not) phone call by Maura (or not). Is it correct that at the time of Maura´s disappearance in February 2004 there was some kind of ARC facility in an old school house (?) somewhere on Lake Tarleton. Anybody knows? I believe I once read this somewhere on the old MMM Board. Thanks! |
The phone card was not actually traced to the red cross. But in the beginning when Billy mentioned the call, he was told it came from an official trying to reach him. He protested and explained he was sure it was Maura whimpering and such,~ probably not aware she was even connected, being recorded in her distress. Police argued it could not have been Maura and when they played the call over some line down at headquarters, they claimed it was just static. That's what I recall and the red cross never did back up their story that it was them. Also, they did not have Billys cell # and we all find it odd that they would claim it was from the red cross at all being as they left absolutely no message, just breathing and sounds of sorrow. |
![]() Joined: Jun 16, 2008 Comments: 472 |
Hello again,
I didn´t know it would be this easy to tow a Saturn....This may put some things in a slightly new light. Please, check out this highly illuminating web site with some very interesting pictures: www.wolfswords.com Search words: "Towing a Saturn". Comments, please... Thanks! |
Judged: ![]() 1 No. Should it? |
![]() Joined: Jun 16, 2008 Comments: 472 |
Friends of Maura,
A thought: I just checked out Maura´s page on the Wikipedia Web site. It´s a very good summary of the case, but there is unfortunately no picture of Maura on that page. I know there are copyright restrictions when posting pictures on Wikipedia, but I´m sure Maura´s family would be more than willing to provide one considering how vitally important such a photo could well prove to be. Any computers wizards around here??? (I´m useless in that respect...) Thanks! |
Again and taken from #1200, RO says in part: I was walking that night about 7 p.m to the local store. I was in the Swiftwater store for 1/2 hour - 45 minutes. I could see the truck in the driveway of the store. As I walked into the parking lot, the truck took off toward the crash site.It was about 20-30 minutes after I was there that the police went by. >snip %%%%%%%%%% Good idea about the truck being involved in some way. After all police DID stop/pull over red trucks throughout the night, that night. I recall RO saying she was walking home and down her street when Mr. Monahan pulled along side. He said "oh it's you"....he also asked her if she saw anyone else walking and she said no. It was nearly two weeks before RO would tell police about the truck having quite possibly Mass plates from what I recall and she was taken aback (my interpretation) by the FACT that police wanted to discount the red truck or at least downplay it. |
firecat, i didn't feel slammed by your noting that my linked article with Billy's comment about an open container had other inaccuracies. I was serious that it wouldn't hurt to list proven (?) facts since media articles, assumptions and press releases by NH, early misreporting, the changing statements of witnesses, and other discrepancies will end up driving us all insane.
We might need another link, so far I could not see any search bars...... |
Sorry this is the best I could do, it does not allow for more at this time.
Comments should not have HTML content. http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a126/MauraM... |
Just me
go to motorhomes and mods, scroll dow to towing a saturn. |
Good. I'm glad.I *am* however, curious as to what open container he was referring at the time--whether it was a reportage inaccuracy, whether it was the damaged box of wine, the "alcohol-smelling" red liquid.(btw, I'm going way back to my years of high school science, but doesn't alcohol itself have no smell? Isn't it whatever's WITH the alcohol that smells? And it would be useful to know WHAT KIND of alcoholic smell, IMO, not that that's something we're likely to ever learn.) What I mean by that is, red wine smells awfully different from, say, vodka mixed in cranberry juice (which mostly smells like cranberry juice) or gin or, or, or......or any of the things other than wine she had bought that day, for another instance. Now I know that in court cases, until there's evidence that something is, in fact, alcohol, you have to say "with a strong alcoholic odor" because you can't say "it's red wine" for a fact. You have to say "what looks like red wine" or "what appears to be...." (this I do know from too much CSI, embarrassingly enough) but seriously, wonder what was in that bottle? |
euro.... your confusion as to the diretcion the Saturn faced may stem in part from the descrepancy between the dispatch notes from Westmans 911 call in which was stated the car was in the ditch facing west in the west bound lane, and Smith's accident report which shows the car facing west in the eastbound lane. Another neighbor reported seeing back up lights and I believe the car had backed up(or was pushed by hand, or pushed by the red truck possibly causing the damage then and there) 15 or so feet, as the gear shift was not found in park as far as I know.
In regards to the ARC call I think Sharon made clarification that the Red Cross did in fact have Billy's cell number, but why nothing was said during the message, or why no one called back still remains a mystery. I am stating all of the above based on memory alone, as I am presently without my notes. |
Molly Bish, Warren, Massachusetts. Man in parking lot - June 27. Disappeared June 27. |
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