No kidding?What I have found the charger DOES have a red light when it is charging. This at right at the cig adapter - so would be at opposite end of the phone cord - by the dash board.
- Posted in the Franconia Forum
Comments (Page 812)
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Right, Mason. You cannot say that "there were no wounds to the abdomen and no sexual assault" without having seen the police reports or the autopsy reports. Thanks for clarifying your error - and no, it is not Helena's error for giving you information. You are the one who stated assumptions as facts. |
There it is, Beagle/Alden - what you've been tiptoeing around for a couple of years, implying, insinuating, suggesting, dropping inuendoes. My next question, unsurprisingly, is if you have some reason to believe that this would be a matter of concern for anyone except the most narrow-minded even if there were the remotest proof that it was true? Remember, there is zero evidence of this, and yet you seem eager to assure that if true, you wouldn't be "trashing" Maura...your language reveals your bias. |
“ Good B chillaxin - TY Scott” Joined: Jun 12, 2008 Comments: 1128 |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 which dated back many years...and are not recent or clustered in location and timeframe. nonetheless, it is reasonable to search back and rule in/rule out as some are doing...with professional insight, not fear and panic. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Hi Sophie Bean & JMLH, I was able to locate Riddle on the National Sex Offender Registry last night. He is serving out the remainder of his federal sentencing in facilities to aid inmates in transitioning back into society re: halfway homes. As we know, he was residing in Portland, Maine until March 5th. He has since been relocated to a 120 bed facility in Boston, MA. |
"WW, stated on this forum that he [SBD] was likely told to change his story regarding the driver of the Saturn's sobriety, however she refuses to elaborate on her statement."
As I've said before, police know better than to tell a witness to change his story. That is a crime in every jurisdiction and I doubt there is a police officer in the country that doesn't know that. On the other hand, witnesses generally want to help LE and to varying degrees they will pick up on non-verbal clues and adjust their recall to comport with what they think the police want to hear or expect to hear. They don't even think that's a form of lying. Yet, they do it and this behavioral characteristic has been identified as one of the causes of mistaken eyewitness identifications and wrongful convictions of innocent people. The SBD appears to be guilty of adjusting his recollection to please, or not offend the person asking questions. He's probably so mixed-up now that he isn't sure what's true and what isn't. This is bad news for everyone because he is the only witness who saw and spoke to the driver. In a way, though, he's more honest than most witnesses because he has admitted that he isn't certain. Witnesses who are certain often are mistaken. I prefer the former to the latter. We have accept his uncertainty and rely on the rest of the evidence to reach a conclusion. As I've also said before, we should pose the question this way. If Maura wasn't the person behind the wheel, who was? We don't necessarily have to name that person to answer the question, but we do have to identify that person by function. Was she a co-conspirator assisting another person to abduct Maura, for example? Therefore, to identify this person by function, we need a theory and, to be viable, a theory must be consistent with the known evidence. The PIs are working on a theory involving a Maura abduction from the scene of a previous accident within 3 miles of the accident past the Weathered Barn. This theory will not fly unless the damage sustained by the Saturn could not have occurred at the site where it was found. The PIs say they have an expert who says there must have been a previous accident. The police do not agree. Without photographs and measurements from the accident scene, we lack sufficient information to reach a conclusion. We have opinions and beliefs, but we cannot say with a high degree of certainty that they are anything more than guesses at this point. And, so it goes ... |
Judged: ![]() 1 1) there have been things said about SBD that were not flattering if not accusatory - not by me, by the way - none the less, SBD has been caught willfully misdirected and overstating his involvement in LE, has given various versions of his statements, and generally done some things to make any reasnoable person question the accuracy of his account. Now, those inaccuracies could be forgetting, or they could be (note that I said COULD be) lies. Witnesses do lie, and by his own account, SBD was the last person to see Maura, so he is going to receive more scrutiny than others. 2) what in the name of heaven does speculation about Maura's sexuality have to do with finding Maura? what does the high level of reactivity raised by Beagle's comments tell us about how some people feel about the POSSIBILITY of someone not even being a lesbian, but having lesbian friends? Again, this is not the first time that I've seen this sort of crap - a woman travelling alone, without the auspices of a protective guy, is immediately suspect of being, and I quote, "on the other side." To this neaderthalish "mindset," the mere appearance of such "devaint" behavior is justification for whatever might follow. there was PLENTY of this sort of crap on hiking forums after Louise Chaput was murdered ("oh she was an INDEPENDANT woman, you know..."). WHAT THE F>>>? |
“ Good B chillaxin - TY Scott” Joined: Jun 12, 2008 Comments: 1128 |
on part 2 - she is not suspected by me. Beagle introduced the topic, and perhaps he can answer. |
“ Good B chillaxin - TY Scott” Joined: Jun 12, 2008 Comments: 1128 |
Brilliant. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 We have to accept that he does not know whether he talked to Maura and does not know if the person he talked to was intoxicated. If he claims otherwise in the future, we have to assume he could be mistaken, even if insists that he isn't. This is the way we should always deal with eyewitness testimony. Disregard it unless it's supported by other evidence. |
Judged: ![]() 1 It's a non-issue. The FIT is a non-issue. The Holocaust is a non-issue. Beagle just went off into deep end for awhile. He'll be back. Excuse me while I adjust my panties for a moment. They aren't anatomically friendly. |
East Mansfield, MA |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 2 Maura became a convenient means for 'schoolyard bullies' to self righteously channel their need to beat up the weakest 'kid' in the neighborhood who ironically enough was the only Good Samaritan who came forth to help her in her time of need. |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 Nope, not happening. |
East Mansfield, MA |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Also know her her friends, acquaintances, colleagues, co-workers. We can't even find out the name of the gallery Maura worked at. |
That's what I'm saying. You know that your personal views don't prevent you from being friends with someone based on that sort of thing.(I don't have a tendency to seek out someone's sexual orientation; unless I'm interested in dating them or they me, it's a moot point as far as I'm concerned.) |
Works for me. I didn't take her comment literally, you did. Sorry I assumed you were being nasty. Residue from other comments posted by other posters last night, I suppose. Either that or general crankypants behaviour on my part. |
“ Good B chillaxin - TY Scott” Joined: Jun 12, 2008 Comments: 1128 |
see 'lynch mob' above...unless one can think of a more accurate, PC word. there are morals/ethics considerations being studied about Good Samaritans in today's climate of 'God help us all'... kind, helpful human beings should avoid becoming inadvertently snared. |
Judged: ![]() 1 Her own words convict her far more eloquently than anything I could ever say. Grab the children and protect their ears! She said,(gasp) someone has a "neaderthalish mindset." |
Judged: ![]() 2 Wait, what? It's a FACT that I'd make a good Nazi? You don't know me at all, then, White Wash. Or are you referring to other parts of that post? One of the simplest reasons I'd make a lousy Nazi is that I dislike following orders. Oh, and I also have this little thing known as a moral compass. I've worn the plastic handcuffs for participating in non-violent protest. Yesterday I taught a lesson on Mohandas K. Gandhi, for fooksake. A good Nazi? It would be laughable if it weren't so horribly, grossly offensive to so many people. |
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