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Detective Columbo

Littleton, NH

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Mar 13, 2009





I have been working on this case since the end of March 2004.
Detective Columbo

Littleton, NH

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Mar 13, 2009





The CW info came about on April 29th 2004,
2 1/2 months later. Hard to believe it took that long for him to remember what he had seen considering he lives within a couple hundred yards of the acc. scene and frequented the local store. The area was buzzing about the disappearance of Maura by this time and long before that even. Very interesting how this info came out just days before a search of the immediate area was planned.

United States

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Mar 13, 2009
whiston wrote:
Hi firecat and all.How did LE know 'at noon the next day'when the BOL was issued ,what Maura was wearing and if she had a backpack or phone.At that time from what we have been told mrMurray was still unaware where the saturn was.I am going from memory here but sgt Smith did not hear back from umass Amherst until after mr Murray arrived in the evening on Feb.10.My point about the ATM video is if that was Maura why have we not been told what the person was wearing.As I understand the description of Mauras clothing it was a process of elimination after her clothing was gone through by her family.If I am wrong please correct me.take care philip
Beats me. Maybe from Atwood's description? But honestly, I have no idea, and I'd have to check the GC log again to figure out the timing on that.....hmmmm.....
Detective Columbo

Littleton, NH

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Mar 13, 2009





Also....CW has NEVER ALLOWED a search of his property by NHSP or PI's. They did get a warrant and the trailer that he lived in while builing his house that he later sold was searched at a location in Lyme, NH. The results of that search are unknown, except by NHSP and other LE.

Paducah, KY

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Mar 13, 2009





propaganda firetruck wrote:
<quoted text>
Technically, in the world of astrology, the moon was in Virgo. Moon in Libra is next month.
Not so, my friend.

Yikes, multiple fun post.

The Sun changes signs every month, usually on the 21st. The Sun is in Pisces now and will move into Aries on the 21st. This date has been celebrated by our ancestors for thousands of years as the beginning of spring. We call it the Vernal Equinox. The Sun will be directly overhead and cast no shadow at the equator at noon that day.

Our ancestors built stone circles to track the daily progress of the Sun as it rose each day slightly north of its rising point on the Vernal Equinox until it reached its northernmost point on June 21st, when the Sun moves into Cancer. This is the Summer Solstice and the Sun will be directly overhead at noon on the Tropic of Cancer.

The Sun's rising point then moves slightly south each day until it reaches the same rising point as it had on the Vernal Equinox. This will happen on September 21st when the Sun enters Libra. We call this date the Autumnal Equinox and on that date the Sun again will be directly overhead at noon on the Equator.

The Sun's rising point on the horizon will reach its southernmost point on December 21st, when the Sun enters Capricorn. We call this day the Winter Solstice. The Sun will be directly overhead at noon on that date at the Tropic of Capricorn.

The apparent movement of the Sun is due to the Earth's axis of rotation, which is inclined from the vertical at an angle of approximately 33 degrees. Our changing seasons, the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn are the result of this angle of inclination and we measure time according to the Sun's apparent movement, just as our ancestors did.

One year is how long it takes for the Sun's rising point to move from its southernmost rising point on the Winter Solstice to its northernmost rising point on the Summer Solstice and return back to its rising point on the Winter Solstice.

The solar calendar is thus divided into twelve months and the Zodiac is divided into twelve signs. Each of the twelve Zodiac signs corresponds to the constellation located in the starry background that is visible along the plane of the ecliptic, which is the plane along which the planets travel as they orbit the Sun.

The Sun appears to take one year to return to it's starting point in the Zodiac and it spends a wee bit more than 30 days in each sign. That wee bit adds up to five and one quarter days, which is why each year lasts 365 days and every fourth year we add a day to compensate for the quarter day we don't count during those four years.


Paducah, KY

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Mar 13, 2009





Part 2

The Moon changes signs approximately every two and a half days and it completes its trip around the Zodiac approximately every 28 days. This period was divided into four weeks of seven days each to comprise a month. One year consisted of 13 x 28-day months, or 364 days.

The ancient Egyptians maintained three different calendars. In addition to solar and lunar calendars, they had a sidereal calendar based on the stars. Over many hundreds and possibly thousands of years their priests noticed a relationship between the position of the star we call Sirius (they called it Sothis) and the beginning of the annual flooding of the Nile River.

Sirius is the brightest object in the night sky except for Venus. Due to the Earth's inclined axis of rotation, Sirius is obscured from viewers in the northern hemisphere during much of the year. It's easy to see in the southern sky when it's above the horizon because it is so bright and because it's offset a bit below an extended straight line connecting the three stars that make-up Orion's belt. Orion is the most dominant and easiest constellation to identify in the night sky and the ancient Egyptians revered it as the god Osiris.

The ancient Egyptians revered Sirius as a goddess whom they called Isis. The priests noticed that on the Summer Solstice Sirius would rise above the eastern horizon before the Sun, an event that astronomers refer to as the heliacal rising of Sirius. And every year without fail the waters of the Nile would begin to rise within a few days until they covered the broad floodplain between the valley walls. Then, the waters would gradually recede leaving behind a rich layer of silt in which the people planted their crops.


Paducah, KY

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Mar 13, 2009





Part 3 -- FINAL

The ancient Egyptians turned into major league party animals during a five day celebration waiting for the flood. It was a nonstop celebration of what they regarded as the beginning of their New Year and it conveniently allowed for the annual addition of four days to their 360-day solar year (12 months consisting of 30 days each) and one day to their lunar calendar to match them to their sidereal calendar.

This five-day celebration turned into a six day celebration every fourth year to account for the 365 day and one-fourth of a day that the priests knew to be the true measure of a year from their sidereal year.

The mythical legend of Osiris's magical resurrection from the dead by his sister, Isis, so that he could have an erection and impregnate her with their son Horus -- who would later seek revenge upon his paternal uncle Set, who murdered Osiris -- has been the source of many legends and stories, including Hamlet.

The rejuvenation and celebration of the rebirth, redemption, and triumph of life over death through the magic of sexual intercourse has been an enduring and appealing myth to humans everywhere throughout time. The ancient Egyptians joyously celebrated this power and there can be little doubt that the judgmental and disapproving words drunkenness and fornication were nonstop activities that likely would cause Mardi Gras revelers to blush.

Ah, how deeply I regret not living in those times! And wouldn't it be great if the Puritans had settled elsewhere, perhaps in Greenland?

It was a full moon in Libra and now the Moon is moving into Scorpio that symbolizes sex, death, and rebirth. Do not be surprised if your sex drive perks up.

And, practice safe sex or you may find yourself with a little boy named Horus asking about Uncle Set, who by the way, later morphed into the entity called Satan.

Satan and Set represented Saturn to the ancient stargazers because it was the slowest moving object in the plane of the ecliptic visible to the naked eye. Indeed, Saturn orbits the Sun every 29 and one-half years. Jupiter, which is next closest to the Sun takes only 12 years to complete its orbit. The ancients calculated precisely how long it would take each visible planet to realign itself in a conjunction with Saturn.

If, for example, Saturn and Jupiter formed a conjunction at a particular location in the night sky, the noticed that Jupiter would move ahead of Saturn and return to the same place in the sky in 12 years. Saturn, of course, also was moving during that period and they noticed that it wasn't quite halfway toward returning to that point. Now, Jupiter appeared to be chasing Saturn and slowly catching up. They noticed that Jupiter would appear to catch-up and form another conjunction before Saturn reached the point where they previously conjoined. The ancients considered orbit time periods in terms of Saturn's apparent motion. For this reason, they called him Father Time. Since there would be no death without the dimension of time, they regarded Saturn as the spoiler of all the fun.

This idea played a big role in Saturn morphing into the Devil, even though the ancient Egyptians did not regard him in such a negative fashion.
End of your astronomy, astrology, mythology, and religious lesson for the day.

Go forth and celebrate Moon in Scorpio.


Paducah, KY

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Mar 13, 2009
Dawn wrote:
I know this has been said before..
Can someone answer did they search his trailer ?
I can see both sides of this. Search away - but it could be scary too if someone was to "plant" something........ too much CSI myself
Yes, LE searched his trailer after he sold it to another person and that person consented to the search.

CW sold it because he finished building his house and didn't need it anymore.

United States

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Mar 13, 2009





The next day they knew that she was wearing a dark coat, presumably from Atwood who would have been able to see that it was a dark coat:

Then comes the press release, which according to Sharon was handed out Feb 11th and it says dark coat and jeans AND that she is 5’7” again…even though she is 5'5". As to what jacket, it would seem to have been a process of elimination to figure out which dark jacket.(I remember Sharon or Helena--I think Sharon--coming onto the site one day to say that the coat they thought she'd been wearing had been found in her closet.)

No idea where they came up with the jeans…Perhaps we have been told what the person was wearing!

Thing is that Molly Bish first went missing in June of 2000 and although there was a video of Molly in a store 13 minutes before she disappeared, it wasn’t released until June 26, 2006…six years later. The fact that the video of Maura has not been released does not appear to be unusual at all.

United States

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Mar 13, 2009



Thanks for leaving out the part where she emasculates him and throws his business in the Nile. 0_0

United States

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Mar 13, 2009
Mason wrote:
And wouldn't it be great if the Puritans had settled elsewhere, perhaps in Greenland?
I bet the Algonquin would wholeheartedly agree with you there!

Joined: Nov 24, 2008

Comments: 455

Bristol, CT

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Mar 13, 2009





FireCat wrote:
<quoted text>
I bet the Algonquin would wholeheartedly agree with you there!
I remember being told that the reason they had to go to New England is because no one between Mass and Virginia would let them stay.

Too much of a pain in the ass to have those stogy Puritans around with all their rules and constant proselytizing. That whole burning at the stake thing would have been a real inconvenience also. I would have to been a mountain man or trapper back then. Just wouldn't be able to put up with their crap for sure. I have a low threshold for that kind of sxxt.


Omaha, NE

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Mar 13, 2009
WOW... good catch Whiston.......... How did they put out a descrption if in FACT they figured out what she was wearing by elimination which was way past the time the BOL was sent out?????? People were looking for a dark coat and she could have had on a White sweatshirt?

How did I miss that one ?

Again.......... Did they search his trailer ?

Omaha, NE

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Mar 13, 2009
Mason wrote:
<quoted text>
Yes, LE searched his trailer after he sold it to another person and that person consented to the search.
CW sold it because he finished building his house and didn't need it anymore.
thanks Fred.. sorry i posted the question again below.. everytime I went to post it took me to this main menu in topix that I have never seen before.. FYI in case that happens to anyone else.
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Mar 13, 2009





Detective Columbo wrote:
Also....CW has NEVER ALLOWED a search of his property by NHSP or PI's. They did get a warrant and the trailer that he lived in while builing his house that he later sold was searched at a location in Lyme, NH. The results of that search are unknown, except by NHSP and other LE.
I was just going to post when you did, that I believe that every neighbor in the immediate area and some in outlying areas , did allow search of their property. Generally everyone in the area was as helpful as they could offer. There was only one neighbor who did not allow a search of their property. In the five years since she disappeared, CW has, to my knowlege , not allowed a search.
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Mar 13, 2009



of course this excludes a search warrent of the trailor a while later after it belonged to someone else.

Omaha, NE

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Mar 13, 2009
Firecat says:
The next day they knew that she was wearing a dark coat, presumably from Atwood who would have been able to see that it was a dark coat:
Then comes the press release, which according to Sharon was handed out Feb 11th and it says dark coat and jeans AND that she is 5’7” again…even though she is 5'5".

She is 5 foot 5 ??? the official website says 67 inches which is 5 foot 7 ???
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Mar 13, 2009





Hi Firecat and all. If the B.O.L was released before mr Murray arrived in N.H. with a description of a black backpack etc. that to me is weird.If L.E has not given an accurate description of what the person at the ATM was wearing to the Murrayys' that is is even more weird.I dont' know if this as a fact but i hope L.E had the decency to tell the Bish family that the clothing description on there missing poster was at least close to accurate.I am not saying any of this to be combative. Mrs Bish dropped Molly at her lifeguard job, she saw what she was wearing there was no need for a look at a video for comfirmation of her clothing.take care philip

South Weymouth, MA

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Mar 13, 2009





FireCat wrote:
Trying to let us know that you're smart and accomplished and successful?

I am the one who said I am grammar challenged (and somewhat perversely proud of it.)

Why don't you loosen your corset strings, let your hair down and hey why not really go crazy, you could even go so far as to end a sentence with a preposition.

Omaha, NE

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Mar 13, 2009



I found another article on the cold case unit.
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