- Posted in the Franconia Forum
Comments (Page 89)
Guppy...Please... just "skim n scroll" as do many...you have always been helpful on Topic of/for Maura.....
Mcsmom...Yeh, Maura..or somebody, packed Saturn with Joseph and Maura's clothing, books, etc and she took public transportation...No...that's not right...family checked public transportation, back before the first Forum started in 11/2004.. CS said some of the alcohol/bottles were missing....how did he know it was there "to be missing"....? Maybe the "cigarette smoking guy" had long hair....SBD thought it was a female. Maybe it was the guy Casxxx was chasing in Woodsville afterwards..ya know the "hooded sweatshirt"..Maybe that's why he and partner relocated. OR maybe Maura was captured in Northern MA...or southern VT..or....etc... the words "grab the booze...get rid of the car...I know a swell place to ditch it up in the Woodsville area...hey...it's only 50 -100 miles from here"....OR maybe Maura stopped at Citgo in Wells River,VT (the only gas station/store open at that time of night within 8 - 10 miles West of Swiftwater, other than the Stage Stop) BTW State liquor store in Woodsville closes around 5 PM..I know nothing about VT State liquor stores...Whiston...I can't find any deeper intrigue/mystery other than Maura was super stressed and needed her NH to think and regain..Unless, as written recently, she became "flirtatious with alcohol" and became a pole dancing,, runner,(can't continue) whatever...There are still the Neanderthal minds and the ignorant who believe ie.."what was she doing there, anyway"?(If indeed there is where...?) Question of anyone who was in the first Forum during the Spring of 2005, with a memory, or notes....in Woodsville, FBI ? and a pseudo training session of sorts..?....From my memory it was not disclosed to the Murray family until after the fact. I'll dig in my piles in the interim. Sooz/Paris...Thunder storm wiped out electricity and telephone earlier tonight..... |
Shack...I recall it well...even looked at it from the funding aspect. There was a picture of it, black SUV's.
hi beagle.i called AAA they said i would not have to be at my car to have it towed i hear what you are saying about p.d. calling a tow truck AAA plus gives you 4 service calls per year and then it is up to the discretion of the supervisor if you get help.Maura relayed a story to Sharon R about locking her keys in her trunk,i assume in winter or fall of 03 and calling AAA. They have no record of it.i think she got the AAA membership from Sharon R for the christmas of 03 take care philip
Shack, I believe that training for HPD was for Homeland Security purposes...do I remember correctly that the conversation centered on assault rifles????....carried in the trunk.
Whiston, Assuming the date on the liquor store receipt was Feb. 9, then it seems very likely Maura was driving the Saturn when she picked up the alcohol. We just don't know for sure at what store. I forgot all about University Liquors at the bottom of Amity St. Makes good sense. In that case, she could easily have driven back up 116 to 91. Are the rules about being at your car the current rules or were they the rules in Feb. 2004? I distinctly recall being told that I, the card holder, had to be at the vehicle being towed. The vehicle being towed did not have to belong to me, but I had to be with the vehicle in order to sign for it. Maybe that has changed, but I do know that's the way it was several years ago. Since I live in the same AAA district as Amherst - both are administered by the W. Springfield office - I assume the rules would apply to any vehicles in Amherst, too. By the way, the Hadley AAA office is a branch of the W. Springfield office. |
![]() Joined: Jun 16, 2008 Comments: 472 |
Hello all,
Just some thoughts having read the highly interesting recent posts here: 1. The absence of any kind of AAA towing records in Maura´s name for her Saturn - or am I wrong here??? From what I´ve read there seems to be no such records at all, neither for MA, nor for VT or NH. This suggests to me that Maura might well have used a friend´s AAA Card in MA and possibly also up in VT or NH on February 9th 2004 - IF she indeed did go in that direction at all on that day, which is certainly far from clear, to put it mildly. 2.Another thing, not mentioned here recently, but which I cannot seem to get out of my head: There are several media reports of an unnamed friend of Maura´s at UMass Amherst, being reported as saying that he/she "didn´t want to get Maura into trouble" for something. Now, what could this person be referring to??? What lies beneath that kind of speech may well be the reason for Maura´s vanishing. Are there any clues at all about this particular utterance of this anonymous, supposedly UMass Amherst friend. Ideas, ideas.... |
What are those things called that are mounted on the front bumpers of police vehicles? Used to push or ram another vehicle?
When police are driving on a road with relatively little traffic, they frequently drift into the on-coming lane because they are looking around them or fiddling with the radior or computer or whatever. That's a fairly sharp curve there on Rt. 112. And the dent on the Saturn could easily have been the point of impact from an on-coming vehicle that sent it into a counter-clockwise spin, forcing it to end up facing west in the eastbound lane. A slow motion impact might have done this. Also, it's often overlooked that when a vehicle suddenly stops, its nose descends a little. Just a thought. |
without putting my "story" into this..I have had AAA for ten years and have had to use it a couple times. I have never had to be with the vehicle, nor have I ever signed anything for them. One time I locked my keys inside. I called them, and a half hr later they called me back to say I was all set. I never even knew they had come and gone. Also, my daughter has my membership # and has used it. She didn't need to show id nor did she have to show my card. just my insight.
Wow....some wildly varying experiences with AAA going on here! I wonder if the rules are regional, or else enforced differently regionally? |
If only I had known about the AAA rules... I could have had that Rolls towed back here where it belongs!:)
I'm going into town in a few minutes. I'll stop at the AAA office and ask them in person what the rules are. Also different rules may apply depending on where the card was purchased, not necessarily where the card is used. Ohio might allow the card holder to not be present, while W. Mass. requires it. I'll see what they say and report back.
hi beagle and all.the one thingthat has always bothered me .AAA say there were no calls that night from grafton county n.h.what is the timeline for Maura over christmas break.she went with Billy to N.Y.C to look at rings.there is a photo of her and Billy [it was either taken jan. 28 or posted then ] i know there was a date on the picture. who took it i dont know.Anyone have any names of possible sources for photos we have not seen.i am sure there are many more pictures either sitting on a roll or chip.how did Billy and Maura get to nycover christmas break did Billy also stay with mr Murray over christmas break when did he leave to go back to his unit.take care philip
I hope someone can answer this........Maura was seen leaving the campus around 4:30 'they' said. My question has always been was she seen leaving in her car? I recall Maura was seen carrying a bag, but was that as far as the person went with what they saw and how they saw her leaving? Please do tell....
As for the person who said they didn't want to get Maura into trouble, my opinion is someone may have gotten an answer to that and doesn't want to share it with the world. But reconcider please if you can, if you have an answer to that it could help us further make sense. Thanks |
I once had an article of a runner who ran against Maura, she said some (what word to use)?......."things" and I'll try to find that article later. She was just above Maura as a runner and in her own mind as I recall, had a tone about her. I'll just look for it and you decide. Later, just me
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 I do not believe that AAA can be told "just go and pick up this car and tow it to this place." I imagine that would make their liability well beyond astronomical. I've asked before and will ask again - a while ago, a young woman came on this forum with the story of her attack on Rt 302. It is public knowledge that the attacker is not in jail. Silky and others spoke at great length of an interstate rapist, possibly murderer, in the greater CT River valley as late as the late 90's or earlier this decade. Is it impossible that this person is still active in the area? Also, is there any reason to think that it's not possible that Brian Rooney may have been in the area in 2004? There are PLENTY of suspects and POI's in a 20-50 mile radius, with histories of abduction, sexual assault, and worse. Even the most staunch advocate of the White Mountain / Grafton county area would ackoweldge this as fact. Why do so many missing persons cases and murders in the CT River valley remain unsolved and apparently completely cold? Specifically, for example, who thinks that Pauline Clark's death was actually "accidental"? |
http://multimedia.wbz.com/pub/m/1898859/case_... |
![]() Joined: Jun 19, 2008 Comments: 39 |
Paris, Who was talking on that interview?
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Hi Sophie, That was me that you are speaking of. I'm probably reading this wrong. Are you saying that the man who attacked me is not in jail? Riddle has been in jail (this time) since he was arrested in May '05. In less than 3 years he has been moved from Maine to PA to Fla and as of my last check yesterday he is now in Marian Illinois. federal prison. Oh and thanks for calling me a young woman :). |
In my "incident" he was arrested Aug 20th 1988. He was sentenced to 20yrs in May of "89. He was released early July 1999. Gotta love that early release s**t.
![]() Joined: Jun 16, 2008 Comments: 472 |
Sophie Bean,
You are of course absolutely right about the rather disproportional number of unsolved homicides and/or disappearances in parts of VT and NH over the last 20 years. I believe I read something on this subject on the web earlier this year and it was made quite clear that the amount of such unsolved cases is way above what might be considered "normal" or average, if one takes the combined population size of VT and NH as a measure. Now we have the deeply disturbing Brooke Bennett disapperance, the 12-year-old VT girl who recently vanished in Randolph,VT. Let´s hope and pray that she will be found safe and sound. Although, both VT and NH were considered to be very "safe" states until quite recently, the still unexplained series of mysterious vanishings in the Bennington area of Vermont through much of the 1940´s (including the much publicized Paula Welden case) may well have been the work of a serial killer, although that term was not even in use at that time. |
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