- Posted in the Franconia Forum
Comments (Page 919)
WTF when I wrote on the Forum and clicked "submit"
your Post came in first...before my Post. Your Post wasn't there when I wrote/submitted. |
![]() Joined: Nov 24, 2008 Comments: 455 |
OK, I'll take you at your word. Accept my apology for my mis-interpretation.
Bill |
![]() Joined: Jun 10, 2008 Comments: 390 |
Judged: ![]() 1 was reported in one of the articles that Fred was able to start the Saturn. |
![]() Joined: Mar 26, 2009 Comments: 196 Halifax, N.S. |
Judged: ![]() 1 Moose, Billy and Fred started the car up with no problem I believe this was Thrusday or Friday morning., as quoted by Sharon. A car will not start immediately after the airbags are deployed, because of the risk of fire, at least from the information Sharon and others researched some time ago, however this is only for a short period of time. i.e. Saturns |
![]() Joined: Mar 26, 2009 Comments: 196 Halifax, N.S. |
Judged: ![]() 1 no she was not, ham string injury |
maribeth conway's article says she was running.. so who in the heck knows. |
![]() Joined: Jun 10, 2008 Comments: 390 |
The car was also in neutral, so it wouldn't start whether or not the airbags deployed--unless of course, the transmission switch wasn't functioning. |
![]() Joined: Jun 10, 2008 Comments: 390 |
Judged: ![]() 1 isthere something official about the hamstring injury? As I recall, a family membr stated that she had an injury but I didn't see anything other than that reported. I don't see how a nursing student could possble have the time to run competetively (spelling???) anyway--not with having clinicals. She's never be able to travel to meets that weren't at UMass. |
They said the reason she had Tylenol PM on her was for a hamstring injury. That was the only time I read about the injury. I could have been mentioned elsewhere. Just going by MY memory, could be wrong. |
correction "IT, not I, could have been mentioned.."
I can see Firecat getting out her red pen to correct my post. J.K. :) |
![]() Joined: Mar 26, 2009 Comments: 196 Halifax, N.S. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 per reposted by Dawn: White Wash wrote: In January 07 I was lucky enough to speak with the Westman I had planned on doing a recap in 07 but was unable to recap any unknown. 1. Westmans are working in their home office. 2. They hear a thumb Faith goes to the kitchen looks out the window and sees a dark car off the road. 3. She called 911. *FW calls 911 at 1927 according to the Grafton County Sherriff logs *states car ended up in the ditch in the Westbound lane, heading eastbound, as per RM 911 operator Grafton County Sherriff logs. 4. The car remains dark. 5. Atwood arrives with 1-2 min per Faith. They opens the door and speaks to the drive who is out now Talking to him over the roof of the car. Faith makes a point she doesn't know if it's Butch or Barbara's Bus. *all the interviews with FW reported in the media and by interviews with people assisting the family, state the SBD came along 5 minutes after the accident *media reports SBD as stating that he shone the flashlight in the car window and I could just about see her from the lips up, the airbag deployed *SBD states the car was pushed up against the snowbank, and she squeezed out the door the drivers door, Sharon states that the impression was visible in the snowbank that was up to the mail boxes, at least two feet when she visited the accident site on Thursday, there were no footprints to be seen?! Accident report shows no footprints *SBD asks if she wants to call the police, tow truck, Maura says NO, Don't call the police, and that she has called AAA. SBD asks if Maura wants to go to his house and wait, Maura says NO. *FW says here she does not know if it was the small bus or the large bus? re SBD or B bus? There is quite a difference in the sizes of the bus, or were they both large buses? *SBD reports he did not get off the bus, other media reports have him saying that he checked out the damage to the car, it was inoperable because the radiator was pushed up against the fan. He could not have walked around the car, because there were no footprints noted by Sharon in the snow, so he must have walked from front to back on passengers side. If Maura was talking to him over the hood, then she was standing in a snow bank, no footprints noted, by Sharon, or accident report. 7. Atwood is there 1-2 mines tops Faith says. *all media reports says FW stated the SBD says he was there 5 minutes, SBD states he was there 5 minutes 8. Faith sees the driver put on the flashers. *media reports, says Faith states the flashers were on, SBD states they were off and he tells her to put them on 9. Driver goes to the trunk then back to car lights going on and off and She see a red dot on the passengers side. *JM reports that the trunk lights went off and on as well *FW reports to 911 as per Grafton County Sherriff logs, that there was a man driving the car and was sitting smoking a cigarette, see Grafton County Sherriff logs. Noting whatsoever about a red dot in the car, check logs. 10. Faith goes back to the front room to help Tim on the computer. *FW states in the media, that after the SBD came along she no longer watched the accident scene |
![]() Joined: Mar 26, 2009 Comments: 196 Halifax, N.S. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Part 11 11. Still on the phone with 911. *? 12. Hears a car goes back to the kitchen window. 13. See Smith nose to nose hangs up with 911. *FW called 911 at 1927 per Grafton County Sherriff logs, and per the same, and accident report, Sgt. Smith arrives at the accident scene at 1946 *FW by this account was on the phone with RM for 19 minutes, reporting what? Or Sgt. Smith came along much sooner than indicated in his report? RM was talking to others, so how could FW still be on the phone, and what would there be to say in 19 minutes, since she no longer watched the accident scene after the SBD came along, this timing seems inacurate? 14.Both Westmans claim zero cars came through in that amount of time. *JM also reports no cars came along *We can assume then that Trooper M who was off duty had not yet come along? 15. Goes back to the Tim in the front room who is still working. 16. Smith shows up and wants to know if the driver is there. *Sgt. S allegedly came to the door and enquired where the girl had gone, per Jane poster who spoke to FW? 17.There is no one at the car. Faith looks out the window and the car is dark. 18. Cecil leaves and goes to Atwoods and he drove down. *reports that the girl is gone, no mention made of man seeing smoking a cigarette as reported by FW, not that the SBD mentions to the media. 19. Cecil returns to the car. 20. That is when fire/rescue showed the staged at Old Peter's Road. *when did Sgt. C and Trooper M come along |
![]() Joined: Mar 26, 2009 Comments: 196 Halifax, N.S. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 21.. Tim Westman goes out then to help. He checks his barn and with FD the Parking lot and around their house. 22. The game trail is checked. 23. Old Peter's Road is check as well as up and down both sides of the road. *SBD leaves and goes to SSS, does not go in, gone about 15 minutes, then heads towards French Pond, gone about 15 minutes *Sgt. Smith also heads westerly to look for girl,neither search in Easterly direction, unknown when this happened 24. Westmans claim crews where there a long time. *see Grafton County Sherriff logs for arrival and departure times of EMS, fire, no times given for arrival of Sgt. C, Trooper M off duty, and times Sgt. Smith left to search for Maura or when he returned, no mention 25. Odd all this activity and TM never comes out? Allegedly he wasn't home *JM gives a detailed report to the media, and family and friends who interviewed him, as well as to the private detectives of what he saw that night, he was home *JM also states that he saw the SBD back up his bus in the driveway all the way to his house, and stayed on the bus a long time. SBD says he went directly into his house and told his girlF and mother about the accident. *JM also states that the saturn backed up and parked parellel to the road.(does he mean from the westbound lane into the eastbound lane *Smith's report give no indication car was in Westbound ditch, no mention in report of car backing up, no mention of speaking to JM *SBD called 911 at 1943, and allegedly circuits were busy, reached Hanover,(don't know if Girl F called or he did, as logs are being witheld from Hanover) Hanover calls back at 1943 and Girl F reports, SBD saw accident and does know where the girl is, SBD says he went to his bus to do paperwork 26. The Westmans claim the road that night was a dry. *as per accident report, same |
![]() Joined: Mar 26, 2009 Comments: 196 Halifax, N.S. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 comments, clarifications re: asteriks 27. Tim Westman comments several times he is baffled she made around the corner then crashed just doesn't happen that way. *it is indeed baffling, also no mention of hitting trees, as per Sgt. Smith's report 28. Believes she did try to start the car and it wouldn't which indicates that air bag did go off and she couldn't restart the car. *airbags deployed turn off car, and will not start for specific length of time programmed into car (fire prevention feature in Saturn), however car did start as per Sharon, on Thrusday or Friday morning by Billy and Fred 29. They saw no skid marks. *accident report indicates no skid marks 30. NHSP have been out there cadaver dogs. *dogs not brought to seen until 2 days later, lost scent between JM's and Bradley Hill Road. 31. HPD set up a road block the next Tuesday night for 2 hours. *8 days later or the day after the accident? p.s. JM, which is TM here? humm, perhaps I have this gentleman's first name wrong or he has a nickname? He most definately was home.Weeper referred to this person as the silent witness. Why he did not come out, can't say? |
![]() Joined: Mar 26, 2009 Comments: 196 Halifax, N.S. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 This was recently discussed in detail, and I believe a family member informed one of the posters here and the information was posted, that she was not running due to injury, also likely time constraints would have been an issue. |
![]() Joined: Mar 26, 2009 Comments: 196 Halifax, N.S. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 White Wash conversation with FW points for clarification or comments make in asteriks 21.. Tim Westman goes out then to help. He checks his barn and with FD the Parking lot and around their house. 22. The game trail is checked. 23. Old Peter's Road is check as well as up and down both sides of the road. *SBD leaves and goes to SSS, does not go in, gone about 15 minutes, then heads towards French Pond, gone about 15 minutes *Sgt. Smith also heads westerly to look for girl,neither search in Easterly direction, unknown when this happened 24. Westmans claim crews where there a long time. *see Grafton County Sherriff logs for arrival and departure times of EMS, fire, no times given for arrival of Sgt. C, Trooper M off duty, and times Sgt. Smith left to search for Maura or when he returned, no mention 25. Odd all this activity and TM never comes out? Allegedly he wasn't home *JM gives a detailed report to the media, and family and friends who interviewed him, as well as to the private detectives of what he saw that night, he was home *JM also states that he saw the SBD back up his bus in the driveway all the way to his house, and stayed on the bus a long time. SBD says he went directly into his house and told his girlF and mother about the accident. *JM also states that the saturn backed up and parked parellel to the road.(does he mean from the westbound lane into the eastbound lane *Smith's report give no indication car was in Westbound ditch, no mention in report of car backing up, no mention of speaking to JM *SBD called 911 at 1943, and allegedly circuits were busy, reached Hanover,(don't know if Girl F called or he did, as logs are being witheld from Hanover) Hanover calls back at 1943 and Girl F reports, SBD saw accident and does know where the girl is, SBD says he went to his bus to do paperwork 26. The Westmans claim the road that night was a dry. *as per accident report, same |
Ha....I"m so tired I hadn't even noticed it. Doh. |
![]() Joined: Mar 26, 2009 Comments: 196 Halifax, N.S. |
Judged: ![]() 1 |
Maura did apparently have a hamstring injury (which are a bitch, I can tell you dfrom experience. They take forever to fully heal. It's a big muscle.) which I WRONGLY ASSUMED was the reason for Maura taking Tylenol PM. I was immediately corrected by Sharon, who informed me that Maura took Tylenol PM when she was having trouble sleeping, which she often did away from home. Tylenol PM is basically Tylenol mixed with benadryl, so it's relatively harmless when used this way. So yes, hamstring injury preventing her from competing (though perhaps not taking practice and/or running individually) and yes, Tylenol PM. Just not related to each other. I see a long detailed timeline looking post, also, but that's going to have to wait until tomorrow. I'm pooped. Night. |
![]() Joined: Mar 26, 2009 Comments: 196 Halifax, N.S. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Maura's family knows, and obviously this is an error, one of the many made by the media, and posters on forums. |
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