


Where are YOU?????????? wish you could get a PM on the othersite.
madness i know
Comments (Page 943)
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 2 Where are YOU?????????? wish you could get a PM on the othersite. snowy madness i know |
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Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 Ok this is dumb if you want information about Fred then ask the SP or investigators as they have alreadt established Fred has an alibi during the period you are asking for so if you need further information from Fred then post your phone number and he will contact you OK!!!!!!!!! No one is going to give you the time of day unless you post your information. Ask Columbo |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 2 The first people investigated are family! OMG some of the people here have no clue how an investigation is conducted!!!!! |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Oh good lord I wish. Not for another several years, if I ever do qualify.....! Thanks for thinking of me, though. |
Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 3 ![]() 2 The ducks appear only to be interested in puerile chit-chat with each other and surrounding Fred Murray with adoration and an impenetrable barrier that insulates him from responsibility, supplying any information whatsoever or answering any questions, no matter how legitimate reasonable, and relevant they may be. They march around in lock-step with their heads bobbing up and down quacking here and quacking there like an obedient little harem of ducks. They are so focused on defending their lord and master that they could care less about what happened to Maura. They serve no useful purpose because their only function is to protect Fred Murray at any cost even if it means Maura will never be found. The do not want to know the truth and will do anything to avoid facing it. They are as useless as teats on a bull and deserve no respect from anyone. They haven't contributed anything significant, important, or useful to the search for Maura and they are worse than worthless because they conceal information from and insult anyone who offers to help. Worse, they feel no shame. They are individually and collectively failed human beings consumed by their own selfish needs. I do not include quija, gvmeabrk, wowser, snowy, L4M, suzanne or elsewherebriefly in the sad group I call ducks. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Snowy, this was quite well said. Thank you. |
Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 3 ![]() 2 I'm sure I've left some good people off my list of exceptions for which I apologize. We do know who the ducks are though don't we? I despise them. Fred Leatherman |
Judged: ![]() 5 ![]() 4 ![]() 2 and who are you God? |
Judged: ![]() 4 ![]() 3 ![]() 3 Most of the red herrings are coming from the statements of the police department from Chief Jeff Williams letter to the news paper so if you want to blame anyone for them blame him and his 3 part episode in the news paper. I know for a fact that blood was found in the A-frame I know for a fact there was a rag in the tailpipe so the car was disabled somewhere and if you think thats wrong stick a rag into your exaust real tight and see how the car runs I know for a fact that Claudes brother gave Fred a knife with blood on it and a death bed confesstion to go with it, blaming Claude for Maura's disappearance, Sgt. Smith don't have a bronco he has an old 1975 jeep wrangler, For one thing you need to get your red herrings in order because they can be picked apart,,those are not red herrings they are facts, if the saturn was driven to the scene then it had no power at all or it was disabled on the scene by someone (rag in tail pipe + flat tire)we don't even know if it even ran by then!!!!!! You need to get those red herrings right so that we can see through them into the truth about what really happened to Maura! Most of us here hope she is ok I believe but I have my doughts about some of you and if you want to post an e-mail it is easy just like this happyeaster @ yahoo. com God bless all of Maura's family and friends and all who care in here! |
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For those interested male sperm is worth alot of money if you can pass the tests..With no side effects to men! |
Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 3 ![]() 2 As I recall Sgt. Smith saw foot prints going towards Coventry or east but didn't follow them and he also didn't call the driver of the car as missing into twinstate and niether did ST Monahan so there was no all point bulletin recieved from them for all towns and states to be on the lookout that Maura was even missing even though as I recall they called Fred as the car was registered in his name. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 For one thing the red truck if used in a crime would have been disguised and if they were good the plate could have been false also..I know the temp was right around freezing as we got alittle snow that night but just a dusting at the MMM site from what I deduced from reading the paper as they said there were foot prints around the car at the MMM site. From what I have discoved or deduced from all the posts and reading everything released on this case is that either these were idiots that murdered her and got away with it by chance or they were proffesionals that set this all up and did not get caught yet or Maura got involved with some bad people in Mass. and up here and is in the witness protection program. What bothers me is that Fred has done just about everything he can do without going to jail himself from all the tresspasing and harrasment of the locals up in Haverhill and sorrounding towns. I have heard that Skye Weeks has said she knows things then shuts up when asked what. I am no investigator but I think I would start with lie detector tests with some of these people that are suspicious! Including the LE! I also would ask the man in jail that murdered Albert Powell from Warren N.H. to take one also! If there isn't a break in this case soon either the criminals are so smart we will never figure this out or the investigators or LE are no good or Maura is in the witness protection program.. |
RIGHT!!!!!!! |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 Because LE contacted him don't you think? I have heard the same things you talk about way back when this first happened that Fred may have done the crime but he was cleared! We all have heard that Sgt. Smith also was covering for Maura or he did it but I don't know if he did anything but try and help and has been cleared of all accusations from the public I am sure, Monohan also I am sure has been cleared. So that leaves some unsavory characters that may live in the Upper Valley and or in Mass. or in the military we have a clear cut deal that Maura made with the FBI and is sitting sweet somewhere with a new life. I know this the average person won't solve this case!!!! I also agree that Fred has about as much reason to lie as Smith does. I agree Advocate! |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 Right--even though they called the wrong Fred!(they called the house with Freddie Jr in it) |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Reg. would have had had FM sr.'s name..address etc..not Jr.'s (didn't Fred Jr. live with Laurie Mom..?) Not contradicting...just questioning... |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 You are correct, the registration would have. It's late, and my brain hurts, but I seem to recall a lot of this being true as well. May have to go back and reread some stuff. But I really do recall there being some initial confusion over there being two Fred Murrays. Because Laurie had to inform them that the car was her ex-husband's. |
OH MY said: "As I recall Sgt. Smith saw foot prints going towards Coventry or east but didn't follow them "
I ask: "HOW FAR EAST? Just to Bradley Hill Road? Or beyond? That would be new info!" ---------- I can't figure out if it's unusual that the Murray family found the several possible clues (A-frame blood, knife from incarcerated, terminally ill Moulton brother, underwear that wasn't Maura's) or if it was the opposite ---- if it was more likely they found these things because they did more searching than LE? I just don't know. ---------- I think the timing of releasing "the red pickup with a man outside and in the woods on Bradley Hill Road" statement is odd..... after 5 years. It wouldn't hurt to go back and see what we were discussing each time a new piece of information was dropped. I'm guessing it was Amherst we were talking about. ---------- If Claude's girlfriend Skye was acting strange after Maura disappeared, wouldn't it be more likely (than murder out of the blue) that they accidentally hit Maura in the road, and if they were under the influence of some drug/alc, that they made bad decisions about how to handle a possibly fatal accident, where to bring Maura, etc., to avoid arrest? ---------- Ben Franklyne said something that reminded me of my first car accident when I was 22. It was my own car, but my parents had chipped in heavily for it. So that made it much more "emotionally loaded" to have wrecked it. I was so depressed by the accident that I remember telling friends I wished I'd died. I really beat up on myself. To me it was like A DEATH IN THE FAMILY. And my friends said, "[Quij], it is NOT a person, it's just a car." And I didn't remember all those thoughts and feelings until Ben Franklyne just said something! I wonder if Maura, in her much more poised manner, went through the same out-of-proportion reactions to the Sat. night crash? I understand that the only way to miss clinicals and not be discharged from the program would be something as serious as a death, but this just struck me as an interesting similarity and possibly a clue into how Maura felt? |
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