Thank you, this is great info. How do I find the newspaper articles though. Ones taken down, etc....Google advanced is what I use most times, but I'm interested in expanding that now.<quoted text>
The term "wrecker" is unique enough that you probably will only come up with positive matches - except these obvious recent posts.
It is a matter of downloading the html content of the forums - and using Grep to search the downloaded archive.
Its not too large - potentially 1 archive I've made can fit on my keychain USB drive.
- Posted in the Franconia Forum
Comments (Page 847)
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 *The super-strong assertions on MMM that the note found in Maura's dorm room was actually email(s) TO Billy SOUNDS LIKE SOMEONE PROTESTING TOO MUCH. That correction, repeated endlessly, makes me wonder why? Why it's such a hot issue. Yes, we want to preserve our loved ones' memories. But half the people in this country (a wild guess which needs to be checked out) ARE ON THE NEW ANTI-DEPRESSANTS! Depression happens. It is not a character flaw. And sometimes people resist taking the meds (because the side effect can be unpleasant, or because they are independent and self-sufficient), give up after trying a few different ones, or can't find one that works. Remember that her boss suggested counseling. It didn't have to be a life-long or permanent depression, but it sure sounds like she felt that way in the days before she disappeared... |
I was wrong. It was at a University I was told that half the staff took anti-depressants. This is from a government publication:
Adult use of antidepressants almost tripled between 1988-1994 and 1999-2000. Ten percent of women 18 and older and 4 percent of men now take antidepressants. |
Here are the (3) article excerpts again......... |
I am known for asking a question multiple times.
But HELLO everyone - 1 bottle - 1 cup. I'm not talking to the locals - they already know this. Everyone else on here?????????? HELLO |
Judged: ![]() 1 What does this mean?? who is protesting too much and about what? the emails ?? i don't get it.. sorry.. Quija says: *The super-strong assertions on MMM that the note found in Maura's dorm room was actually email(s) TO Billy SOUNDS LIKE SOMEONE PROTESTING TOO MUCH. |
whitmanhanson express is one of them. they quote both butch saying he NEVER told media she was intoxicated and Fred states that he NEVER denied she was drinking. |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 It is very common for spirits to communicate via electrical devices ... lights going on and off, radios, cd players. We had a poltergeist type experience here last week. It was the first such experience of my life, but it was clear and unmistakable and thrilling and very moving. I am very grateful for it. |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 1 this ones for you... black market organ trade going strong in egypt. |
just curious.. some have trouble posting links - i haven't had any problem with them going away...
beagle posts links all the time ? weird |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ATTN: SNOWY WHITE - Ya see what I mean ????? |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 2 Do you read as well as you write? Read Sharon's quote more closely....... It was in Sharon's HUMBLE OPINION not MINE!!! How does it FEEL! To have it COME BACK at cha?! Can you TAKE IT as well as you CAN GIVE IT!! You are as GUILTY OF SLAMMING people on this forum as you accuse people of SLAMMING ON MMM!!! What MAKES you any BETTER than anyone else??? Nothing makes you any BETTER. Phfftt!!!!!!!! |
Dawn, besides the wine box being open, or smashed open, they found an empty beer container in the back seat. Other than that, there was a pop bottle found just outside the car too and it smelt like alcohol. Is this what you mean? |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 I second this. |
Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 And, one more thing, I was thinking this recently but have held off on posting it. But I will tell you, WW, that you ran off people from MMM. You are no angel with your barbed tongue. You would send nasty PM's to people "behind the scenes" and I had several people tell me that you are the reason they left. Before the board was taken down, we were trying to figure out what the discontent was and discovered it was you. Behind the scenes with PM's. You did the same thing that you say Shack did......except it was in the different direction. You are certainly no better, if not worse in some aspects, than others that you accuse. You shouldn't live in a glass house....... |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Thank you for confirming what I have suspected. |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 2 With all due respect, I don't believe we have sufficient information to form an opinion regarding the appropriate risk category in which we should place Maura. I'm troubled by her obsessive secrecy. I keep asking myself why she erected so many walls and the only answer that I can come up with is she believed people would condemn and exclude her from their company, if she permitted them to know who she really was. This behavioral trait isn't unusual for young teenagers, but she was only a few months away from her 22nd birthday and she was intelligent, athletic, beautiful, witty, and charming with an established record of high academic and athletic achievement. Maybe she set her goals too high and never felt like she achieved anything of significance even when her friends were impressed with her accomplishments. There was something terribly wrong with her self image and for me that fact alone places her at high risk to engage in self destructive behavior. Meanwhile, I don't see Brianna Maitland as a person who engaged in high risk behavior. Yes, the available evidence supports a belief that she was a casual drug user who associated with other people who were into the same behavior and from time to time they came in contact with sources of supply who were older and more predatory than they may have realized. This situation is more common throughout this country than most people realize and the vast majority of high school kids who participate in this behavior grow out of it and go on to lead undamaged productive lives. Unlike Maura, Brianna appears to have been far more comfortable in her own skin, so I place her in a much lower risk category compared to Maura. The All American Girl Next Door is a myth. There never has been and never will be such a person. Any young woman who measures her self worth according to how close she can come to embodying that image has doomed herself to eternal disappointment and heartbreak. Until we pierce the veil of bullshit that cloaks the real Maura and realize who she really was, we'll never figure out whether she ran away and started a new life or committed suicide. If her skeletal remains eventually are discovered, we may not be able to tell if she was murdered or committed suicide. I don't care what activities she engaged in secretly because I think she was a fundamentally decent person who was psychologically damaged by a tragic, deep, and abiding self hatred. I have no idea why her self image was so unlike the person she really was. I blame no one for the situation. I'm just overwhelmed with sadness by this tragedy and I hope she encountered someone with the wisdom, strength, and patience to teach her to love, accept, and respect herself. No greater and more timely gift could have been given. I fear the worst but I'm not going to assume the worst. The possibility of redemption always is present, but we cannot find it without help when we are lost. |
Judged: ![]() 1 Maybe she had some thyme on her hands. Or maybe she was going only as far as Sojourns in Westminster, Vermont (almost exactly 100 miles to Rt. 112 curve). |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 1 Whitewash POSTED that there was ALSO a CUP found inside the car.......... WOW |
Paris - here is the post where the other CUP is mentioned.......... WOW |
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