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Franconia, NH

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Mar 17, 2009
FireCat wrote:
<quoted text>
I think it's probably one of those things that seems and feels like a good, warming idea at the time, but I believe you're right, that medically it's not the best move in either case.
A'course, I'm Irish, so it's my family's prescription for anything that ails you.....
Your Irish? Well Happy Saint Patrick's Day.
Nothing like the smell of corned beef, cabbage, potatoes and carrots wafting thru the house.

White, GA

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Mar 17, 2009
Snowy White wrote:
<quoted text>
for the record, i hadn't called you schizo, but previously defended you against cruel remarks.
as "Pansie", however, you did a pretty good job on making accusations about Maura's mental health.
SB most recently expressed extreme frustration about your many monikers; i agree.
i have no obligation to prove anything to you, and find your theories to be bizarre and violent.

White, GA

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Mar 17, 2009
David Marks and Maura Murray.

David Eliot Marks, formerly of Hadley, previously of Northampton, Massachusetts, born February 23, 1952.

White, GA

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Mar 17, 2009
David Eliot Marks, one of the early members of the Hampshire Shakespeare Company.

Paducah, KY

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Mar 17, 2009




Beagle wrote:
<quoted text>This is an absurdity. Often, state penalties are stiffer than federal ones. Federal LE can enforce state laws anytime. And they do.
You have no idea what you're talking about!

White, GA

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Mar 17, 2009




Snowy White wrote:
<quoted text>
as "Pansie", however, you did a pretty good job on making accusations about Maura's mental health.
Just as Lady Gray, you do a pretty good job yourself every day trashing Maura Murray by inclining yourself to mud fights before lifting your little finger to help find Maura.

You trash Maura Murray when you spend all your time attacking people on this thread - even if you try to appear to be the wise one above the fray - rather than spending your time trying to find out some useful information. But maybe your zoning laws have walled you into a security so serene it's hard to imagine anything worse, or more compelling, than a cat fight.

White, GA

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Mar 17, 2009
Mason wrote:
<quoted text>
You have no idea what you're talking about!
Yes I do. Federal LE officers/agents may and do bring criminal charges against defendants in state courts. Not the usual course, but by no means rare.

White, GA

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Mar 17, 2009
Want to help find Maura Murray? Find out about the connection between her and David Eliot Marks (b. 2/23/1952).

White, GA

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Mar 17, 2009
David Marks was an early member of the Hampshire Shakespeare Company. Find out about a connection between Maura Murray and David Marks.

White, GA

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Mar 17, 2009
Snowy White wrote:
<quoted text>
for the record, i hadn't called you schizo, but previously defended you against cruel remarks.
as "Pansie", however, you did a pretty good job on making accusations about Maura's mental health.
SB most recently expressed extreme frustration about your many monikers; i agree.
i have no obligation to prove anything to you, and find your theories to be bizarre and violent.
You're not being asked to prove something to ME. You're being asked to DO something for Maura Murray and her family and loved ones. Help find her. If you want to twist what I said into a demand that YOU prove something to ME, then that tells everyone exactly where your loyalties lie.

White, GA

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Mar 17, 2009
Pretend you're organizing a high school class reunion. You've lost touch with some of the class members. You need to locate them. How might you do that? What if you didn't have access to a computer?

Paducah, KY

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Mar 17, 2009



Beagle wrote:
<quoted text>Yes I do. Federal LE officers/agents may and do bring criminal charges against defendants in state courts. Not the usual course, but by no means rare.
No, you're wrong. Federal and State law enforcement agents may work together in cooperative teams they call a Joint Task Force. They share information, strategize, obtain search warrants, serve them, and arrest suspects.

Federal and State criminal laws overlap in several areas. Drug laws are a good example. A person busted with 5 grams of crack could be charged with Possession with Intent to Deliver Cocaine Base in either or both federal and state court because the Double Jeopardy Clause only bars successive prosecutions by the same sovereign (the federal government and a state government are separate sovereigns).

Sentences in federal drug cases are significantly more severe than sentences in comparable state cases.

Sentences in federal dug cases cannot exceed the statutory maximums or go below the statutory mandatory minimums. Generally, the United States Sentencing Guidelines recommend sentencing ranges based on the total weight of the drugs seized in a case, the defendant's role in the offense, and his prior record. Subject to only a few exceptions, for example, a federal judge must sentence a defendant to not less than 5 years in prison if the defendant has been convicted of Possession with Intent to Deliver 5 grams or more of cocaine base.

Therefore, detectives assigned to a joint task force will refer a case to federal prosecutors, if the weight of the drugs seized exceeds the weight that triggers a mandatory minimum sentence. One of the federal agents on the task force assembles the necessary paperwork and delivers it to a federal prosecutor who handles the case from that point forward.

If the weight does not trigger a statutory minimum, a state agent will handle it and deliver it to a state prosecutor who will take it from there.

Prosecutors in both jurisdictions review the materials submitted for legal sufficiency and decide what charges to file. Federal and state cops can arrest and detain a suspect in jail for a limited period of time, but they do not have the authority to file a charge.

Therefore, Beagle, you are mistaken.
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Mar 18, 2009




Dowser thanks!
Nothing better than starting the morning with a Laugh!

I found a dandy way too!
It's called being an adult!
First off I learned after my Parent took his
own life and it was dragged across the MMM
much to my horror that I am only responsible for my own self!
I didn't pull the trigger.
I didn't type the ATTACK on an innocent man's

Despite Lady Gray's attack the truth is I know
So for those like her who continue to BLAME AND ATTACK get therapy please not for us but yourselves.

I refuse to lower myself ever again
to such child like behavior.

I only asked for the quoted materials as I wanted to read the enter stories!
We can cut and past any quotes to make anyone look like a GOD or ASS by arranging them the way
we want to present our opinions.

Just for the record I don't get my self worth or
love, happiness, life from anyone here so bash away!

You look like the true person you are and
two I know who and what I am and I sleep well
in my non perfect little town.
Wowzer wrote:
<quoted text>
WW I've found a dandy way to survive thru any attacks.
With my coffee in the AM I eat a bowl of Wheaties(breakfast of champions). When finished I put my bike riding helmet on (good for knocks on the noggin). I then set a can of mace beside me and hold a big stick in my left hand.
It is then and only then that I turn on the computer and click on the Topix forum. Good luck!
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Mar 18, 2009
Shoot Wowzer I meant!
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Mar 18, 2009
Are you thinking of Northland Auto?
Who heard the call on the scanner and rolled?
FireCat wrote:
<quoted text>
Perhaps the person called the wrecker--the one that isn't Lavoie's, whose name escapes me at the moment--directly? It wouldn't show up on the police dispatch log if the person didn't call the police.

Concord, MA

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Mar 18, 2009





Ben --- Thanks for posting the NewsBank link. It's really good! I've found things I couldn't find elsewhere. Got any more links like that up your sleeve?

Dawn --- yes, it's possible that SOME kind of note of explanation was found in Maura's room (not necessarily a "suicide note") and not shared outside of LE.

It's weird that there are some who won't even consider that there might have been a note left indicating despondency and "if anything happens to me...", etc. It would be beneficial to rule things like this out, and that means that the subject needs to be raised.

I think when people jump on one of us for something, it's particularly worth exploring. There is a cover-up. A cover-up of the range of things, good and bad, that a normal 21-year-old girl goes through!!!!

Minneapolis, MN

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Mar 18, 2009
different b'days, but something like this Beagle?

Halifax, Canada

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Mar 18, 2009





White Wash wrote:
Dowser thanks!
Nothing better than starting the morning with a Laugh!
I found a dandy way too!
It's called being an adult!
First off I learned after my Parent took his
own life and it was dragged across the MMM
much to my horror that I am only responsible for my own self!
I didn't pull the trigger.
I didn't type the ATTACK on an innocent man's
Despite Lady Gray's attack the truth is I know
So for those like her who continue to BLAME AND ATTACK get therapy please not for us but yourselves.
I refuse to lower myself ever again
to such child like behavior.
I only asked for the quoted materials as I wanted to read the enter stories!
We can cut and past any quotes to make anyone look like a GOD or ASS by arranging them the way
we want to present our opinions.
Just for the record I don't get my self worth or
love, happiness, life from anyone here so bash away!
You look like the true person you are and
two I know who and what I am and I sleep well
in my non perfect little town.
<quoted text>
White Wash, I am sorry for your loss, and if it is true what you say, it is not very charitable, however, what you are saying escaped me on the forum, I completely missed it, but if it had nothing to do with Maura I likely sped read over the remarks. Like I do with much of the material on this forum and others. You suffered much, and it is unfortunate if people have added salt to your wounds, but remember what goes around comes around.

If in anyway I have offended you regarding your loss, I profoundly apologize, but I do not think I have, but if I inadvertently did so, pardon for my ignorance.

Yes we must choose our words carefully, and about Maura, all I have ever wanted is for a grand jury to be called, or a cold case squad, because there is no way to solve crimes on line, other than a call to awake the justice system and to ensure that they have the resources they need.

There is no justice in this world, it is an illusion, and the best we can hope for at the end of the day, is to know that we did what we could.

take care, kate
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Mar 18, 2009



What crowd?
Art? Running?
Beagle wrote:
Find out about a probable common "friend" Maura Murray and David Eliot Marks (b. 2/23/1952) may have shared. David Marks died an untimely death in his mid-late forties. There is very good reason to believe that Marks was involved in the same crowd as Maura Murray. And she may have met the same fate.
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Mar 18, 2009



Thanks Kate!
peripeteia wrote:
<quoted text>
White Wash, I am sorry for your loss, and if it is true what you say, it is not very charitable, however, what you are saying escaped me on the forum, I completely missed it, but if it had nothing to do with Maura I likely sped read over the remarks. Like I do with much of the material on this forum and others. You suffered much, and it is unfortunate if people have added salt to your wounds, but remember what goes around comes around.
If in anyway I have offended you regarding your loss, I profoundly apologize, but I do not think I have, but if I inadvertently did so, pardon for my ignorance.
Yes we must choose our words carefully, and about Maura, all I have ever wanted is for a grand jury to be called, or a cold case squad, because there is no way to solve crimes on line, other than a call to awake the justice system and to ensure that they have the resources they need.
There is no justice in this world, it is an illusion, and the best we can hope for at the end of the day, is to know that we did what we could.
take care, kate
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