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Joined: Jun 10, 2008

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Woonsocket, RI

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Mar 20, 2009
FireCat wrote:
<quoted text>
They also help sometimes with fibromyalgia, don't they?
This is not to enter into a debate as to whether antidepressants in general, or SSRIs specifically, are over-prescribed. Just a thought every time I hear that commercial on TV.
Agreed. The overall point being that yes, SSRI's are prescribed a lot but its because they can treat a multitude of disorders--not just depression.
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Mar 20, 2009
17 mins so from No. Haverhill passing his Boss
by Roger's Rangers seems to fit the time line.
For someone who had driven it!
Mason wrote:
<quoted text>
But he got there at 7:46, which is 3 minutes after the 7:43 Atwood

“ Good B chillaxin - TY Scott”

Joined: Jun 12, 2008

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Danvers, MA

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Mar 20, 2009
Mason wrote:
<quoted text>
I believe our government is the greatest threat to the safety, health, and well being of every man, woman, and child in this country regardless of age.
Absolutely...cannot disagree. Nice of you to expand on my limited view.

“ Good B chillaxin - TY Scott”

Joined: Jun 12, 2008

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Danvers, MA

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Mar 20, 2009
Mason wrote:
<quoted text>
You're right and the family's desire to protect its privacy also should be respected.
Nevertheless, I hope the family has revealed everything it knows to LE because it isn't reasonable to expect LE to solve her disappearance without that information.
Absolutely; completely agree.
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Mar 20, 2009




Does anyone know when Billy was being shipped out?
I wonder if Maura wanted to quit school to be with him perhaps marry before he left?

I have a cousin who did just that quit college
got married and got pregnant all before her
husband was shipped out!
Needless to say at first the Parents where not
Thank God he is home safe and sound and all are very happy!

One night in the local pub Fred made statements
that they believe Maura was in a well in Bath then
it was rumored to be a well on Brush Road!

My question is how hard is to get a cover off a well? Is there room for a body? And wouldn't it
poison the water? Are there chemicals that could
break down a body? What are the real chances of this being possible?
Suzanne wrote:
<quoted text>
Again I agree. I think some pretty unhappy things started happening in Maura's life with her being asked to leave WP. I am sure Fred was thrilled to have TWO daughters at WP (who wouldn't be?). He no longer had this. I wonder if he unconsciously conveyed his disappointment to Maura. Or maybe he just plain made it clear to her that he was profoundly disappointed in her. No matter how many people go yadda yadda about Fred no one here knows the complex psychodynamics of the Murray family. I know I have no clue what went on in the Murray family.

Marlborough, CT

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Mar 20, 2009



Amherst Campus
Effective July 2003


Motor vehicles with evidence of non-use, vehicles abandoned in parking lots, streets, or other
University property for fourteen (14) days or more may be towed away and subject to disposal
of. Any vehicle found without a valid license plate will be considered an abandoned vehicle and
may be removed from University property by direction of the Chief of the University Police
Department or his/her designee. The University will use reasonable and prudent judgment in an
attempt to locate the owners of unused or abandoned motor vehicles. Expenses for the towing
and disposal will be the responsibility of the registered owner of the vehicle. The owner of the
vehicle so removed and towed away under the provisions of this section shall also be subject to
the penalties provided in Chapter 90, Section 22B, of the Massachusetts Motor Vehicle Laws.
The owner will be responsible for the care or protection of or damage to, any such motor vehicle
or its contents.

Maura's car would have appeared abandoned to UMASS authorities for a number of reasons including a possible flat tire.

Wonder how much the expenses would have been for towing and disposal?

Mason, the Landry affidavit states Smith arrived at 7:27.
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Mar 20, 2009



I don't have the report in front of me but I
believed Sgt.Smith stated that when the car
was removed he founded the bottle!
I don't believe it states that it wasn't there!
Whole point of sending to the Lab to see if
indeed it was from Maura's car.
sophie bean wrote:
<quoted text>
...which is, of course, very significant because it has been established in the police report that the soda bottle was NOT there before Maura's car got there.
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Mar 20, 2009




FireCat took right out of the Cal Rec. article
will try to find the exact date for you!
Just restating what they said!
I also know for a fact that a PI came with
Fred to the Woodsville Fire Station to interview
all that where present that night.
So paid or not PI's have been present very early
on and why they didn't go over Maura's stuff just
blows my mind!
FireCat wrote:
It is my understanding that the Murrays never "hired" a PI, as PIs are expensive and the Murrays could not then and cannot now afford one, as they are in the same economic boat as many of the rest of us: middle class, and frankly in the middle of an economic s***storm.
This is the info that Peabody over on Websleuths conveyed.
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Mar 20, 2009



At 1930 I reponded to doesn't state arrived!
mcsmom wrote:
Mason....The Chief states Smith arrived at the scene 3mins after the FW call.
7:29 FW call
3mins to scene
Smith himself writes in his accident report:
"At 1930, 2-9-04 I responded to the report of a car into a tree"

Concord, MA

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Mar 20, 2009





I agree with Mason's recent post detailing the most likely possibilities of what happened with Maura.

Sophie, I never heard of any sign of foul play, like signs of a struggle, drag marks, dropped items, screaming, etc.

I also agree SSRIs are pretty amazing drugs, if you're lucky enough to find the right one for your own brain chemistry. It is a miracle that they help with ADD, OCD, rage, ruminating, and depression, as Suzanne said above.

Sophie, I corrected the percent of people in the U.S. taking this class of drugs in a later post. My point was: IF MAURA WAS DEPRESSED, IN THIS "DAY AND AGE" THERE IS NO STIGMA ATTACHED! IT'S COMMON. WHY FIGHT TO SUPPRESS INVESTIGATING THAT POSSIBILITY?

This could be controversial.... Using what others have posted, we can't ignore the possibility that Maura had a painful and powerful story to tell a Good Samaritan: something she had been through that would make people want to protect her. I wonder if LE has suspected this from near the beginning? It could explain some of their actions and attitudes towards Maura's family.

So, where were Fred and Kathleen from late Sunday night until Tuesday afternoon? I'd really like to know what Fred's work schedule was starting when he and Maura spoke Sunday night 11PM-ish. Just wondering if his work shifts allowed him to see Maura again after the weekend's "new car search". Another question is what else might Fred and Maura have wanted to accomplished over the weekend?

“ Good B chillaxin - TY Scott”

Joined: Jun 12, 2008

Comments: 1128

Danvers, MA

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Mar 20, 2009
Beagle wrote:
<quoted text>Campus SAFETY is a threat? The biggest one to young people?
Just in case you've overlooked it from inside your well zoned town, not all young people go to college.
Did you ever consider that maybe things like drunk driving, drug abuse, and domestic violence are a possibly greater threat to ALL young people than campus SAFETY?
More elitist views from the nicely zoned gownie.
you betcha'. substance abuse continues to ravage young lives, and the threat of random gun violence by the deranged is the 9/11 of higher education.

to broaden my statement, as you demand, loss of life due to military combat, as well as youth violence are equally compelling.
duh! college isn't for everyone...and not for one of my own, oh superior-keeper-of-society.
not to worry, i have spent my life outside of family in my roles as champion of the underdog...some dogs bite.

let me clarify, as well, that homogeneity was offered in the context of 'likemindedness' case you didn't notice in your flurry and by our mutual feather-ruffling.
likemindedness does not exclude multi-racial interactions and acceptance, nor does it challenge or limit the progress of others, or represent exclusion, in my mind.

as i approach a milestone birthday and look back upon the suffering of others that i've carried on my shoulders, and have carried since i was young, i shall allow myself some joy in owning and expressing my views.

while i respect your ability to research, and have previously acknowledged your brilliance, my offerings here and anywhere are limited to my abilities and my gifts.
i could probably rattle off the strengths and the gifts of others by my brief exposure and observation here; and our flaws are also evident. certainly, none of us are expected to change by the demands of others.

Beagle, your immersion in multi-personas has been distracting to me. period.

on the phrasing of 'bizarre and violent'...i'll stick with it. egg harvesting, while a possibility according to your research, remains a bizarre and violent concept. after your initial presentation, i cannot entertain any extended fixation on that possibility specific to Maura and Molly.

i readily admit that i cannot find Maura for you or for anyone else. if i cannot meet a standard for productivity in this endeavor, so be it. i am interested in knowing her whereabouts...that is sufficient.

given the social environment that has developed around her disappearance, and the fractured loyalties that prevent arriving at any consensus of opinion, i do not feel comfortable in offering assistance in a search. normally, i would volunteer.
you see, the culture that has grown up around these forums are exclusive. the group meeting at DD in Feb. seemed to be a closed group, even if not promoted this way.
people working together would require true 'welcoming' at each and every interaction.

i'm not going away...i remain interested in a positive way. take me or leave me...i'll be fine with that.

United States

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Mar 20, 2009
Snowy White wrote:
according to a friend who had a conversation with our chief of police, it was his opinion that this town has enjoyed fewer occurences of crime due to access...the fact that there is "one way in and one way out".
i thought this is an interesting take on how LE uniquely manages safety and coordinates patrolling/enforcement strategies.
campus safety, IMO, is the greatest threat to the well-being of young people.
Thus, gated communities. Yes?

United States

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Mar 20, 2009
White Wash wrote:
At 1930 I reponded to doesn't state arrived!
<quoted text>
Which.....means "heard call and radioed back and started driving in the direction of" ?

No, seriously. Is that what that means? Because it's how I interpret it.

United States

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Mar 20, 2009
White Wash wrote:
Does anyone know when Billy was being shipped out?
I wonder if Maura wanted to quit school to be with him perhaps marry before he left?

“ Good B chillaxin - TY Scott”

Joined: Jun 12, 2008

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Danvers, MA

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Mar 20, 2009
quija wrote:
I agree with Mason's recent post detailing the most likely possibilities of what happened with Maura.
Sophie, I never heard of any sign of foul play, like signs of a struggle, drag marks, dropped items, screaming, etc.
I also agree SSRIs are pretty amazing drugs, if you're lucky enough to find the right one for your own brain chemistry. It is a miracle that they help with ADD, OCD, rage, ruminating, and depression, as Suzanne said above.
Sophie, I corrected the percent of people in the U.S. taking this class of drugs in a later post. My point was: IF MAURA WAS DEPRESSED, IN THIS "DAY AND AGE" THERE IS NO STIGMA ATTACHED! IT'S COMMON. WHY FIGHT TO SUPPRESS INVESTIGATING THAT POSSIBILITY?
This could be controversial.... Using what others have posted, we can't ignore the possibility that Maura had a painful and powerful story to tell a Good Samaritan: something she had been through that would make people want to protect her. I wonder if LE has suspected this from near the beginning? It could explain some of their actions and attitudes towards Maura's family.
So, where were Fred and Kathleen from late Sunday night until Tuesday afternoon? I'd really like to know what Fred's work schedule was starting when he and Maura spoke Sunday night 11PM-ish. Just wondering if his work shifts allowed him to see Maura again after the weekend's "new car search". Another question is what else might Fred and Maura have wanted to accomplished over the weekend?
tremendous insight, Quija.

i, too, am wondering about Fred's interactions with Maura over that last weekend.
often, it's a 'bother' to young people to have their folks on or near campus. searching for a car is, of course, a reasonable purpose.

i disagree that stigmas no longer exist in the realm of identifying oneself or a family member as afflicted by mental illness.
substance abuse and rehab seem more readily embraced and accepted.

while the prevalence of mental illness has increased and is, clinically, better defined, access and treatment has seen little progress in transforming lives, IMHO, due to the unfortunate trial-and-error approach to drug therapies and associated behavioral therapies.

it is true, however, that monetary gains are sustained by the supporting industries.

“ Good B chillaxin - TY Scott”

Joined: Jun 12, 2008

Comments: 1128

Danvers, MA

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Mar 20, 2009
FireCat wrote:
<quoted text>
Thus, gated communities. Yes?
NO. again, you misinterpret.

physically/geographically, entrance and exit to our town is limited by north and south access.
the police do not need to consider access or egress by east and west. this enhances their effectiveness in planning for and arresting violators of the law.

in attempting to understand LE coverage in northern NH, it is my impression that small police forces represent towns in limited jurisdictions...and call upon each other to converge in crises.

tiny franconia was shaken by violence on 5/11, but was limited to the known dynamics of the relationships between parties.

is an otherwise serene, quiet, rural setting, Maura's disappearance, unresolved and of unknown origin, evokes more concern.

an attempt is being made to place blame on poor LE procedures, and/or an existing criminal element. neither or both may be the source or contributory to Maura's disappearance.
her life prior to her disappearance certainly factors into the equation.

perhaps someone can enlighten us about LE practices and jurisdictions in this area of NH. in doing so, some may find more comfort and reassurance.
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Mar 20, 2009




I would more like heard call started driving then
called in!

For me Appox. times are being tried to fit so
in square holes when they are round.

Other than the actual documented times by
dispatch I believe all other sources should
remain as they are which is appox. guesses.
FireCat wrote:
<quoted text>
Which.....means "heard call and radioed back and started driving in the direction of" ?
No, seriously. Is that what that means? Because it's how I interpret it.
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Mar 20, 2009





I agree as well w/no signs of a struggle it
does imply she let the car of her own free will.
I still stand firm on drunk or not that Young Lady could hold her own!

I wonder where Maura got the number for the condo?
When was the last time any of them where there?

How many of us have lied to a parent to protect a sibling?

I have and with Atwood stating "it didn't look like her the hair was done" I wonder too where Kathleen was and is possible for a siblings DNA
to close enough to pass for the sibling?
quija wrote:
I agree with Mason's recent post detailing the most likely possibilities of what happened with Maura.
Sophie, I never heard of any sign of foul play, like signs of a struggle, drag marks, dropped items, screaming, etc.
I also agree SSRIs are pretty amazing drugs, if you're lucky enough to find the right one for your own brain chemistry. It is a miracle that they help with ADD, OCD, rage, ruminating, and depression, as Suzanne said above.
Sophie, I corrected the percent of people in the U.S. taking this class of drugs in a later post. My point was: IF MAURA WAS DEPRESSED, IN THIS "DAY AND AGE" THERE IS NO STIGMA ATTACHED! IT'S COMMON. WHY FIGHT TO SUPPRESS INVESTIGATING THAT POSSIBILITY?
This could be controversial.... Using what others have posted, we can't ignore the possibility that Maura had a painful and powerful story to tell a Good Samaritan: something she had been through that would make people want to protect her. I wonder if LE has suspected this from near the beginning? It could explain some of their actions and attitudes towards Maura's family.
So, where were Fred and Kathleen from late Sunday night until Tuesday afternoon? I'd really like to know what Fred's work schedule was starting when he and Maura spoke Sunday night 11PM-ish. Just wondering if his work shifts allowed him to see Maura again after the weekend's "new car search". Another question is what else might Fred and Maura have wanted to accomplished over the weekend?
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Mar 20, 2009
Red Truck Driver add to list of suspects

Seen 10 minutes before heading towards accident scene before police arrived at scene of weatherbarn accident at 1946, although time seems to be in dispute, quoting here from Accident Report and Grafton County Sherrif log.

Irrespective of time, the RTD preceeded the police by 10 minutes and RTD, passed or was near the weatherbarn 10 minutes before police arrived.

The report of the other siting of the RTD that night comes from the dog walker, car parked on BRadley Hill Road. Time unknown?

Very compelling evidence, that places RTD at the scene of the accident at the time Maura disappeared. There are any number of means and ways that RTD could have picked Maura up, with or without her permission.

No there is no smoking gun to say that Maura was dragged from the scene, but there is compelling testimony that places an unknown suspicious person driving a red truck at the scene of the accident at the critical time.

The SBD reports seeing other vehicles pass

Did he travel down or up Bradley Hill Road in his travels

Did any of the emergency responders or police, Monaghan approach the accident scene via Bradley Hill Road?

What time was the truck seen parked on Bradley Hill Road?

Was the RTD parked on Saint Peter's Road, on the 112 near Bradley Hill?

What of the foot tracks behind JM's property, where did they lead? To Bradley Hill Road area or the Saint Peter's Road area.

Shallotte, NC

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Mar 20, 2009





Snowy White wrote:
<quoted text>
given the social environment that has developed around her disappearance, and the fractured loyalties that prevent arriving at any consensus of opinion, i do not feel comfortable in offering assistance in a search. normally, i would volunteer.
you see, the culture that has grown up around these forums are exclusive. the group meeting at DD in Feb. seemed to be a closed group, even if not promoted this way.
people working together would require true 'welcoming' at each and every interaction.
i'm not going away...i remain interested in a positive way. take me or leave me...i'll be fine with that.
See this is what I don't get Snowy and I am certainly not knocking you,

I speak with my 92 year old grandmother quite often and she resides in Massachusetts as she always has. My grandmother took the train into Boston where she worked as a book keeper for about fifty years but that's beside the point. I am surprised at how often she has initiated conversations about the Molly Bish Foundation and how the foundation is being mentioned or featured on the Boston channels. she also brings up different articles she's read in the newspapers such as the Globe, Herald, etc.

My mother also clues me on what's been stated on the news and in the local NH papers. She told me just yesterday that the reward on Brianna's behalf has been raised to $25,000 in the hope of generating some new leads.

These are two individuals whom have no interest whatsoever about owning or operating computers but yet and they are periodically informed and reminded of these particular cases through the media.

They understand that a kindhearted group of private investigators have volunteered their time and expertise in helping Maura's family through an organization that was established through Molly Bish's parents.

My mom and grandmother have been just as much included in these tragic disappearances along with so many others whom watch the news and read the papers.

I am sorry you feel the way you do about the volunteer Private Investigators & SAR teams for the Molly Bish Foundation.
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