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Paducah, KY

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Mar 20, 2009



Got stuff to do.

Gotta go.

Will someone please solve this case while I'm gone.

Please, pretty please?

I'm on my knees here.


It's not a pretty sight, according to my guardian parrot, Mr. Nikko.

What the hell does he know?

He's just a feathered descendant of the dinosaurs who knows how to swear.

Please pass the Comet.

Omaha, NE

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Mar 20, 2009
I keep coming back to the gallery.. they must have a good reason for keepint it a secret. That secret might crack the case. Something went wrong at Amherst - she got really upset and her supervisor had to walk her home -then she said she had a roomate - was she already packed? half packed ? boxes I believe were on the bed - where did she sleep? something happened at Umass - that made her search for directions and call gostowe

Omaha, NE

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Mar 20, 2009
Don't know why - but I am getting more and more convinced that the answers are in Mass. Also - was U card found in her car? If it was left in her room - that would certainly say she wasn't coming back

Concord, MA

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Mar 20, 2009





This is going to sound unkind and provocative, but... What if Maura's drinking was enough for Fred to worry about? And then she crashes his car Sat. night. What if Fred decided to use "tough love" over the weekend and insist on bringing her to rehab. What if he tells her Sunday night when they talk around 11PM that he'll come to Amherst the following day (no-one will tell us his work shifts!) after, say, a 7AM-3PM shift. He gets there around the time we think Maura left Amherst. This is the way-out part: What if he borrowed a red pickup and they were traveling together, him following her, and she "escaped" by getting off a main highway and winding up dazed in the snowbank on 112. After talking to Butch, she pulls herself together and runs. Fred finally finds her car, but she's gone. He looks for her in his borrowed red truck.... and continues to look for her in that spot year after year... OMG, this is definitely a horror story. Guilt piled upon grief and self-blame.... I'm sorry for presenting this scenario, but it came to mind while "talking" with someone.(Today) it suddenly seems that Fred was there. And searching. And that's why he didn't call Cecil until Tuesday late afternoon...
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Mar 20, 2009
My food is that Sgt. Smith arrived and was
calling dispatch going where the hell is the driver!
So dispatch called to see if she was at the Atwoods since my guess is Sgt. Smith was
at the Westmans.
Mason wrote:
Two interesting narratives appear on page 19 summarizing Faith Westman's and the Atwood's 911 calls.
FW's call:
At 1927, Faith Westman called to advise of a vehicle in the ditch right on sharp turn after the Weathered Barn; unknown if person injured, but can see a man in the vehicle smoking a cigarette; was E/B on Rte 112, but ended up in W/B ditch facing W/B.
BA's Call:
At 1943 Hanover Dispatch called to advise got a 911 call for us; 911 advised all circuits busy; is for 10-25, caller at 2 Ammonoosuc Road, Butch Atwood residence [phone # omitted]. They advise one female, no personal injury, but shook-up.(Called the Atwood residence, woman advised her husband saw the crash and came here to call, but no idea where the female is.)
Difficult to believe the Saturn was in the W/B ditch at any point, so this entry in the narrative may be an innocent mistake by Rhonda Marsh who typed the narrative. Someone would have to ask FW about that.
The narrative of FW's call also causes me to again wonder about the location of the accident, which I've understood to be about 125 yards beyond the curve, according to Weeper.
The narrative about the Atwood call specifically states Barbara Atwood said her husband "saw the crash and came here to call, but no idea where the female is."
So, he must have seen a female at some point to later say he had no idea where she was, or maybe Barbara was referring to herself not having any idea where the female was. Why would either one say they didn't know where she was? Wouldn't Butch have said she's still with her car? Why would either of them have any reason to think she would be anywhere other than with her car?
Food for thought.
White Wash

Lebanon, NH

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Mar 20, 2009
Whiston I believe said there was a red truck at the gallery so my guess is that is where the
truck came from!
quija wrote:
This is going to sound unkind and provocative, but... What if Maura's drinking was enough for Fred to worry about? And then she crashes his car Sat. night. What if Fred decided to use "tough love" over the weekend and insist on bringing her to rehab. What if he tells her Sunday night when they talk around 11PM that he'll come to Amherst the following day (no-one will tell us his work shifts!) after, say, a 7AM-3PM shift. He gets there around the time we think Maura left Amherst. This is the way-out part: What if he borrowed a red pickup and they were traveling together, him following her, and she "escaped" by getting off a main highway and winding up dazed in the snowbank on 112. After talking to Butch, she pulls herself together and runs. Fred finally finds her car, but she's gone. He looks for her in his borrowed red truck.... and continues to look for her in that spot year after year... OMG, this is definitely a horror story. Guilt piled upon grief and self-blame.... I'm sorry for presenting this scenario, but it came to mind while "talking" with someone.(Today) it suddenly seems that Fred was there. And searching. And that's why he didn't call Cecil until Tuesday late afternoon...

United States

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Mar 20, 2009
White Wash wrote:
My food is that Sgt. Smith arrived and was
calling dispatch going where the hell is the driver!
A likely scenario. "I thought you said there was a"

United States

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Mar 20, 2009
Mason wrote:
Got stuff to do.
Gotta go.
Will someone please solve this case while I'm gone.
Please, pretty please?
I'm on my knees here.
It's not a pretty sight, according to my guardian parrot, Mr. Nikko.
What the hell does he know?
He's just a feathered descendant of the dinosaurs who knows how to swear.
Please pass the Comet.
Next project: teach Nikko how to type. Maybe HE can figure out what we can't.

Omaha, NE

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Mar 20, 2009




Quija - interesting post. This would explain why her prior life doesn't matter. It was fact that she was there...? No reason to bring it up. Its a fact she was there. I just don't think it was her dad..He really looks like he is hurting.

Paducah, KY

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Mar 20, 2009



quija wrote:
This is going to sound unkind and provocative, but... What if Maura's drinking was enough for Fred to worry about? And then she crashes his car Sat. night. What if Fred decided to use "tough love" over the weekend and insist on bringing her to rehab. What if he tells her Sunday night when they talk around 11PM that he'll come to Amherst the following day (no-one will tell us his work shifts!) after, say, a 7AM-3PM shift. He gets there around the time we think Maura left Amherst. This is the way-out part: What if he borrowed a red pickup and they were traveling together, him following her, and she "escaped" by getting off a main highway and winding up dazed in the snowbank on 112. After talking to Butch, she pulls herself together and runs. Fred finally finds her car, but she's gone. He looks for her in his borrowed red truck.... and continues to look for her in that spot year after year... OMG, this is definitely a horror story. Guilt piled upon grief and self-blame.... I'm sorry for presenting this scenario, but it came to mind while "talking" with someone.(Today) it suddenly seems that Fred was there. And searching. And that's why he didn't call Cecil until Tuesday late afternoon...

I haven't commented on any of your recent posts and I'm not quite ready to engage in a dialogue. I just want you to know that I believe you've produced some thought provoking stuff that has my brain working overtime.

Thank-you, and please keep it up. I think you're closer to the truth than anyone has been.

Please don't stop.


Omaha, NE

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Mar 20, 2009
provacative - just to add to it.. you all know i don't like going in this direction. devisl advocate of my regular stance - WHAT IF ? LE already knows this and why they don't share information.

Omaha, NE

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Mar 20, 2009
Is there a rehab center close to Haverhill? I have had friends that had that done - intervention.
sophie bean

Monkton, VT

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Mar 20, 2009
Snowy White wrote:
<quoted text>
if "she did not believe all these cases are connected", then perhaps you can explain the significance of the map representing clusters of the missing and murdered over a period of 25+ years as it relates to Maura's disappearance.
is the map still "in play" with regard to Maura's disappearance?
i'm temporarily 'stuck on stupid'.
The map simply notes the relevant locations of murdered and missing persons. I do not believe that the maps were ever intended to prove or even suggest that all of these cases are connected. It is one way of keeping these cases, which are far too easily forgotten, visible. And I say again, I specifically do not believe that Silky thought that all or even perhaps any of these cases are connected to Maura's. Someone who knew Silky linger and better than I did can correct me if I'm mistaken.
sophie bean

Monkton, VT

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Judge it!
Mar 20, 2009
FireCat wrote:
<quoted text>
I presume this is sarcasm?
Sarcasm? Whatever can you mean?
sophie bean

Monkton, VT

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Judge it!
Mar 20, 2009



White Wash wrote:
I don't have the report in front of me but I
believed Sgt.Smith stated that when the car
was removed he founded the bottle!
I don't believe it states that it wasn't there!
Whole point of sending to the Lab to see if
indeed it was from Maura's car.
<quoted text>
Perhaps you missed the sarcasm. Of course, no one knows whether the bottle was there before Maura's car got there or not. The bottle, even if it could be proved to have some of Maura's DNA - and how would that have been established, precisely?- still does not prove that Maura was even there. My point is that claiming that the so-called bottle with the so-called "alcoholic smell" has anything to do with Maura's disappearance is a far bigger stretch of logic than many here have criticized.
sophie bean

Monkton, VT

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Mar 20, 2009





It's quite interesting that "likemindedness" which some applaud is precisely the criticism leveled (not all that correctly) at the so-called "FIT." Does that "likemindedness" is desirable and commendable only when someone agrees with your worldview? That's certainly what I'm seeing.

Omaha, NE

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Mar 20, 2009
There are 5 Rehab centers within 10 miles of Haverhill.......... if bradford VT is that close ? that is what yahoo yelllow pages says

3 in Woodsville.
sophie bean

Monkton, VT

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Judge it!
Mar 20, 2009





Dawn wrote:
The Dawn on the other site is not me. I can't change my city - its omaha. One time it said denver which is where I route to. I really have no idea why it says Omaha.
That is not me.
I did figure that out. Whoever is doing that is really very pathetic. Then again, we had the faux "WTF" and it took the REAL WTF/Bill way too long to convince us that he's the real deal. I don't kow what I find more irritating and stupid than some moron wanking away and pretending to be someone else on the internet in order to make that person somehow look bad. They succeed only in proving themself to be a total, well, wanker. Having been a victim of absurd internet identity wanking myself, I can cerainly relate and sympathize. I know that you are not that idiot over there.

Omaha, NE

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Mar 20, 2009
Sophie Bean
Fred is the DNA expert - I am pretty sure they can determine dna from a coke bottle - they just need her mom and dads - and a tooth brush - hair from a hairbrush.. It is done all the time

Omaha, NE

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Judge it!
Mar 20, 2009
This could be a good reason that her prior life - does not need to be brought up. I do NOT understand why her prior life was not brought up. They always say - this person was at this place at X time - have you seen this person.. That was never done. The atm - liquor store - gallery - why not? It is not running her name through the mud - from the start that would have been clues to find her. I do not like going in this direction - but I could never figure out why her prior life was not brought up - how do they know its not important? they weren't at Umass.. friends might not have told the parents everything - because they didn't want to get her in trouble
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