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Sewell, NJ

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Mar 23, 2009
White Wash wrote:
Sorry I thought it was Whiston but could have been Beagle!
<quoted text>
Eh, no big deal. Mistakes happen. Right now I'm having a hard time finding my arse with both hands...did you see that Beagle did confirm it was he?

Concord, MA

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Mar 23, 2009



We have been tossed red herrings at very specific times in discussion over the years. I believe that there was something going on in Amherst because Maura was in trouble again. I believe she would call Fred for help. I believe plans of some kind were made the weekend "he came up to go car hunting". We don't know how far in advance that visit was planned --- perhaps after Thursday night's emotional breakdown? NH LE said they began trying to reach Fred beginning Monday night, Feb. 9, but he did not begin to frantically return the calls until Tuesday near dinnertime. Yes, things began in Amherst. And no, I don't believe one of the few people to come by on Rt. 112 was a serial killer. Low likelihood of that!

Gilford, NH

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Mar 23, 2009
Hi white wash, I've known Claude for years, met him when he drove truck for John Butson. Yes I tought he was too old for Skye and didn't like them dating but thats her choice. Sgt. Smith has been a friend of mine for quite a few years, he's a good man and I've heard crap about him on here too. I know we can't over look any possibility but some of thse are a little far fetched. I originally thought she had some wine and drove too fast into the corner and couldn't make it. Being at night and cold she would have accepted a ride greatfully. Thats why I wanted to know about this truck.

And I too have riden in a bus over 112 in the back seat, that was the best as a kid. You would almost hit the roof going over those frost heaves.

Omaha, NE

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Mar 23, 2009
quija wrote:
<quoted text>
Scooter, I read your post and did not take the time to read the next 3 pages of posts because I had to respond now!(Low impulse control)
I too found this very odd. I'm not dissing Maura because I could never come close to being the person she is. But... I wondered if she did something at work, some kind of acting out -- perhaps taking something that wasn't hers, using a passkey, whatever. Way out thought (courtesy in part of a poster friend who I'll ID if (s)he wants): Could it have been her supervisor WHO WAS THE MYSTERY CALLER telling Maura that they needed to talk because... some irregularities in key use were found... maybe Maura couldn't work at that job any longer... that she was being escorted out of the building... and that she should seek counseling for her problem?
I'm not attacking Maura, because I'll bet each of us knows a friend or family member (or self) who acted out, was caught, and was told if they sought counseling the matter would not be pursued. Often it's with a young person when she is away from home (summer camp, prep school, college), returning after a vacation, around a birthday (when people can feel "cheated" or "deprived" or "deserving", even tho Maura's B-day wasn't for months). THIS IS ALL SPECULATION. The supervisor's offers of help were above-and-beyond that required. The supervisor said she considered herself Maura's friend. But Maura was not honest with her about having a roommate, so it appears the feeling of closeness was not reciprocated. So, after too many words here, I too think that something more might have "come to a head" that night. Maybe it was Vasi's hit and run? Something happened that started a LOT of activity. And I AM NOT SURE THAT FRED'S VISIT THAT WEEKEND WAS JUST FOR BUYING A NEW CAR --- THERE MIGHT HAVE BEEN SOMETHING BIGGER HE WAS TRYING TO HELP HER WITH.

WOW..........your posts lately are very thought provoking - IMHO - I am surprised this has not been brought to light before ( I dont know if it has) makes sense though..........Keep going back to the friend " i don't want to get her in trouble" Insult to injury once she went missing to bring this up.. did it really matter? some say NO - probably it did. WOW

Amherst, MA

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Mar 23, 2009





Mason wrote:
Another problem people face when someone they love is suddenly missing is the unethical person offering to help for a price.
Sometimes an offer to help for free can be even worse than help offered for a price.
Mason wrote:
Don't understand how someone could be so lacking in the ability to empathize that they would see a person's anguish as an opportunity to take their money by fraud and run. I know such people exist because I've dealt with them.
I've seen evil defined as a willful inability or lack of capacity to empathize. I believe this the best definition of evil that I've seen and a handbook should include a discussion of the types of scams and how to spot one of these characters.
Some scammers are really easy to spot. They have PI licenses or "forensics" degrees and they work for people who would lose a lot of money if the cause of the person's disappearance became known.
These kinds of scammers pretend to be offering help to the family, but they are actually directing the family and everyone else away from the truth.

Amherst, MA

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Mar 23, 2009
White Wash wrote:
Advocate4 wrote:
Kmayotte posted:
I first wanted to thank Sharon for responding to Pike's comments regarding the supervisor who spoke to Maura the last night of work. I am the supervisor, as well as Maura's good friend, and that night will not leave my mind. Please do not assume that I did not help Maura, because reading the recent post was upsetting. I love Maura, and I did everything in my power to help her. I held her as she was crying, I walked her back to her room, I gave her my cell phone so I could bring her to Dunkin Donuts in the morning. Previous to that I had begged to bring her to a campus counselor, or just out to Dunkins that night when she got out of shift. She told me that she was okay, and that she would be going home to a roommate (which I never realized beforehand that she had a single room). After Maura headed up to her room I did call my boss, telling him of the situation and that I did not like leaving her in such a condition. I was unable to go up to her dorm room because my walkie talkie gear would of not gotten a signal in the tower that she lives in.
Pike also wondered why I did not call her parents...I do not have access to her personal information, and I was only friends with her on a work-related atmosphere. The next morning I woke up ready to take Maura to Dunkins, however I could not get in contact with her and I had a five year old son at home with a flu.
I hope this post allows people to realize I did the most I could for my friend. I love Maura, and it is relieving to read up on all the posts of caring friends and family.
Small point, probably irrelevant, but I think you copied the name slightly wrong. Check the capitalization of the first two letters again.

Amherst, MA

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Mar 23, 2009
White Wash wrote:
Advocate4 wrote:
Kmayotte posted:
Sorry, didn't specify the name. Please check the name and see whether the first two letters of the name, as printed, are capitalized or not. Thanks.

Bethlehem, NH

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Mar 23, 2009
Mason wrote:
<quoted text>
Thanks, for opening my eyes. I can't believe I wasted an entire weekend on a snipe hunt.
I'd love to wring Columbo's neck, right now.
I am really pissed off at him.
At least I now know to disregard everything he says.
And, avoid him like the plague.
He likes sending people on snipe hunts and if he gets caught he just refuses to answer.
He wouldn't even say when or what area this happened in and after asking a couple of people and having them almost laugh themselves silly I asked no further.
Detective Columbo wrote:
***I even had guns pointed at me when driving into peoples driveways. "WELCOME TO NH, NOW GO HOME" Like the bumper sticker says.
Just a point I want to make....***

Wowzer wrote: Since you made such a damaging statement about this area I'd like to see you back it up with names of the gun toters or at least the houses where your life was threatened with guns.

Detective Columbo wrote:
***I will not answer your question about when or where guns were pointed at me. It is the truth and I know it for a fact. Also almost everyone in the North Country has a gun in the house, carries a gun in their vehicle or has a gun on their person.***

Amherst, MA

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Mar 23, 2009
Mason wrote:
<quoted text>
I believe he deliberately tossed us a red herring and I am furious.
From now on I am going to presume that everything he posts is a calculated effort to keep us running like hampsters on a wheel.
Columbo, who's your master?
A very close friend of someone who's known me very well for almost 60 years.
Mason wrote:
<quoted text>

Why are you deliberately trying to obstruct our effort to solve Maura's disappearance?

You're representing the person responsible for Maura's disappearance, aren't you?

You're covering his trail by dropping false clues to attract attention to Haverhill, aren't you?
That means the answer will be found in Amherst, doesn't it?

You're disgusting.
Ya think????????

Bethlehem, NH

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Mar 23, 2009
M_Chaplin wrote:
When your car breaks down, in this case the motor blew because of a the oil pump seizing. Without the engine running to produce heat all you have left is walking. It was a long cold walk, you can't really be any more resourceful than that wtf. You knock on someones door in the north country that late out there odds are your gonna see the wrong end of a gun. As for oh my they were talking about my cousin Skye Weeks. I'm glad they don't post on here anymore. I have found some videos but they are all about the shooting, and when he stopped Liko in 03. Also about when he stopped this girl sarah but no truck footage.
Oh My said a lot of very bad and untrue things about a lot of people in this area including family men and women and business owners.
He/she didn't seem to care who's name they damaged.

Amherst, MA

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Mar 23, 2009
So how do people who have a second/vacation house in Bath refer to it?

Amherst, MA

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Mar 23, 2009
Given the unique and similar relationship that Maura Murray may have had and the late David Eliot Marks (b. 2/23/1952) did have with a third person, it seems quite possible that Murray and Marks met their fates very near each other.

Amherst, MA

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Mar 23, 2009
Sojourns in Westminster, Vermont has an alternative medicine apothecary. Sojourns was established through the generosity of a Rockefeller.

Amherst, MA

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Mar 23, 2009
The Vasi hit theory is a distinct possibility.

About a half dozen people within a few hundred feet of where Vasi was found and who have a connection to the late Richard Johnson have expressed unusually intense interest in what happened to Maura Murray.


Sharon, MA

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Mar 23, 2009
White Wash wrote:
And who killed Kathy Brunell, yet another death in the North Country?
She killed her self why isn't that acceptable to you?
<quoted text>
I do not know who KB is but I do know that the family of Nicholas Garza was absolutely hell bent on insisting that his disappearance was a result of foul play. They made it into a huge town/gown (Middlebury College) conflict. It turns out that a very inebriated NG slipped and fell into a fast moving stream. His death was an accident. But his family to this day still blame the citizens of Middlebury Vt for his death.

Gilford, NH

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Mar 23, 2009
Beagle wrote:
So how do people who have a second/vacation house in Bath refer to it?
I don't know how they refer to their second home, I know we always called them flatlanders.

Amherst, MA

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Mar 23, 2009
Does Stockley's crush cars?

Gilford, NH

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Mar 23, 2009
Beagle wrote:
Given the unique and similar relationship that Maura Murray may have had and the late David Eliot Marks (b. 2/23/1952) did have with a third person, it seems quite possible that Murray and Marks met their fates very near each other.
I'm sorry maybe it's because I'm over tired but could you tell me who this Marks fellow is please? And where he met his fate. Thank you.

Amherst, MA

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Mar 23, 2009
M_Chaplin wrote:
<quoted text>
I don't know how they refer to their second home, I know we always called them flatlanders.
How do people who own a second house in Bath refer to this house?

Amherst, MA

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Mar 23, 2009





There are many, many reasons to believe that Maura Murray was involved with the sale or use of some kind of life extending drugs or something along this line.
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