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Joined: Nov 24, 2008

Comments: 455

Bristol, CT

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Mar 24, 2009
Beagle wrote:
Do you know where the rifle range is?
I sure do.


Marlborough, CT

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Mar 24, 2009



WTF-the-original wrote:
<quoted text>
I sure do.
The one off 112 in Bath?

Shallotte, NC

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Mar 24, 2009






I've had a question that has been nagging me for years and I am hoping you may be able to put something into perspective for me.

There was an annual state wide ice fishing tournament the weekend prior to Maura's disappearance. This particular ice fishing tournament is one of the largest sporting events of the year in New Hampshire. I read this on the NH Fish & Game website just in case people might want to disagree.

Do you happen to know what type of impact this particular event might have had on the immediate area re: traffic, tourists, motels and vacation homes occupancy, etc. I understand there are a few smaller ponds and Lake Tarleton is not too far.

I'd also like to add that I was online the day RO came forward with the description of the red truck on the day of the volunteer search in the fall of '06'. I was waiting to hear news of the search because I was unable to physically be there to volunteer.

I was given the impression that the Red Truck was more in the lines of a commercial vehicle with a red cab, a flat bed, and wood slats. RO went so far as to mention that she believed it was the type of truck that hauled wood. She stated there was a small window in the back and this was what led her to believe it was an older model vehicle.

I was led to believe the red truck may have been an F-250. RO also mentioned that it was not diesel and the license plate was Red & White.
Detective Columbo

Littleton, NH

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Mar 24, 2009



Do they hold hunter saftey courses at the Rifle Range on Rte. 112?

United States

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Mar 24, 2009
quija wrote:
KMayotte's post seemed to me to be only about that night, not that KM suggested couseling in the past.(not exact quote) "I previously advised her to seek couseling or at least go out for coffee that night after work"... I think what KM said about counseling was something said earlier in that night's emotional scene. If I find the exact quote again, I'll reread it --- I'd like to hear what you all think after taking another look at it.
Quija, from the previous page:

ScooterD wrote:
<quoted text>
White Wash, thanks for posting this as a refresher. Now re-reading this it's the first time I realized KM said she PREVIOUSLY begged Maura to go to a counselor. Maybe she just wrote this poorly but now I read it as "previous to that night."
She also wrote she walked Maura up to her room...and later writes she couldn't go see Maura because her walkie-talkie would not have gotten a signal.
I am not suggesting KM is involved in Mauras disappearnce; but imo, she had to know of what was so upsetting to Maura and one would think LE would know this info. Brings me all back to my original theory that the answer lies in Amherst OR West Point...along with the perp.
I also interpret this as previous to that night and for me that is a stunning revelation. VERY meaningful. And Kmayote's deep concern for Maura comes through very clearly in this post. It is very strange because I had read this post by Kmayotte eons ago and at that time none of this hit me in the same way as it did just now. Clearly there is a history here of Maura having serious problems before the night of that phone call.

Joined: Nov 24, 2008

Comments: 455

Bristol, CT

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Mar 24, 2009
mcsmom wrote:
<quoted text>
The one off 112 in Bath?
Around the 1500 block of rt 112 on the north side of Rt. 112 (Wild Ammonoosuc Rd or Lost River Rd) and south of the river and about 1.5 miles west of Whitcherville rd and 1 mile east of Bradley hill.

Is this the one that everyone is talking about?


Concord, MA

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Mar 24, 2009
ScooterD wrote:
<quoted text>
Quija, from the previous page:
ScooterD wrote:
<quoted text>
White Wash, thanks for posting this as a refresher. Now re-reading this it's the first time I realized KM said she PREVIOUSLY begged Maura to go to a counselor. Maybe she just wrote this poorly but now I read it as "previous to that night."
She also wrote she walked Maura up to her room...and later writes she couldn't go see Maura because her walkie-talkie would not have gotten a signal.
I am not suggesting KM is involved in Mauras disappearnce; but imo, she had to know of what was so upsetting to Maura and one would think LE would know this info. Brings me all back to my original theory that the answer lies in Amherst OR West Point...along with the perp.
I also interpret this as previous to that night and for me that is a stunning revelation. VERY meaningful. And Kmayote's deep concern for Maura comes through very clearly in this post. It is very strange because I had read this post by Kmayotte eons ago and at that time none of this hit me in the same way as it did just now. Clearly there is a history here of Maura having serious problems before the night of that phone call.
Hi Scooter, I'm very willing to reread and think on it (and "sleep on it") in a different way... the way you suddenly interpreted it after all these years. You're right about KM obviously caring deeply for Maura, so I'll try to get below "word depth" into what KM was really trying to articulate here. Thanks, Quij

Marlborough, CT

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Mar 24, 2009





I recall Smith saying to Sherlock "sometimes trash, sometimes shells" as in a cryptic sort of way, because it is normally said "sometimes trash, sometimes treasure" We all know beach shells can't be detected by a metal detector....

Concord, MA

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Mar 24, 2009





If Maura is alive and living a new life, we should leave her alone. It is very unlikely she was abducted by a serial killer in that small window of time. What was going on in her life, the trouble she may have been in, as before, has been hidden from the public for five years. There were family issues and if anyone says there were not I will lay them out right here. I don't want to. This was not a conspiracy, and this was not what the family led us to believe. LE knew this from, maybe, the second day, Tuesday. This is ridiculous. We have wasted so much time on a young lady in special circumstances who was not the victim of foul play (IMO) on Rt. 112 in Woodsville. This is a behavior and family issue.

Carlisle, MA

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Mar 24, 2009





Mcsmom, I remember that a chap was using a metal detector roadside 112, and an officer stopped and questioned him...and basically advised that he
should move along...guess that was Sherlock...?

United States

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Mar 24, 2009





quija wrote:
KMayotte's post seemed to me to be only about that night, not that KM suggested couseling in the past.(not exact quote) "I previously advised her to seek couseling or at least go out for coffee that night after work"... I think what KM said about counseling was something said earlier in that night's emotional scene. If I find the exact quote again, I'll reread it --- I'd like to hear what you all think after taking another look at it.
That's how I'd read it too. As in "previously in the conversation."

Will you go to the counseling center?
No. No, I'll be ok.
Well, how about you meet me tomorrow at Dunkin so we can talk?

Would be to me how that sort of conversation would go.

United States

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Mar 24, 2009



mcsmom wrote:
I recall Smith saying to Sherlock "sometimes trash, sometimes shells" as in a cryptic sort of way, because it is normally said "sometimes trash, sometimes treasure" We all know beach shells can't be detected by a metal detector....
Presumably these would be.....ammo shells? Which are made out of metal? But I don't remember the quote or anything at all about what you're talking

Gilmanton Iron Works, NH

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Mar 24, 2009




elsewherebriefly wrote:
I've had a question that has been nagging me for years and I am hoping you may be able to put something into perspective for me.
There was an annual state wide ice fishing tournament the weekend prior to Maura's disappearance. This particular ice fishing tournament is one of the largest sporting events of the year in New Hampshire. I read this on the NH Fish & Game website just in case people might want to disagree.
Do you happen to know what type of impact this particular event might have had on the immediate area re: traffic, tourists, motels and vacation homes occupancy, etc. I understand there are a few smaller ponds and Lake Tarleton is not too far.
I'd also like to add that I was online the day RO came forward with the description of the red truck on the day of the volunteer search in the fall of '06'. I was waiting to hear news of the search because I was unable to physically be there to volunteer.
I was given the impression that the Red Truck was more in the lines of a commercial vehicle with a red cab, a flat bed, and wood slats. RO went so far as to mention that she believed it was the type of truck that hauled wood. She stated there was a small window in the back and this was what led her to believe it was an older model vehicle.
I was led to believe the red truck may have been an F-250. RO also mentioned that it was not diesel and the license plate was Red & White.
At that time every year the Meredith rotary has their annual fishing derby on lake winnipesaukee.
thats 1.5 - 2 hours away from there. Lake tarlton is about 30 minutes from there. As for the rifle range it's about 2 miles from there on the left going towards Woodstock and yes they do hunter safetry as thats where I took it. It's called The ammonoosuc valley fish and game club.

Shallotte, NC

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Mar 24, 2009





Thanks so much M. Chaplin,

It doesn't sound like your area has much impact re: influx of traffic, etc. and you may very well be right about the Rotary Club founding it, I believe that year first prize was a Chevy Silverado.

I was going by the photo albums on the NH Fish & Game website.

Here are some quotes from the ice fishing photo albums on the NH Fish & Game Website.

"Caught three different rainbows in a lake in Grafton County. I caught the first one (shown above) last year on Valentine's Day. It weighed 6.8 pounds. The second one was caught in a snowstorm 2 weeks ago (late February). It was a fat female at 22½ inches, and a weight of 5.08 lbs. The 3rd, caught last week during a snow storm, was 23½ inches, and weighed 5.05. I also have 2 more bows on the wall. One at 5.04 lbs, and the other at 4.13, which took 3rd in the Winny derby in 2003. All from the same lake! Thanks" --John, Lebanon, N.H."

"Renaud of Dalton is one of (if not the) finest trophy northern pike anglers in New Hampshire. Already the New Hampshire state record holder (45 inches, 24 lbs. 14.4 oz), attached is a picture of his latest effort, taken late ice (March 2005) in the Connecticut River.--John A. XXXX, fisheries biologist"

I'm proud to send you folks a picture of the biggest rainbow I have ever caught. It was just 23" and went on my digital scale right at the 5-lb. mark. Place caught -- SMALL LAKE IN GRAFTON COUNTY JAN 27th. Thanks for all you people do keep up the good work!!! Now to get the kids one!!! HAPPY ICE-FISHING to all of you!!!!"

Omaha, NE

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Mar 24, 2009
I'm still at ah that Beagle is 60.. I would have never guessed.

Mason, Beagle, Quija
Keep the think tank going

Joined: Oct 16, 2008

Comments: 471

Modesto, CA

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Mar 24, 2009



elsewherebriefly wrote:
There was an annual state wide ice fishing
Ice fishing. Cut a hole in the ice in a lake. Fish for fish swimming in water in the middle of February.

This proves a hole could be cut in the lake.

Ergo - a weighed down body could be dumped in it, never to resurface, theoretically.

Have divers gone down there?

Gilmanton Iron Works, NH

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Mar 24, 2009
They usually give a truck boat and trailer for first place and second a quad. Thats for the largest tagged fish. Has there ever been mention of the miles of fire roads that are about 4 miles from the crash? They go all through the mountains nothing more than dirt access roads in case of forest fires and used by hunters.

Gilmanton Iron Works, NH

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Mar 24, 2009



Benjamin Franklyne wrote:
<quoted text>
Ice fishing. Cut a hole in the ice in a lake. Fish for fish swimming in water in the middle of February.
This proves a hole could be cut in the lake.
Ergo - a weighed down body could be dumped in it, never to resurface, theoretically.
Have divers gone down there?
There is a small lake called long pond about 20 minutes from the crash site but it's not that deep you can see bottom across the whole thing and you can't drive to it with a car or truck in the winter. A sled or wheeler yes, but most augers drill a hole big enough for a fish not a person weighted to go through. In fact alot of fish are to big to get through the hole they make.

Omaha, NE

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Mar 24, 2009





quija wrote:
If Maura is alive and living a new life, we should leave her alone. It is very unlikely she was abducted by a serial killer in that small window of time. What was going on in her life, the trouble she may have been in, as before, has been hidden from the public for five years. There were family issues and if anyone says there were not I will lay them out right here. I don't want to. This was not a conspiracy, and this was not what the family led us to believe. LE knew this from, maybe, the second day, Tuesday. This is ridiculous. We have wasted so much time on a young lady in special circumstances who was not the victim of foul play (IMO) on Rt. 112 in Woodsville. This is a behavior and family issue.
CONTRAVERSIAL - not to offend anyone.. I have to say it....... Been driving me crazy since Quija post last Friday


I agree. I am sad to see Fred go - I do think he was the closest at solving this. Even if she didn't go missing - there better be a damn good reason she skipped out clinicals - packed her room , took almost all of her cash and head in broken car to the white mts? even if it was just to clear her head. An answer of why she put her family/billy through the trauma of not knowing where she was/is.......... so to add on top of that she went missing. I too do not believe this case will ever be solved without knowing her prior life. It must have some important info or it would not be held a secret for 5 long years. The family does know her prior life - I feel for those that didn't know. Those close to her probably have an "idea' of what went wrong.

Maura - if you are out there - I wish you nothing but peace, love and happiness - most of all freedom from whatever was haunting you.

Omaha, NE

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Mar 24, 2009
I should also add - Oh Many One - Beagle, Quija, Whiston, WTF, BF keep on digging..

wowzer - you make more sense every day.. olive branch. Hope you accept.

I think the we are closer to truth than ever before........ at least since I have been on. Making more sense too...
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