Amherst, MA
Please, what about the dump truck driver/owner/employer scenario as asked a few posts ago? I would really appreciate some answers to this. Thank you very much.
“Honesty and justice for all”
Joined: Sep 22, 2007
Comments: 351
Londonderry, NH
“Maura Murray was born May 4, 1982 in eastern Massachusetts. From a very young age, she showed outstanding athletic ability. Her father Fred Murray encouraged her and often coached her in youth leagues including basketball, softball, and soccer. Maura also loved to hike and run. Although soccer was her best sport, she loved basketball and running the most. As a freshman in high school, Maura was the starting point guard on the high school varsity team. During her sophomore year, she gave up all sports to concentrate on running track and cross country. Maura set and still holds many running records in all levels of competition in the state of Massachusetts. Before Maura’s disappearance, she also excelled in academics. In 2000, she graduated fourth in her high school class. She scored 1420 out of 1600 on her college SAT entrance exam, and was accepted as a cadet at the United States Military Academy at West Point. Maura spent 1 1/2 years at West Point majoring in Chemical Engineering before she transferred to the University of Massachusetts at Amherst to pursue a major in Nursing. At both West Point and U Mass, Maura excelled in the class room and on the cross country courses and track fields. She was on the Dean’s List each semester until her disappearance."
Amherst, MA
Also, could a backhoe have dug a reasonably deep grave not too far from the Rt. 112 curve?
Brockton, MA
LvsNH wrote: <quoted text> Read again - "Maura met her boyfriend, Billy Rausch, in the fall of 2001 while attending West Point." Maura was at West Point in the fall of 2001, she did NOT leave early Jan. 2001. You and I are reading different sources. I am not stating anything to be fact.
Johnson, VT
Old Timer wrote: This area has it Ups and Downs and I have seen them firsthand, but overall it is a nice place. I love living here in NH, I am a local and will probably be here til I die. It doesn't matter what she was doing here, SHE WAS JUST HERE. Whatever comes of this We will all go on with our lives, some just a little sooner than others. Time heals all wounds as I have learned in my life. Art Hi Old timer, I am also from this area and come here shocked at the objective of most is to desecrate a forum run by family members of a person whom went missing here. This is a sad forum. Most locals want to know what happened to her and they feel that with the kidness in their hearts. Read wowzers posts and I believe she/he feels that way. The most prominante point here is to bash mmm but there is nothing new here to replace anything already discussed over the past five years. If someone wants to point out some item that is new since this forum started, I would be interested to hear.
Amherst, MA
Anne wrote: <quoted text>Hi Old timer, I am also from this area and come here shocked at the objective of most is to desecrate a forum run by family members of a person whom went missing here. This is a sad forum. Most locals want to know what happened to her and they feel that with the kidness in their hearts. Read wowzers posts and I believe she/he feels that way. The most prominante point here is to bash mmm but there is nothing new here to replace anything already discussed over the past five years. If someone wants to point out some item that is new since this forum started, I would be interested to hear. Maybe you could do that by reading and responding to post 17777. Thank you.
Brockton, MA
whiston wrote: Hi all ,i never thought Helena ran the old forum with an iron hand. I think of her, as i do Sharon Rausch even though we have never spoken. I think of them as good and decent people who i trust and were, and are, doing what they can with the facts they were provided with at the time.I know i annoyed them with my questions about Amherst and Mauras ' prior life and for that i am really sorry.The fact remains it is as if Maura never existed before feb09 2004.Sometimes i really wonder if this is someones pet project and i await the book announcement.take care philip Helena DID run MMM with an iron hand. She had no choice. Helena did what Fred told her to do. I am sure that there were days that Helena was made very stressed by Sharon's open and honest revelations of Maura's past life. Helena worked her heart out, but her hands were tied. Which is why you were not allowed to ask questions about Amherst.
Amherst, MA
Suzanne wrote: <quoted text> Helena DID run MMM with an iron hand. She had no choice. Helena did what Fred told her to do. I am sure that there were days that Helena was made very stressed by Sharon's open and honest revelations of Maura's past life. Helena worked her heart out, but her hands were tied. Which is why you were not allowed to ask questions about Amherst. But why were questions not allowed about Amherst?
Brockton, MA
I repeat Helena DID RUN THAT FORUM WITH AN IRON HAND. I was there, I read it, And there is plenty of reason to criticize MMM if one so desires for one thing without the iron hand control of the Murray family on that forum the abiding mystery of 'where is Maura' might be solved today. People on that forum worked very very hard. They climbed to the roof of their house and threw wine boxes off, rented cars to spatter liquids thru licorice sticks to study spatter patterns, they made innumerable trips to Rte112. They worked their guts out and did not get one word of thanks. All they got was obfuscation and misdirection. This forum has uncovered more new info than MMM ever did.
United States
Suzanne wrote: <quoted text> Read the above glowing article on Maura, states she entered WP June 2000, left early Jan 2001. June July early Aug were non-academic boot camp meaning she had one semester at WP. Who knows what is true. We certainly don't. We know nothing not even the most basic fundamental and harmless facts. There are forces out there that are ensuring that we don't know these facts. I have to wonder why. Although I 'm not sure that I care anymore. Boot camp, beast, whatever you call it, it is still considered part of West Point's training, even though it's not part of their academic training. It isn't, as you said, that she "spent just four months there, Sept-Dec". (this, perhaps, may have translated into one of the articles as "three semesters" somehow. Summer, fall....yeah, don't know how they got the third semester out of it, but there's two accounted for potentially)
United States
Beagle wrote: <quoted text>Not questioning you, Scooter, but is this birthday from a reliable source? Also, was Maura Murray born in a hospital? Anyone know this? For sure? What, now you want a sodding BIRTH CERTIFICATE? Some people will see conspiracies wherever they look. When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
United States
Beagle wrote: <quoted text>Maybe you could do that by reading and responding to post 17777. Thank you. Maybe people don't respond to it because they have nothing to say about it.
Brockton, MA
There are spineless wimps on this forum, people who do not have the courage of their convictions. People who simper, whimper and whine and cower in a corner for fear of disapproval. These people are so terrified of disapproval that they make me want to puke. I so totally agree with Mason's last post.
United States
Suzanne wrote: <quoted text> Helena DID run MMM with an iron hand. She had no choice. Helena did what Fred told her to do. I am sure that there were days that Helena was made very stressed by Sharon's open and honest revelations of Maura's past life. Helena worked her heart out, but her hands were tied. Which is why you were not allowed to ask questions about Amherst. Wait. This is the SECOND time I've heard you state intimate details about an MMM poster, as if you've known them for years, as if you are certain of facts because you have been told them. First was Shack, now it's Helena. Suzanne, I'm really confused.
Brockton, MA
Anne wrote: <quoted text> The most prominante point here is to bash mmm. MMM SHOULD be bashed, in fact the very bashing of MMM is progress.
United States
Suzanne wrote: I repeat Helena DID RUN THAT FORUM WITH AN IRON HAND. I was there, I read it, And there is plenty of reason to criticize MMM if one so desires for one thing without the iron hand control of the Murray family on that forum the abiding mystery of 'where is Maura' might be solved today. People on that forum worked very very hard. They climbed to the roof of their house and threw wine boxes off, rented cars to spatter liquids thru licorice sticks to study spatter patterns, they made innumerable trips to Rte112. They worked their guts out and did not get one word of thanks. All they got was obfuscation and misdirection. This forum has uncovered more new info than MMM ever did. 1. what has this forum uncovered, exactly? In terms of facts. Please--I'm serious. 2. Setting aside that most of us probably aren't in this for the thanks, I actually HAVE been thanked, privately, by family members (and I include Sharon as one, as I know you do Suzanne), by investigators, by other forum members who do or don't know or are or aren't related to Maura. Fred Murray published a letter to the editor thanking the residents of the Haverhill area for their help.(at least one) It's probably been posted on MMM site, words of thanks. I don't know, because that's not one of the things I've been looking for to reread. They're not as important to me as clues, facts, information. One word of thanks? THAT'S what you're angry about??
United States
Suzanne wrote: There are spineless wimps on this forum, people who do not have the courage of their convictions. People who simper, whimper and whine and cower in a corner for fear of disapproval. These people are so terrified of disapproval that they make me want to puke. I so totally agree with Mason's last post. ....and I'm sure a lot of the time you wish I was one of them, so I'd be quiet and stop bugging you so much. ;-)
Minneapolis, MN
White Wash wrote: Advocate4 wrote: 3-1-06 Kmayotte posted: I love Maura, and I did everything in my power to help her. I held her as she was crying, I walked her back to her room, <snip> After Maura headed up to her room <HUH> I did call my boss, telling him of the situation and that I did not like leaving her in such a condition. I was unable to go up to her dorm room because my walkie talkie gear would of not gotten a signal in the tower that she lives in. This sounds like she is referring to a previous night? Or at least some point in time where she did walk Maura back to her room? I tried to bring the whole quote for all to compare, but can't now, sorry
Brockton, MA
This is today's news hot off the press - NH is the safest of all the 50 states to live in, lowest crime rate of all 50 states. Congratulations NH.
Gilmanton Iron Works, NH
Beagle wrote: Okay, if you don't know what a clam shell is, do you know what a backhoe is? A front end loader? A clamshell is the boom that grabs onto logs on a logging truck! A backhoe which I operate, is a tractor with a front bucket and a digging shovel on the back a.k.a I run a case 580 k extendahoe. Also a front end loader is a large front bucket tractor which I also operate, it's a cat 988 other wise known as the big dog.