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Worcester, MA

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Thursday Apr 23




Depends on what side of the period you
land FireCat.

Some of us believe it should be for all.
Family,PI's,Photographers,FIT, ect.
some believe some are more entitled then
others to such information.

Some of us find PI's running off witnesses and Father's withholding
a knife from LE as really not helping
the investigation IOP.
FireCat wrote:
Because it's an ongoing criminal investigation. Period.

Worcester, MA

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Thursday Apr 23



Hey Art,
Like Shack I am my Father's Daughter he
use to tell me this "you can't bull shit
the bull shitter'
Old Timer wrote:
Do you have a BS degree? I am sure you do and in my book that stands for..Bullshit.

Worcester, MA

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Thursday Apr 23





Speaking of Shallow and MEAN
women secretaries to do it for him...with his"
Shack wrote:
jmth...only my words and advice..Pls,do not send
anything to him....if he isn't intelligent
enough to do it on his own...being a big deal
attorney....he can get one of his shallow
women secretaries to do it for him...with his
If you do not trust me..check with w/Helena.Pls.

Saint Johnsbury, VT

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Thursday Apr 23





earthburner wrote:
i've been sick to my stomach since day one, duck meat is very greasy.
Your mistaken thats the mason flu epidemic

Worcester, MA

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Thursday Apr 23





Well according to the LE I have spoken w/they have informed Fred Murray of their findings.
Fred Murray has someone assigned to him from the AG's office.
Let's be real Fred's question is have you found her? No he shuts down.
He has zero interest or desire in anything from LE that has so do with
w/anything short of her being found!
Snowy White wrote:
Missed the discussion on the other forum until just now...have extracted some quotes...gotta' run, but this one by Mason is excellent...happy to share it:
You're forgetting that Fred Murray filed his lawsuit in late 2005, approximately 18 months after Maura disappeared. At that time, the NHSP still considered her to be a missing person. The State did not reclassify her case as a criminal investigation until later.
The critical point that I focused on was the NHSP's refusal to tell Fred Murray anything during the 18-month period that Maura was officially considered a missing person.
Police generally are more willing to share information about a missing person with the missing person's family than would be the case in a criminal investigation unless they believe there is a possibility that the missing person fled because she was afraid of someone in her family. This is the point that you stubbornly refuse to acknowledge, Peri. This point is fatal to your argument.
In other words, your entire argument is 100% bullshit.
Also, even though you and I agree that Maura probably is dead and a victim of foul play, I must again point out that the NHSP's decision to reclassify her case as a criminal investigation does not mean the NHSP ruled out that she's alive or ruled out suicide. Police don't have to rule out two out of three possibilities to classify a case as an investigation of the the third and final possibility.
Your saying that when the NHSP reclassified her case as a criminal investigation it did so because it ruled out that she's alive and ruled out suicide makes as much sense as someone saying before the reclassification that its initial decision to classify her case as a missing person meant it had ruled out death by suicide and death by foul play.
Your reasoning also is fatally flawed by your stubborn refusal to consider the effect of his lawsuit. By reclassifying her case as a criminal investigation, the NHSP had a much stronger legal argument against disclosure. The trial court's order after the Supreme Court's reversal of its first order and the remand to reconsider his arguments in light of its opinion resulted in the trial court denying him everything he wanted except for a few trivial and unimportant matters that he could have cared less about. Therefore, he did not win anything except an expensive bill for legal services.
I've pointed this out to you several times, but you keep repeating the same bullshit argument over and over as if by mere repetition you will somehow convince everyone you are right.
You have about as much of chance of convincing anyone with a brain that you're right as you would have convincing your neighbors that the Earth is flat if you stood on a street corner in your neighborhood and screamed over and over that the Earth is flat.
It's irritating, annoying, and the more you repeat it, the crazier you sound.
Jesus H. Christ on a bicycle. Enough already!
Come on ducks! Your arguments are now peripathetic.
Can any one of you walk and chew gum at the same time?
I suppose you could summon Sophie Bean. She's always good for a bunch of screams."

Joined: Mar 26, 2009

Comments: 196

Halifax, N.S.

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Thursday Apr 23





Anne wrote:
<quoted text>Thank you Lady Gray, I have had it on the tip of my tongue to ask for the very same thing! So, Mason, etc., maybe someone can ask SBD and CW for their work schedules that night. Like Dawn says, it will help them not be pois, I guess. White Wash, you know CW, maybe you could help. It would certainly alleviate a lot of the controversy here.
Hopefully law enforcement has this information, what has been gathered from forums, and media and family, PI:

CW left work as per log at 1900 from Franconia and drove the 112 home. Unknown if log signing was witnessed, or if he left when he said he did.

SBD dropped the children off at Woodsville school at 1830, unknown when he actually departed only when he arrived, unknown route he took home, well not 100% sure, whether down 302 and onto 112 or if he came across Swiftwater Road/Gooselane Rd. never quoted in media, other than he came from West on 112.

Presumably the police have exact times, and routes home.

Paducah, KY

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Thursday Apr 23





I am a law professor. I do not represent clients and would not agree to represent anyone in any case, no matter how much money they offered to pay me.

I have no financial interest in Maura's case.

I want to see justice done in Maura's case. I have an intelligent, independent, and beautiful daughter who is one-year, one-month, and one-day older than Maura. They look enough alike that I think they could pass for sisters.

I think of Maura as though she were my daughter and there is no force on this planet or in this universe that will stop me in my quest to expose the truth for everyone to see.

Joined: Mar 26, 2009

Comments: 196

Halifax, N.S.

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Thursday Apr 23





Snowy White wrote:
Missed the discussion on the other forum until just now...have extracted some quotes...gotta' run, but this one by Mason is excellent...happy to share it:
You're forgetting that Fred Murray filed his lawsuit in late 2005, approximately 18 months after Maura disappeared. At that time, the NHSP still considered her to be a missing person. The State did not reclassify her case as a criminal investigation until later.
The critical point that I focused on was the NHSP's refusal to tell Fred Murray anything during the 18-month period that Maura was officially considered a missing person.
Police generally are more willing to share information about a missing person with the missing person's family than would be the case in a criminal investigation unless they believe there is a possibility that the missing person fled because she was afraid of someone in her family. This is the point that you stubbornly refuse to acknowledge, Peri. This point is fatal to your argument.
In other words, your entire argument is 100% bullshit.
Also, even though you and I agree that Maura probably is dead and a victim of foul play, I must again point out that the NHSP's decision to reclassify her case as a criminal investigation does not mean the NHSP ruled out that she's alive or ruled out suicide. Police don't have to rule out two out of three possibilities to classify a case as an investigation of the the third and final possibility.
Your saying that when the NHSP reclassified her case as a criminal investigation it did so because it ruled out that she's alive and ruled out suicide makes as much sense as someone saying before the reclassification that its initial decision to classify her case as a missing person meant it had ruled out death by suicide and death by foul play.
Your reasoning also is fatally flawed by your stubborn refusal to consider the effect of his lawsuit. By reclassifying her case as a criminal investigation, the NHSP had a much stronger legal argument against disclosure. The trial court's order after the Supreme Court's reversal of its first order and the remand to reconsider his arguments in light of its opinion resulted in the trial court denying him everything he wanted except for a few trivial and unimportant matters that he could have cared less about. Therefore, he did not win anything except an expensive bill for legal services.
I've pointed this out to you several times, but you keep repeating the same bullshit argument over and over as if by mere repetition you will somehow convince everyone you are right.
You have about as much of chance of convincing anyone with a brain that you're right as you would have convincing your neighbors that the Earth is flat if you stood on a street corner in your neighborhood and screamed over and over that the Earth is flat.
It's irritating, annoying, and the more you repeat it, the crazier you sound.
Jesus H. Christ on a bicycle. Enough already!
Come on ducks! Your arguments are now peripathetic.
Can any one of you walk and chew gum at the same time?
I suppose you could summon Sophie Bean. She's always good for a bunch of screams."
Well Snowy this is your version/spin of things.
and to quote Mason, well this says much about you
and your comments.

Special crimes unit took over investigation July 1,2004. Appears investigation was criminal then. And as mentioned Fred has an alibi, and has not been identified as a suspect, or interrogated as a suspect in Maura's investigation expect by those who make it a point to victimize the victim.

Yoy've changed positions from self appointed moderator to Doctress of Spin, and I remain a
DUCK honking for justice.

Saint Johnsbury, VT

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Thursday Apr 23





Mason wrote:
<quoted text>
I've never been in NH, VT, or ME. I spent 5 months in Boston in 1972, after I graduated from law school. Then, I moved to Chicago and two-years later to Seattle.
The last time I was in New England was 10 years before Maura was born.
you don't have to have traveled to new england to kill someone

Paducah, KY

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Thursday Apr 23





I work alone. I have no secretary, no paralegal, and no investigator.

Well, ducks. What's your next sleazy, slimy bullshit move.

Come on, don't be shy.

I'm in the mood to kick some ass.

You have eyes, but you do not see.

You have ears, but you do not hear.

You have brains, but you do not use them.

You take up space and contribute nothing positive.

You lie.

You dissemble.

You slime.

And you are so easy to put down.

Joined: Mar 26, 2009

Comments: 196

Halifax, N.S.

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Thursday Apr 23





Mason wrote:
I am a law professor. I do not represent clients and would not agree to represent anyone in any case, no matter how much money they offered to pay me.
I have no financial interest in Maura's case.
I want to see justice done in Maura's case. I have an intelligent, independent, and beautiful daughter who is one-year, one-month, and one-day older than Maura. They look enough alike that I think they could pass for sisters.
I think of Maura as though she were my daughter and there is no force on this planet or in this universe that will stop me in my quest to expose the truth for everyone to see.
You are exposed, you were asked to point to your associations with serial killers as you claim. You claim that you think of Maura as your daughter, considering the things you have said about Maura's father, this is balarney, and crude, and out there, and WEIRD.

Worcester, MA

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Thursday Apr 23







Mason wrote:
<quoted text>
I was one of two whistleblowers who were fired without cause for exposing that the Dean and the Assistant Dean were running a Ponzi scheme stealing student loan money. The Assistant Dean also was running a scheme awarding grades for sex.
The other whistleblower is a highly respected former circuit court judge named John John T. Daughaday. Our efforts produced a civil RICO lawsuit filed in federal court against the Dean and bthe Assistant Dean. The case was settled three months later and we were reinstated with full backpay.
Unfortunately, the new school (Barkley School of Law) born out of the former school (American Justice of Law) was multiple millions of dollars in debt due to the financial misdeeds of the former Dean and Assistant Dean. The new school collapsed under the debt and was unable to renew the contracts of all faculty members on August 31, 2008. It ceased operations effective December 31, 2008, and is now in bankruptcy.
Fortunately, Judge Daughaday (who was appointed Interim Dean of the Barkley School of Law) and the rest of the faculty, including me, were able to help all but a few of our students transfer into other law schools where they are performing very well academically.
Our faculty was rated exceptional by the ABA.
Principles matter to me and my students mattered to me. I will live or die by my principles, doesn't matter which outcome.
I doubt you can say the same.

Joined: Mar 26, 2009

Comments: 196

Halifax, N.S.

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Thursday Apr 23





p.s. Mason:

you said you had clients, now which is it? Cients no clients?

Joined: Mar 26, 2009

Comments: 196

Halifax, N.S.

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Thursday Apr 23





Well according to the LE I have spoken w/they have informed Fred Murray of their findings.
Fred Murray has someone assigned to him from the AG's office.
Let's be real Fred's question is have you found her? No he shuts down.
He has zero interest or desire in anything from LE that has so do with
w/anything short of her being found!
<quoted text>
I don't understand you here exactly, that you would presume to guess what Fred's interest is, other than finding his daughter. Don't get your point, or that you can presume.

Again you imply the police are leaking information to you, and if they are speaking about Fred to you and his interest and questions, this is way out of line.

Either the police department is blabbing all over the place, things they shouldn't or you are making it up. But perhaps this is your "great source" speaking.

Joined: Mar 26, 2009

Comments: 196

Halifax, N.S.

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Thursday Apr 23





Mason wrote:
I work alone. I have no secretary, no paralegal, and no investigator.
Well, ducks. What's your next sleazy, slimy bullshit move.
Come on, don't be shy.
I'm in the mood to kick some ass.
You have eyes, but you do not see.
You have ears, but you do not hear.
You have brains, but you do not use them.
You take up space and contribute nothing positive.
You lie.
You dissemble.
You slime.
And you are so easy to put down.
Nothing shy about my accusations, you are a fraud, and a very nasty person. Possibly distrubed. Also not to be believed.

Perhaps we will conduct a pole in the arena of public opinion, is Fred for Real, is Fred not for Real, is Fred beyond the pale. Something like this.

Well I knew no proof would be coming, and who you are working for humm, well I'm moving along, away from the twisted thoughts looming about, talk about Karma! the keyboard screams, Mason step away from the computer and spare others your thought, and as no force will move you, I can and will choose to remove myself, until you get your mediations adjusted.

Did ya get the expression in Gaelic about lawyers, well it begins, LIARS are....

Good luck with yourself Mason.

Joined: Mar 26, 2009

Comments: 196

Halifax, N.S.

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Thursday Apr 23





<quoted text>
White Wash it would appear you need your medications adjusted as well. How childish of you, and how disrespectful, I though you are made of better stuff than this, well good luck to you too. Seems you will need that taming your lips, and learning to talk without a forked tongue.

Keep quacking ducks, I need a drink.

Weeper could you meet me in the tent, Bob set up a round, we ducks are mightly thristy, see the rest of ya there, Jameison's on me
black kat

Manchester, NH

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Thursday Apr 23




Snowy White wrote:
Why did Maura delay in getting her driver's license until 20ish? Unusual under most circumstances.
Is it possible her father was a force of excessive force/discipline? Might he have valued his vehicle as much as his daughter....such that her wrecking his car was a heated topic/issue?
Maybe she had no need to have it. Maybe they were trying to save insurance money. Maybe she just wan't interested in learning how to drive. My son's friend didn't get his license until he was 26 just for these reasons.

Paducah, KY

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Thursday Apr 23





peripeteia wrote:
<quoted text>
Hopefully law enforcement has this information, what has been gathered from forums, and media and family, PI:
CW left work as per log at 1900 from Franconia and drove the 112 home. Unknown if log signing was witnessed, or if he left when he said he did.
SBD dropped the children off at Woodsville school at 1830, unknown when he actually departed only when he arrived, unknown route he took home, well not 100% sure, whether down 302 and onto 112 or if he came across Swiftwater Road/Gooselane Rd. never quoted in media, other than he came from West on 112.
Presumably the police have exact times, and routes home.
This is really helpful. If you dig really deep into the SBD's schedule, you'll probably find out about the drive-by shooting he committed in downtown Haverhill while driving that big old souped up yellow school bus after dropping off the kids from the ski trip at the high school in Woodsville. He plugged 33 people with the AK47 he always carries with him.

Then he sped back up to Woodsville and turned right on 302 and right again on 112. Then he got stuck behind a girl driving a Saturn too slowly, so he ran her off the road into a ditch and then for good measure, he backed into her so the trailer hitch he specially installed for situations like this would dent the engine hood. He tried to pull away, but the damn Saturn was stuck to the hitch. So he got out of the bus and squeezed off a couple of bursts that caused the spider crack in the windshield, reached through the hole, grabbed the driver by the hair, and pulled her dead body out through the hole super slenderizing her.

Then he opened the gas cap and stuffed her body through the opening into the gas tank, replaced the cap, and drove to his house. Just before he got there, he stopped and applied his specially made super-duper vice grip to the Saturn, pulled it off the trailer hitch, and dumped the Saturn in the ditch all without being seen.

Then he backed up, stopped, put the bus in forward, and rammed the Saturn head-on so the headlights would be cock-eyed. Then he drove home, asked his wife to call 911, and filled out his paperwork for the ski trip waiting for Cecil Smith to arrive.

Later that night, the SBD, the CW, and Cecil Smith popped some cold ones, retrieved the body from the gas tank, and sliced and diced the girl's body into mini-burgers for all the neighborhood cannibals to eat at the Stage Stop during the after-hours poker parties they have there.

As the Cottage Hospital staff was cleaning up the mess from the drive-by the night before, one old timer shook his head and said, "One of these days, we're gonna have to have a word with that mean ol' SBD. We been losing too many of our yung-uns. Ain't good for bidness, No, siree."

“ Good B chillaxin - TY Scott”

Joined: Jun 12, 2008

Comments: 1128

Danvers, MA

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Thursday Apr 23





OH MY wrote:
<quoted text>you know what blows my mind is how smart you think you are..key words are you think
it is with startling curiosity that i notice OH MY has become magnificently literate in the course of a few months.
i remember incoherent ramblings, partial phrases and offensive language in the past.
is this the same OH MY?

Paducah, KY

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Thursday Apr 23
OH MY wrote:
<quoted text>you don't have to have traveled to new england to kill someone
You are so very very stupid.

It's sad.

Why do you embarrass yourself posting such nonsense.

Have you no pride?
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